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ok so trying to get a config files from here is like trying to get blood out of a stone, so i am willing to pay someone to make me the configs as long as they don't charge over the moon!


Would anyone be willing to do the work. Thanks for your time.

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It's kinda sad, when I first joined and for a good time afterwards we all worked together to make sure that every person on this forum got what they needed to succeed. Now the majority don't offer up shiz without $ changing hands. Makes me sick.

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Yeah, well. Times changes, and a lot of people forget to thank a person who have put hours into some work.


If I'm spending hours, days or weeks creating configs for a guy, and I won't be needing the configs myself, then why would I do it for free? You do know that a lot of TCAdmin's clients are GSP's right? They're companies trying to make a living of being better than the competition. Please tell me why we would share one of the things that makes us superior for free and get nothing in return, except another newly founded company that steals your customers by offering the exact same service as you do for a few dollars less.

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Yeah, well. Times changes, and a lot of people forget to thank a person who have put hours into some work.


If I'm spending hours, days or weeks creating configs for a guy, and I won't be needing the configs myself, then why would I do it for free? You do know that a lot of TCAdmin's clients are GSP's right? They're companies trying to make a living of being better than the competition. Please tell me why we would share one of the things that makes us superior for free and get nothing in return, except another newly founded company that steals your customers by offering the exact same service as you do for a few dollars less.


i really don't mind paying as long as the work gets done right. config files i pay for needs to work first time and have no errors. It will be just basic config files that im not having to wait around for other people to share! Like i said trying to get free configs round here is like trying to get blood out of a stone!

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I have a lot of stuff to do at the moment, so I'm almost only available at night (our house burned down, so we're moving into another house that needs to have a lot of things fixed, and I'm working 2 jobs besides Prima Servers).

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  • 1 month later...
I find it very odd that people would like config files posted but won't take the time to learn how to make their own. They would rather wait until someone posts a config.



The people that want the configs for free are the ones that fail as thy don't know how thy work. As we know some configs we make can take hours to get working well. Alpha games are more of a prick are all most every update you are tweeking your configs for them. At the end of the day if you are going to have people buying hosting from you then you should learn the software you are using aka tcadmin. Or when something breaks you are not going to know how to fix it.

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The people that want the configs for free are the ones that fail as thy don't know how thy work.

... which is exactly why it's okay to sell them the configs. Like, I don't know how to fix my car, and it would probably take me more time than I have to learn how to do it - so I go to a mechanic. Would I expect him to fix it for free? ;)

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... which is exactly why it's okay to sell them the configs. Like, I don't know how to fix my car, and it would probably take me more time than I have to learn how to do it - so I go to a mechanic. Would I expect him to fix it for free? ;)


Not the same analogy there mate.


It is more that you are now hiring a mechanic from another garage to fix the problem one time.

Next time the client comes with a problem, the hired mechanic won't be around.


He won't have the knowledge necessary to help the client to the fullest.

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guy's what is the big deal, if someone is willing to pay for a config then let it be. it has nothing to do with anyone if the next man is willing to pay :)


We just fear for clients, is all.

Read up to check on our concerns.

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We just fear for clients, is all.

Read up to check on our concerns.


You are right but at the end of the day when the config needs tweeking the person will not know how to do it. You are beast to learn tcadmin so you are able to fix shit as it comes to hand.

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