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COD4 wont load Mods


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Hello, im hoping someone can help me where im going wrong.


im running TCAdmin on a linux server and everything is great.


ive installed COD4 i can run a normal clean server and everything seems ok.


im trying to get it to run the PaintBall mod as found here

" http://callofduty.filefront.com/file/Modern_Paintball;94916 "


ive uploaded the zip file, placed it in: /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/cod4-linux/TCA.Mods


ive gone tot he COD4 settings to set the mod up


Extract Path: [ left blank as will unzip to Mods/modernpaintball ]

which is fine it does extract the files.

Linux File or URL:modernpaintball_v1.2.zip [ which seems ok ]



this maybe where im going wrong. ive taken from the default and put this here for the mod



+set fs_homepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set fs_savepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game Mods/ModernPaintball +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set ui_maxclients $[service.Slots] +exec modernpaintball.cfg +map_rotate


i think go to the server after creating it, all seems ok, its running, the command line is selected, and if i brows the files it put the mod where it needs to be.


when i try to connect to the game it says connecting to COD4 paintball ....

when the game starts its just a normal server.


some how its not loading the full mod i think.


any help would be very much appreciated.


Best Regards


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ive tried creating the files in the server manually and uploaded them via ftp.

i did at 1 point get the config to load but its not loaded the actual mod.


all files are there

Mods - has the mods inc config file

usermaps - has the new maps for the mod in



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  • 2 months later...

Hi, sorry ive been working on another project.


Thanks for the reply HIS-MOTHER, yes that was incorrect so i corrected them to all be

mods/modernpaintball in the settings for the extract path, and checked the command line is the same.


This is the current command line i have but its not working so unsure where im going wrong.


+set fs_homepath /home/tcagame/admin/11/ +set fs_savepath /home/tcagame/admin/11/ +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game /mods/modernpaintball +set net_ip xxx.xx.xxx.xxx +set net_port 28960 +set sv_maxclients 8 +set ui_maxclients 8 +exec /mods/modernpaintball/modernpaintball.cfg +map_rotate


This above is the output i see from when i inter the command line user side to select.


the way i put it server side in the mods section is:


+set fs_homepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set fs_savepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game /mods/modernpaintball +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set ui_maxclients $[service.Slots] +exec /mods/modernpaintball/modernpaintball.cfg +map_rotate


the files do extract to the right place : /mods/modernpaintball/ as when i check via the file browser i can see them all there.

and now its not even selecting the mod when i start to load the game.


Any Help is much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for that.

seems though all i get is time out when trying to connect now, from i can tell the auth servers are down and have been for some.


if anyone knows away around this be great if not looks liek its time to abandon cod4




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