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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. See you in a few weeks while i go do nothing else but use this. Seems like the Custom.css is loaded in a script tag. Is this intentional? I can't get any custom CSS working. Also seems like a lot of the content is loaded through an iframe, and the custom CSS doesn't have any effect anything in the iframe.
  2. That could pose an issue if the hostname has any spaces.
  3. I can only assume you're talking about 7 Days to Die. Please read this: https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12913 Make sure the game and query port are now the same.
  4. Have you tried deactivating any firewalls to make sure it's not a firewall issue?
  5. I don't think it's possible to rename any user. If you really need to rename it, you could try to change the username directly from the MySQL database. I'd suggest you'd just delete it and create a new account.
  6. Dennis


    If you want to change the executable file, you can do so under "Files & Directories"-tab in the game's settings. See more here: https://help.tcadmin.com/Files_%26_Directories Please note that the path to the executable file must be relative to the root directory of the game server.
  7. It can be a lot of things. Start the service manually and see if it crashes: https://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_and_Voice_Services#Troubleshooting_.28Linux.29 Also monitor whether or not TCAdmin can actually send quieries to the server. This can be done by accessing the 'Current Activity & Stats' interface.
  8. If you use the configuration editor, you can setup a variable. Add this variable to the editor as a checkbox. Enter this in the 'On' field: { "hour": 18, "day": 29, "Type": "P", "Minutes": 15 }, Leave the Off value blank. It will be incorrectly formatted, but that shouldn't mean anything. Use this as your template for the file: { "sessions": [ ![MyVariable] { "hour": 18, "day": 29, "Type": "Q", "Minutes": 15 }, { "hour": 18, "day": 29, "Type": "R", "Minutes": 15 } ] }
  9. Are you building the config using the Configuration Editor?
  10. That is correct, although the folder by default would be /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/. In this path, the game files would be divided into Windows and Linux folders (Linux would be prefixed with -linux), but this can always be changed.
  11. Unfortunately, yes - for a lot of stuff. uMod does however always keep the latest update on this URL: https://umod.org/games/rust/download Use that as the source file.
  12. Add the Oxide/uMod update under 'Updates'.
  13. Nope - that's why they should be updated ;-) I think everything in App_Themes will be overwritten when TCAdmin updates IIRC :-) Remember to run 'Update existing services' ;-)
  14. Extract them to TCAdmin2\ControlPanel\User_Themes\1\<theme_id>\Images\ControlPanel\MenuIcons\GameHosting and update the button icons' URLs - that's the correct way to use images :-) You shouldn't disable query failure detection. Just extend the time between each query :-)
  15. Dennis


    They should work. Could you try posting a screenshot of the issue?
  16. I meant that ECF quoted me on one of the previous pages Resouce Manager is built by the XenForo team and works wonderfully.
  17. I'm pretty sure you even quoted my reply where I mentioned it
  18. Switch to Windows. We've run the control panel from Linux servers for years, and we had multiple crashes each week along with random 502 errors. 2 weeks ago, we decided to switch to Windows. We've not had a single crash, a single error in the control panel, and everything loads at least 10 times faster. It's so damn smooth!
  19. I hardly doubt it. It's not only the design but also the code that's getting an update. :-)
  20. WOOOOOOOOOO! Any way to become an early tester?
  21. You can create a simple Python script that prints the username and password: import clr; import System; clr.AddReference("TCAdmin.SDK"); Script.WriteToConsole(ThisService.Variables["MySQLUser"]); Script.WriteToConsole(ThisService.Variables["MySQlPassword"]);
  22. Hmm, I can't get that working. I've created the files just now on the local server, but TCAdmin keeps trying to get the files from the master (which it's configured to). Is anything specific needed to make this work?
  23. Rename redis-server.exe to redis-server-USERID.exe and kill that instead - that was what we did for ARK Remote a long time ago
  24. Ah, that's great to hear! So, when setting up a new game service, TCAdmin looks for the newest (last modified) files?
  25. Server-hierarchy added. Explained: For most games, we want TCAdmin to grab the installation files for a specific game from the Master server. However, some games take up so much space that it takes a very long time to transfer an extract these files. Some files we'd like to have locally and just have them moved, while most other games are downloaded and extracted from the Master server. If TCAdmin sees the files locally, it should use them instead of downloading them from another source.
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