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Minecraft Backup Script


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Here is a simple script to keep a max of 5 backups. I will leave it up to you on how to configure for a panel user to fire off the script.

The goal is to tell tcadmin to stop the service, perform the backup and then restart the service. At snaju com we use this script to with our Centos-based servers. I have not tested with any other distros. The commands can be further simplified. For instance, tar can also zip - but I wanted to keep the isolated statements to show how this works.


unalias rm
START=" -command=start"
STOP=" -command=stop"
SVCID=" -service=${Service_ServiceId}"

# Steps to perform backup

# 1. Stop MC Service

# 2. Compress World
NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
tar cf $WRLDFILE world
FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$WRLDFILE.gz")
echo "world zipped = $FILESIZE"

# 3. Copy to backup folder
mkdir -p $BKUPDIR

# 4. Start MC Service

# Now clean up so we only keep the last 5 files
ls -F $BKUPDIR/world_* | head -n -5 | xargs rm

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Instead of stop/start you can use:

-command=write -write=save-off


Then after the backup enable auto save again:

-command=write -write=save-on


That way you create a backup without stopping the service and you don't get corrupt backups by disabling auto save temporarily.

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Help me!


TCAdmin V2 on linux..


Is my code:


unalias rm


START=" -command=start"

STOP=" -command=stop"

SVCID=" -service=${Service_ServiceId}"





NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")


tar cf $WRLDFILE world


FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$WRLDFILE.gz")

echo "world zipped = $FILESIZE"


mkdir -p $BKUPDIR





ls -f $BKUPDIR/world_* | head -n -5 | xargs rm


(Execute as the service's user) Is check


Error Log:

/home/tcagame/_Launcher/Temp/1e1b22f4-72c8-4958-9382-b2cbb285cff7.sh: line 2: unalias: rm: not found

/home/tcagame/_Launcher/Temp/1e1b22f4-72c8-4958-9382-b2cbb285cff7.sh: line 9: /home/tcadmin/Monitor/servicebrowser: Permission denied

world zipped = 3971062

mkdir: missing operand

Try `mkdir --help' for more information.

mv: cannot create regular file `/./world_2014-03-17-14-32-34.tar.gz': Permission denied

/home/tcagame/_Launcher/Temp/1e1b22f4-72c8-4958-9382-b2cbb285cff7.sh: line 21: /home/tcadmin/Monitor/servicebrowser: Permission denied

rm: missing operand

Try `rm --help' for more information.


The script has executed successfully. You may close this window.


Sorry for my bad english

Edited by Virtuel-Network
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