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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Where do you see that? In the console or in the browser?
  2. If anyone else stumbles upon this error, you can either specify a custom field (or configurable option) that looks something like this: 1|<name of datacenter> Or you can open the default_config.php and manually insert the ID of the datacenter next to the string. The last option will however not work with multiple datacenters.
  3. If you've installed xampp, you can't just use the command 'mysql'. You have to point to the place where MySQL is installed in xampp. If I remember correctly, the full path is /opt/lampp/bin/mysql
  4. Yes, you will need to have installed MySQL, and possibly PhpMyAdmin if you want for your clients to be able to import/export databases and such.
  5. The game files. All game server files have to be located in the TCA games folder.
  6. I can't undestand what you're trying to say. I know very little german.
  7. Load Minecraft Forge on the server, then put mods in the mods folder. That's all.
  8. I was rather thinking of ServiceHome.aspx You know, the place where clients can start/stop/restart and access file manager and stuff.
  9. Could you provide a link for the images on ServiceHome? Thanks in advance
  10. I tried contacting Garry multiple times through email, Twitter and their forums (not publically). He didn't even answer me back a single time. I was told on their forums that the server files MIGHT be public when alpha is over.
  11. You can't. Only a few chosen GSPs are allowed to host Rust servers. You can't apply.
  12. You can't get the dedicated server files for Rust unless you have a beta key.
  13. Can I have a look? I'll possibly be able to make a Linux version of it.
  14. I also think it's your responsibility to keep a backup of the clients files. It can be done with a script and run automatically every 6 hours or so. If some of your hardware fails and you lose all data on the server, you're gonna have some clients that are pissed off. For your own sake; take backups.
  15. Why not just use Workshop through the commandline?
  16. There's already a config for the game included in TCAdmin 2.
  17. Dennis


    Can you query the server?
  18. EDIT: We've worked for hours on this script, and it's no longer just one script. The user can now create, delete or reinstall the database with a couple of clicks. See this thread for more info.
  19. Bump... Still can't create any databases with a variable. Got it working. I had to declare a variable with the TCAdmin service id variable, and then load that variable.
  20. Minecraft is by far our most sold product, and we have been very happy to see that BukGet got integrated. One neat feature to have, would be the option to choose what version of Craftbukkit you're installing the plugin for. Not all clients use the latest version of Craftbukkit, thus some people have to install the plugins manually. It isn't the biggest problem, but as said; it would be neat to have. If I remember correctly, the BukGet API should allow this? Correct me if I'm wrong And also, would it be possible to search in all categories by default? Dennis
  21. I actually am serious I know some people are so technical that they can integrate things and stuff on their website.
  22. I'm amazed by this. How did you integrate TCAdmin? Just by adding custom header and footer?
  23. Workshop could also be the cause if you're using a collection. If there's a problem with the workshop, your addons won't mount. Or some won't.
  24. I think KissNode somehow has mixed SRCDS and HLDS. HLDS is almost deaded, and Insurgency is downloaded through SteamCMD. Still using SRCDS.
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