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DAY-Z Please Help Thanks


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We are looking for help with Day-Z PLEASE.

we need someone that would please offer us a


Day-Z config

and a how to install DAy-Z and setup to run with TCAdmin

like what files do we need ?

were do we find the server files ? in our steam folder ?

do we need to place the whole game files into tcadmin ?


please and thank you



if you don't have what were asking for there is really no need to post a reply here Trolling is for ******* ******** thanks

Edited by Rippie1
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you can download arma 2 file fromt steam for your dedicated server about dayz what i know you need to go on the dayz forum on server section there tuto on how to ask licence for one server if you still need more help skype me tiweb442


there the link for the tuto http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/


and there you can ask for your licence https://support.dayzmod.com/cart.php

Edited by tiweb
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Remember that you must download both Arma II and Operation Arrowhead from STEAM. They are both required to run a DAYZ server. Once downloaded they will be in C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common Files.


You must copy both Arma II and Operation Arrowhead folders into the game directory.


Just a heads up. DAYZ servers are well known for being hacked. So be prepared for your server to be nuked, players to die randomly and a lot more fun stuff :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am currently trying to setup Dayz-Private on linux. Which has been fun. It works fine, but now im trying to get it running using TCAdmin, which has been interesting to say the least.


I think my main problem is trying to get everything running under one game directory, as a 17gb install per user is quite a lot.

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