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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Strings on the login form can be changed in TCAdmin > System > Settings > Languages > Your language > Other components > Resources.Base.Login Session Information can be translated in TCAdmin > System > Settings > Languages > Your language > Other components > Resources.Base.SessionInformation WorkShop browser can be translated through TCAdmin > System > Settings > Languages > Your language > Web forms > GameHosting - WorkshopBrowser By default, I think TCAdmin gets the server name from queries. You can have TCAdmin display the hostname set in TCAdmin by going to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Other Voice Servers > Select Game > Game Information > Untick "Get service name from hostname".
  2. @fjamieson I was talking about an issue with the reported amount of players on the server. Do you get any errors when using the SourceRCon script? We don't have any issues with rcon commands in TCAdmin for ARK.
  3. @tiweb you do not have Python installed. Read the "Read before installing" section of the post.
  4. I must admit, I'm not a fan of the old navigation. It was buggy and caused more issues for us. It took some time getting used to the current one, but I prefer it more than the old one. The only thing it needs are "back" buttons.
  5. It's still shown in Log Viewer > Service Logs whenever a service is started/restarted/stopped/crashed - it would be nice to have it available under Service Information, though.
  6. Looks really nice! I would prefer to have the animation go a bit slower but that's just my thoughts ?
  7. I think TeamSpeak is dying. The v5 beta is awful. I know it's a beta, but it's so bad. It feels like they tried to create a Discord clone but failed greatly. For months, I've been waiting for them to implement the Global Chat feature, and every time I ask, I'm just told that it's still being worked on but that it's almost done. I've been asking since the closed beta was released. Channel/Server settings are missing a lot of the basic features that TeamSpeak 3 has. The design is so bad. Everything feels wrong about version 5. I don't think TeamSpeak will survive much longer - and if it will, they'll manage the hosting themselves.
  8. Allow folders in TCA.Maps to "group" maps when using "Map File List" Let's say you want to provide 3 different map packs for clients: Surf Tier 1-2 Surf Tier 3-4 Surf Tier 5-7 This can be done right now by archiving all files into a .zip or .rar file but this forces the user to install every single map. If we could create folders inside TCA.Maps, we could group these maps without having to create an archive. Here's an example: TCA.Maps\Surf_Tier_1-2\ surf_map1.bsp surf_map2.bsp surf_map3.bsp When setting up the Map Pack in TCAdmin, specify "Map file list" as the type and input "Surf_Tier_1-2\*.bsp" in the "File Extensions" field. The client would then be able to select the map pack and specify what maps he would like to install. These maps should be copied to csgo\maps (and not csgo\maps\Surf_Tier_1-2\).
  9. I'd need a bit more info than that. If you paste the link to the Github repo here and tell me where it needs to be extracted, I can have a go with creating a script and testing it ?
  10. That's just how it works. There's no way to have a "fit all" solution for this. When you download an archive from Github, it will always extract into "reponame-master". That's not something TCAdmin does. When you download from other places, it might be a second or third way - there's now way to make a function that will suit everything. If you give a bit more info about what you need to download (and for what) and where it needs to go, I'll see if I can make a script for you ?
  11. You've always needed to specify what datacenter the game service should be created in. You can either hardcode it into the default_values.php file or create a Configurable Option/Custom Field in WHMCS with the value ´1|Name of Datacenter'.
  12. You have always needed to define game_datacenter. What are you passing as the value for that?
  13. What errors are you seeing when using the module?
  14. I've removed the IP from your post. Have you checked your BillingApi.LastCommand log? It's found in the TCAdmin installation directory -> Logs -> Web.
  15. Yes, you can just define it like this in the File URL: https://github.com/example/repo/archive/master.zip filename.zip The last part will define what the file is going to be called after downloaded. However, when extracting this archive, you will just get a folder that's called "reponame-master". You'd need to create a custom script to move files out from this folder. If you open the archive on your own PC, you will also see the same folder. It's not something TCAdmin creates.
  16. Can you start the server manually? https://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_and_Voice_Services Try starting the Monitor in debug mode and watch the log when it goes to 'StartError': https://help.tcadmin.com/Debug_Mode
  17. It's been discussed in a few other threads. That forum is now only for new configs and discussion about existing configs in their respective threads. There's currently no way to do what you're looking for. You can create a feature request if you would like it added: https://community.tcadmin.com/forum/33-feature-and-module-ideas/
  18. I have just tested with the default config found here: Are you sure that you have installed the dependencies? IIRC they're included in the _commonredist folder.
  19. It could simply be because the 'Wait For Exit' (in Text Console tab) is set too low. Try setting it to 10 seconds. If TCAdmin cannot shut down the server before 10 seconds, it will kill the process.
  20. New addition: Collapse update groups by default (same as we can with mods) We're offering various kinds of updates for Minecraft (vanilla, Spigot, Craftbukkit, Snapshots), and the list of updates is long. Spigot updates are placed last on the long list, which means the client has to scroll a long way.
  21. Are you using MVC? The new default theme is only for MVC. If you want to delete a theme, go to System > Settings > Themes > Select the theme > Delete.
  22. No, that won't solve your issue. Have you tried my solution?
  23. If you're talking about the list on Game & Voice Management > Game Services, you can click on "Connection Info" to sort by that column. There's no way to sort directly after port, though - it will sort after IP's/hostname (but ports would also be sorted either ascending or descending)
  24. What position are you trying to edit?
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