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Config will be released when the next update of TCAdmin rolls out. It makes no sense to publish it now, since the query protocol that we have used for the game is not yet in TCAdmin.


And don't worry, everything will work just fine. We were approached by JIW-Games (the developers), and they asked if we wanted to be their official host, so everything should be ez pz :D

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Great news: Update for TCAdmin will most probably arrive within the next couple of days. I'll be posting the config for the game at that time.

However, you must be prepared for something. This game is VERY early alpha. If something doesn't work, there's nothing I can do about it. I've been talking with Lucien and Red, and from what I understand, they're excited about this being 'integrated' into TCAdmin.


Some more good news: I got in touch with some guys from Klei Entertainments (developing Don't Starve Together), and they gave me access to some beta server files. As of now, I can't see any way the server will work in TCAdmin since it saves both logs and settings in /home/username/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/. From what I know, TCAdmin won't be able to show files from outside of the game's root folder. The server will be able to run, but clients won't be able to change anything.

Seems like they are really eager for some input, so I went ahead and asked for the ability to specify a custom path (via command line) for the settings and log file. Would be great stuff!

That will also be uploaded once everything is working.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Here is a windows version if that helps.


There's a good chance you don't want to start the game using the startscripts. On Linux, that enables a ton of crap.


Also, I would highly appreciate if you didn't remove the line saying I made this config. This config has taken a long time to create because I've been in contact with the devs of the game, trying to make everything as easy as possible for the client.

Modifying the config to include your branded text, changing the OS and executable file doesn't make it your config.


And yes, I'm certain this config is built on mine. Exactly same user created the two, and at the exact same data with the exact same variables.

Edited by DennisMidjord
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Dennis i do not know what your deal is but please do not troll me, i have added the config for every one to use so deal with it!


My 'deal' is that you took my Linux config, removed the note saying it was created by me, and then added your branding text. The config is still the same, containing the same ports, variables and everything.


I don't care people use my work. That's why I upload it. I do care about people taking credits for it, though.

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Using my config, removing the line where I give myself credits, and adding your own branded text for your company... If that's not taking credit for it, then you at least removed credit where credit due. That's the problem. I've given tons of help to this community for free - multiple configs, helping people with things related to TCAdmin etc. I have nothing against people using my work as soon as they don't remove credits. I had no intentions of playing this game, but people wanted a config so I bought it.


you wanted to charge them

I didn't. I don't have a Windows server, so it was my funny way of saying "Sorry, it's not possible for me at the moment".

If you want to pay me money so that I can get a Windows server, I'll be happy to make one for Windows ;D

Oh, and the config file was made by the way. If Jus61 wants to, he can upload it. I'm not going to upload anything that he paid money for.


The only reason that I wanted payment was the fact that I had to spend time fixing something on another host's system in my spare time, and it would in no way profit anyone but him.

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We have all put hard work into these configs

... You don't understand a single thing. You TOOK the Linux version that I made, changed ~2 things. The hard work is put into the variables and making everything work - do you have any idea how much time it takes to create 20-30 custom variables for a brand new game that there's basically no documentation for?


And NO. I don't expect people to remove the credits, like no one on this forum does. Are you aware that many of the configs that came with TCAdmin are from this forum, and they still contain the credits.


I haven't seen anyone remove the credits from anything another person has uploaded to this forum. That's how this community works. If anyone gives something to you for free, you don't remove the credits.

Edited by DennisMidjord
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... You don't understand a single thing. You TOOK the Linux version that I made, changed ~2 things. The hard work is put into the variables and making everything work - do you have any idea how much time it takes to create 20-30 custom variables for a brand new game that there's basically no documentation for?


And NO. I don't expect people to remove the credits, like no one on this forum does. Are you aware that many of the configs that came with TCAdmin are from this forum, and they still contain the credits.


I haven't seen anyone remove the credits from anything another person has uploaded to this forum. That's how this community works. If anyone gives something to you for free, you don't remove the credits.


Man OCNetworks, you really need to calm down.

He's been helping people for months before you showed up.

It started as free help even; Now here is how it works, with pretty much every community:


It's okay if you take work and change it around. Just be sure to credit the initial work.

A config like this, the creation; the variables. The trial and error and testing.


You can be sure there has been at least a full day's work put into this.


Now you're being quite unthankful and even saying "That's just how it is on the internet, deal with it."

Can't you see how rude that is?

Yes everything put to the public is free to use.

Doesn't mean you can't give credit where it's due.


You've been butting heads on other threads with Dennis for no real reason as well.

Calm down man and we'll welcome you with open arms.

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Do you know that i have not taken a single configuration from this forum nore have i used this forum and i have come here today and seen people need help and i have been shot down by Dennis and this is unacceptable.


Until i get an apologie i will not be giving away any more configs publicly i will only give them to users that pm me.



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Do you know that i have not taken a single configuration from this forum

'Your' config: http://i.imgur.com/j6IGZsD.png

My config: http://i.imgur.com/Hv1WtiM.png

See that it's created the exact same time and date by the exact same user?


'Your' variables: http://i.imgur.com/6PyyxHF.png

My variables: http://i.imgur.com/6GVk57H.png

It's funny how you've called the variables the exact same thing with the exact same values...


'Your' configuration file: http://i.imgur.com/e9IGfkV.png

My configuration file: http://i.imgur.com/y0NdnMv.png

Oh, so you just happened to create the configuration file at the exact same time as I did? Wow, how lucky...


'Your' custom scripts: http://i.imgur.com/iV49iQc.png

My custom scripts: http://i.imgur.com/ag0u7PY.png

Holy shit! Totally identical. Kinda weird though... Since this script is created by me and is NOT BEING USED WITH THE STARTSCRIPTS - these scripts are replacing the startscripts that come with the server!


Are you still trying to convince people that you haven't taken a single config from the forum? Because I can easily go and compare the freaking XML files in order to prove it.


And yes, even though some of the screenshots seems to be totally identical, they're not. Look at the URL - they are different. ID 105 is Linux, 108 is Windows.


Gosh, had you just said that it was a mistake made by you and not "you should expect people to take credit for your work" I wouldn't have used so much time proving you wrong.

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Dennis lol i am not trying to take credit! some one asked for a config and i gave it to them, i apologize for any inconvenience to you if this is yours and some one has passed it around but i did not try to hurt any one or take credit away i just posted a config......



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Why do i have to redeem myself ? if you do not want my configs then fine but i will give them to people that do and i have over 3000 customers to look after and i have much better things to do then have a stupid argument on here when all i was trying to do is help someone..

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Why do i have to redeem myself ?

Because you kinda claimed that you did the config all by yourself, but the config contains custom scripts for LINUX... And those custom scripts aren't even being used when you use the win_startscript.bat file


Not to mention all the identical things i mentioned in my previous post.


And congrats on getting 3000 customers in less than a year. Haven't heard anyone have that kind of success in their first year. Around 10 customers per day is pretty impressive.

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You didn't?

if you do not want my configs

Do you know that i have not taken a single configuration from this forum

Claiming the config wasn't from this forum, when I already proved it was mine.


As I've already stated, I don't have a problem with you using my config, modify it and upload it for everyone else to use. I'm just not happy with people not leaving credit where credit's due.

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Here's a couple scripts i setup for the tca cfg file feel free to use if you like:


Firewall entries:


netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RisingWorld on %ThisService_IpAddress%_%ThisService_GamePort%" dir=in action=allow program="%ThisService_RootDirectory%jre64\bin\java.exe" enable=yes


Firewall Removals:

netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="RisingWorld on %ThisService_IpAddress%_%ThisService_GamePort%"


create win_startscript.bat:


IF EXIST win_startscript.bat GOTO END



echo JAVA64

echo ".\jre64\bin\java.exe" -Djava.library.path=./ -jar server.jar > win_startscript.bat

echo PAUSE >> win_startscript.bat






What i did was add the java64 bit version to the game folder running a java game from the system32 root folder and opening it up in the firewall is a horrible idea. Running java outside of any protected folder is a bad idea. This has been tested on both win 2008 and 2012.

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