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Space Engineers windows?


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Am on vacation so I can't quite do a test right now.

But anything that can be done in batch file can also be done via commandline.

Have you tried running it via server directly? Try it outside of TCAdmin first.

Hell, create a server, go to Service Settings, head to the commandline and click preview.

That shows the commands that TCAdmin runs to start the server. Try those commands manually.


You just might catch something.

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Hi guys, dangioffre I have looked at your config. Your missing several key points, commandline, config file, steam port etc.


One thing to note with this game is you need to make a new link for save files for the server to a reachable location for the admin panel for its saves and mods folder. Each service would need FTP access to its own folder in that folder. It requires a mklink command currently to move the files into a safe and more accessible location for clients to access, currently it stores those in the programfiles/appdata and client access to that location would not be recommended. I created a folder named SE_Saves in the TCAdmin/users folder. And you would have to manually create a virtual ftp link to the clients mod and save folder used by the instance. I am working on a few things to see if I can use TCAdmin to create those. But I find that the -path switch does not function and I cannot get the commandline to use an alternate config file path atm.


From what I have read, by 3.0 release they will have dedicated servers sorted out.


Issue here also is that it appears you need to create instances for each new server from within the console, this is manual and cannot be done from the commandline in my testing.


Here is a video I found that is very good at showing how to manually create the service.



I have built a config which includes all of the above missing items and its variables, however due to the limitation on creating instances manually from the server config panel I have not wrapped my head around how to assign a service to an instance of its own other than create them manually and assign them to a service.


Although my service runs the game and queries I get a "host left server" message on connecting so I need to think on it. It is not an optimal dedicated server yet, but in 3.0 this could change and it would be less hoops to create.


If I figure it out I will share the results. Maybe someone else will get it, for now I am going to browse youtube and maybe something will make sense of it.

Edited by PCGamersportal
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...


i tested the -path switch ... works pretty fine on my testinstallations.


About the "instance" thingy. Where did you read that? Haven't tested it for long now but I am at least able to start two different servers and connect to each one without creating instances from the console.








oh ok your posting is pretty old. I guess you figured it out already.

Edited by xai
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I got it working to an extend at least,

all the custom values/variables for the config files need to be made.

All the commandline options need to be setup.


After tinkering my alterations tcadmin downloads SE from SteamCMD, installs to the "username"/"server number" folder,

and successfully boots up a server in 64bit mode...


Now i'm just taking care of world/config/environment locations and command line options, if someone has that one down I can combine and upload.


Next step would be making a interactive configuration

(the nice tca form way)


Last step for us would be creating a mod for that gameconfig so you can install server extender MOD API in one go.

(obviously having a form to setup configs, game mods/workshop items and backups etc etc)

ServerExtender allows for a webinterface (rcon style) and commandline worldfolder setting, i'm unsure if the same commandlines work for vanilla executable.

Edited by Homertje
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Still a WIP, but decently Usable.


*use at your own risk!*



-Steam anon login, downloads server-files with SteamCMD.

-Configuration Editor setting up 37 variables in the config file.

-Custom World Loading is enabled/possible.

-Server boots up without desktop interface.

-Shows active logged in players.

-Updates through steam.

-Even when Installed without changing config files or settings (other than hostname), the server will still boot just fine with all preset default settings/configurations.

-And create a world named "world" in "<root>\WORLD\world" and one can find the server configuration file in "<root>\WORLD\"

-Backing up the "<root>\WORLD" folder will backup ALL worlds and configuration files.


Not working/to do:

-Console interfacing/rcon (if available/implemented)


-FTP access to \WORLD (config/save/mods folders) only.

-server extender mod, changing command-line executable.

-server extender mod web-interface*

(*if i find a way to change the web-interface's default communication port)

-modlist generator

-Config editor cannot read value for the "World Folder" variable from a (working) config file.


If you find errors please do comment.

I'm sharing this config as-is, zero guarantees/no liability.


*use at your own risk!*

SpaceEngineers - Windows.xml

Edited by Homertje
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  • 3 weeks later...
I will re-upload better versions in due time, but don't put a timer on it, i'm making these configs for a gaming community, not to host servers commercially.


Hey man, messing around in the server config and i got a few questions.

- How do you add the mods?

- How do you add the admins?

- Lastly how do we know its running the 64bit version and not 32?

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  • 2 weeks later...

- How do you add the mods?

We do this manually untill i know how to add text / compile XML from a script.

- How do you add the admins?

Same, Since the config is in XML format i need to add <unsignedLong> and </unsignedLong> on every number. Don't know how to do this (yet) and it seems doing it manually is less work than finding out how to make the script.

- Lastly how do we know its running the 64bit version and not 32?

I haven't dealt with 32bit since a long while, simply because anyone with a REALISTIC view on server configurations/applications will allways use 64 bit (if available). I'm sorry if i offend any 32bit server user, but 64bit servers are pretty much the only way to go. This tcadmin config is 64bit ONLY!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've been testing stuff to improve the latest config file found here.

The only thing that's still a WIP is the modlist / banlist. I've no clue how to userepeat sections. Even the example from CS:Source banfile doesn't give me any clue :(

Can someone please help me with a good example for a repeat section?



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can you link or attach or send me that CS:S repeat sections code/script?

or is that available from the builtin configs?


Tis built in.


From wiki:


Repeat section

This is an advanced feature only recommended if you know how to create regular expressions. It is used to create editors for parts of a file that require more than one line or block of text. For example map rotations, ban and admin lists.

For examples on its usage see the following editors:


Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: campaigncycle.cfg, stopwatchcycle.cfg, objectivecycle.cfg, lmscycle.cfg

Counterstrike: banned.cfg, listip.cfg


Metamod: plugins.ini

AMX ModX: users.ini

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