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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Have you setup the configuration file correctly in TCAdmin? You need to set the setting to the corresponding variable.
  2. Mods from the Steam Workshop?
  3. Dennis

    MVC Dark Theme

    Try clearing everything inside the /Cache folder.
  4. I created a new config and set this as the 'App ID': 294420 -beta latest_experimental
  5. It must mean that you've created the database user with the incorrect permissions to the database. Whether you setup the database and user through MySQL Workbench, phpMyAdmin or CLI is the same - it's just a matter of preference :-)
  6. Because that is the only way to do it. You will need to create the database before you can use it :-)
  7. Are you sure MySQL is running? You'll need to manually install and configure a MySQL server.
  8. Dennis

    MVC Theme

    That looks hella cool! I might use this as inspiration once I get time to mess with MVC again..
  9. No worries! :-) Also, be aware that the serverconfig.xml file will be overwritten by a default one on Steam Updates. You can work around this issue by creating a custom config file using '-configfile=customconfig.xml' in the commandline.
  10. I wasn't talking about the TCAdmin config file. I was talking about the server config file (the one that configures the game server itself). 2019-09-02T09:28:27 0.135 ERR Error parsing configfile: 2019-09-02T09:28:27 0.135 EXC unexpected end of file. Current depth is 1 Line 72, position 243. There's your problem. 7 Days to Die simply can't start if there's errors or invalid entries in the game config. Try to post your serverconfig here.
  11. I know you found the answer to your problem, but documentation is nice for other people :-) You have the following options: - https://help.tcadmin.com/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Configure_the_website_on_port_80 - https://help.tcadmin.com/Configure_the_TCAdmin_website_to_run_with_Nginx#Change_the_default_ports
  12. Paste the entire log. Most obvious to me would be that the config file might have deprecated settings included.
  13. It's only on 20-30% for a short period of time, right? When the server is successfully started, the CPU goes back to normal, or is that not how it's showing for you?
  14. Sure. Create a .bat file with the following: java -Xmx1024M -jar BuildTools.jar --rev %1 xcopy spigot-%1.jar D:\Path\To\minecraft\TCA.Mods\spigot.jar* /Y xcopy spigot-%1.jar D:\Path\To\minecraft\TCA.Updates\spigot.jar* /Y xcopy spigot-%1.jar D:\Path\To\minecraft\TCA.Updates\spigot-%1.jar* /Y xcopy CraftBukkit\target\craftbukkit-%1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar D:\Path\To\minecraft\TCA.Mods\craftbukkit.jar* /Y xcopy CraftBukkit\target\craftbukkit-%1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar D:\Path\To\minecraft\TCA.Updates\craftbukkit.jar* /Y xcopy CraftBukkit\target\craftbukkit-%1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar D:\Path\To\minecraft\TCA.Updates\craftbukkit-%1.jar* /Y xcopy spigot-%1.jar D:\Path\To\minecraft\spigot.jar* /Y xcopy CraftBukkit\target\craftbukkit-%1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar D:\Path\To\minecraft\craftbukkit.jar* /Y The script is used like on Linux: "UpdateSpigot.sh 1.14.4" will download and build v. 1.14.4.
  15. Hi! You will need to edit the command line. From there, you should change the Xmx value.
  16. If you have an enterprise license, you will still need to buy yearly updates for TCAdmin. Make sure that you have that.
  17. Press 'Check for updates'. The TCAdminUpdateTool.exe does not update your database, which is why you see those errors. If you don't see any updates, make sure you have a license for upgrades and support.
  18. How did you upgrade? Did you upgrade directly from TCAdmin or by using the UpdateTool?
  19. When you pay for PhotoShop, you don't pay to have graphic pre-made. You pay for the software, like you do with TCAdmin. TCAdmin supports a lot of games out of the box. Some games will require a bit of configuration.
  20. You would change it to whatever the executable file would be for Linux. For ARK, that could be ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer. For most configs, you can leave the relative working dir.
  21. It seems to be a bit random. I think it will indeed be moved to System > Settings, but sometimes we still see it in the sidebar/topmenu (depending on "classic"/MVC design).
  22. Agree. And maybe a setting that would disable Email Notifications (in TCAdmin, not the actual emails) per user. I think I can count on 1 hand how many of our users actually have used the interface for something useful (other than exploring it) since they already has read the email.
  23. Just be aware that .dll files can be used for exploits. I'd recommend that you at least configure the service to run as its own user.
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