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Here is a thought, instead of rar/zipping up the entire folder instead leave it as a folder. So instead of downloading the entire 13 gig file it would download 13 gigs of files, if I understand how tcadmin will work if there is no zip or rar file named that. It will take longer the first time around, but when new updates come out, it should be much faster. What are everyones thoughts on this?

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Does the tcadmin config need to be changed at all here that you provided Peace. I think the server.cfg file location in default files needs to be changed right?


You Can change the Location yourself?




the Save the Template - Then Restart your MW3 Servers :)

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Here is a thought, instead of rar/zipping up the entire folder instead leave it as a folder. So instead of downloading the entire 13 gig file it would download 13 gigs of files, if I understand how tcadmin will work if there is no zip or rar file named that. It will take longer the first time around, but when new updates come out, it should be much faster. What are everyones thoughts on this?


As we host only 1 game type on each machine we have no archives but only folders (it reduce CPU usage on new server install) with Download Game Files from FTP Server deactivated.

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When I use the TCA file posted earlier the server won't load

+set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_queryPort 27016 +set net_masterServerPort 27015 +set net_port 27017 +set net_authPort 8766 +set sv_config server.cfg +set sv_maxclients 18 +start_map_rotate


But I can over ride the command line with below and it works? Whats the difference.


+set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_queryPort 27301 +set net_port 27302 +set net_masterServerPort 27300 +set net_authPort 27303 +set sv_maxclients 18 +set sv_config server.cfg +start_map_rotate
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Here's latest config that is in use (change comments in config templates cause now they are on russian). But i guess config will be changed again when everything with ports is clear. Because there's no console in main menu and i cant check what port is actually the game connection port. HLSW and GameTracker need different ports to monitor server. Its kinda messed up.

Call of Duty 8.txt

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I found disabling Game Compatibility and adding a Custom Port 3 for net_authPort worked. I also had to force all MW3 servers to a single IP because one of the ports is using (all of the IP's allotted to that server). 65k port range, we really aren't upset...just had to rearrange some port ranges for specific games.


Here is my new CMD line with everything modified (as defined above).

+set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_queryPort %serverport% +set net_masterServerPort %customport2% +set net_port %customport1% +set net_authPort %customport3% +set sv_config server.cfg +set sv_maxclients %slots% +set sv_maxplayers %slots% +start_map_rotate



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There are changes to some MP files...i don't give a damn about HLDSUPDATE tool and what it thinks :D



Edited by omnigenus
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If Peace is out there, We need your help


We've had servers up and running then our had to replace hardware and did a full reinstall of TCA. We backed up our game files and replaced them along with the working config files of the game (MW3 posted by peace). Now when we launch servers they stay up for maybe 5 minutes then crash and I have no idea why. This never happened before and the configs and templates are in place correctly to the best of my knowledge. The servers launch, stay up for about 5 minutes, then unexpectedly crash.


Our main tech (Spitfire on theses forums) is away until Sunday but the problem is we need support for our pro teams now. We have some major online cups and competitions in the next few days and without these servers functioning correctly we're up the river.Its vital to our organization that we have these up and functional in the next day or so and we'd be willing to compensate anyone who is willing to help us fix this crash problem.


This is our command line:

+set dedicated 2 +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_queryPort $[service.CustomPort1] +set net_masterServerPort $[service.GamePort] +set net_port $[service.CustomPort2] +set net_authPort 8766 +set sv_config server.cfg +set sv_maxplayers $[service.Slots] +start_map_rotate


Ports Used:


Game Port: 27015
Query Port: 27015	
RCon Port: 	27016
Custom Port 1: 27017	
Custom Port 2: 27018	


Default Config:


// Modern Warfare 3 Server Configuration

// Server command-line parameters (this section is for documentation only)

// Specify server configuration file (this file)
//+set sv_config "filename" (default "server.cfg")

// Specify server visibility (1 = LAN, 2 = Internet (default) )
//+set dedicated 1

// Open game port (Steam-visible server game port)
//+set net_queryPort 27014

// Secure game port
//+set net_port 27015

// Steam authentication port
//+set net_authPort 8766

// Steam master server (server browser) port
//+set net_masterServerPort 27016

// Server.cfg-configurable settings

// Server host name. This should always be set by the server admin.
seta sv_hostname "Modern Warfare 3"

// Dedicated server play list (DSPL) specifying server map rotation.
//    Valid game options are controlled via DSR (dedicated server recipe) specified in the DSPL.
seta sv_maprotation "default"

// Maximum number of clients that may connect to this server (range 1-18)
seta sv_maxclients 16

// Server password. If set, users will be prompted on join attempt.
seta g_password ""

// Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) )
seta sv_privateClients 0

// Password for the private slots on this server. If set, users will be prompted on join attempt.
//    Users providing this password will have access to all slots.
//    Users providing an incorrect password will have access to the (sv_maxClients - sv_privateClients) public slots.
seta sv_privatePassword "" 

// Remote console password. If set, users will have access to a remote console, allowing server administration from a connected client.
seta rcon_password ""

// Server voice chat configuration ( 0 = "No Chat", 1 = "Free Chat", 2 = "Team Chat" (default) )
seta sv_voice 2

// Toggle voting for [player kick/map restart/next map] (0 or 1 (default) )
seta g_allowVote 1

// Toggle allowing dead players to chat with living players (0 (default) or 1)
seta g_deadChat 0

// Time in seconds before the server will kick a user for inactivity (range 0 - 10000)
seta g_inactivity 120

// Time in seconds for a player temporary ban (on kick/tempban) (range 0 - 3600)
seta sv_kickBanTime 300

// Toggle flood protection (throttling of user commands - should be enabled for non-password-protected Internet servers) (0 or 1 (default))
seta sv_floodProtect 1


The template we're using was posted by Peace and i read something about him having a russian localization. I don't know if that's the problem or why these servers keep crashing minutes after creation but I'm inviting you to help us in any way that you can.


As i said before, it is VITAL that we have these functioning for the many teams we support throughout Europe and without them, we'll lose our competitive edge and ANY and ALL help or insight would be highly appreciated.

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