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Everything posted by KevinJ

  1. I'm having the same issue under TCadmin2, doesn't seem to want to run via TCAdmin. However running via bat file as a user without TCadmin seems to work.
  2. If ran via TCAdmin: ===================================================================== == E:\UserFiles\test\GameServers\TC464688520367430446\arma3server.exe == "E:\UserFiles\test\GameServers\TC464688520367430446\arma3server.exe" -ip= -config=arma3server.cfg -port=2302 "-profiles=E:\UserFiles\test\GameServers\TC464688520367430446\" -world=empty -BEpath=E:\UserFiles\test\GameServers\TC464688520367430446\ -name=server -maxplayers=10 -cfg=basic_a3.cfg Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server Exe timestamp: 2016/02/17 17:35:50 Current time: 2016/02/18 18:11:23 Type: Public Build: Stable Version: 1.56.134627 Allocator: E:\UserFiles\test\GameServers\TC464688520367430446\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll ===================================================================== 18:11:23 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features wont's be accessible! 18:11:23 DS_ 18:11:23 E:\UserFiles\test\GameServers\TC464688520367430446\Users\server\ ----- However if I run it via command line with the Windows GUI as the same user, it works perfectly fine. It cuts off there for the RPT via TCAdmin, but the above "error" is identical no matter which way it's ran, just via TCAdmin it locks up I assume.
  3. Anyone having issues where ArmA3 won't run via TCAdmin, but will via GUI or bat file? Haven't seen this before with ArmA.
  4. Anyone have an updated AAPG (America's Army Proving Ground) config? The one I think that came with TCAdmin or that I obtained online seems to be made for 2.5, while AAPG uses it's own unique setup. It is not much different from 2.5, but does seem to have some hiccups that I just can't find a fix for, such as MASS not properly registering the server even with the proper login credentials and command line.
  5. Life is Feudal requires a MariaDB 5.5 database to connect to. The actual server itself is easy to setup, however automating the install process for game server + database seems to be very tricky. Ideally each game server would have a unique password and or username for the MariaDB, to prevent another game server from connecting and using someone elses DB. They most likely also need to be on independent DB installs and either unique IPs or Ports for the DB. The issue with using unique IPs is that whitelisting the user becomes near impossible to automate, let alone a way to properly setup config_local.cs for each game server. Anyone have any experience with this?
  6. What would be a script for updating a dev branch via SteamCmd for example? @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 @NoPromptForPassword 1 set_steam_guard_code "NONE" login "anonymous" force_install_dir "C:\GameServers\Users\Testing\GameServers\TC123456\"(or to use Working Directory) app_update 258550 -beta experimental validate exit
  7. On v2, I'm getting: FAILED with result code 65 Even after giving permissions
  8. Is there a way for TCAdmin2 to support SFTP?
  9. It would be nice to have the ability to increase FTP and File Manager download and upload speeds for long time/trusted users. Currently I have it universally low to prevent people as using it as an FTP swap space. I'm not sure of another solution as people will still upload non game server related files and simply rename the extension to one that is not blocked.
  10. A couple of clients suggested these ideas: Have the ability to set a ping monitor per server or game server, and maybe graph the results under Game Server Activity, like it does for RAM and CPU. Either have the Master Server ping each monitor, or allow the client set a single IP that it bases this report on. It would be very useful in explaining to some clients that have a faulty ISP where the issue is. Perhaps have a network uptime monitor as well. Frequency, and number of IPs being monitored could be a nice option.
  11. I'd like the ability to have a default SteamCmd account to use, but also clients can enter their own. Since only 1 account can be used at a time, during game updates many people get the "unable to login" error, which confuses them as well. A friendly error message such as "please try again in a few minutes, or use your own account" would be great. An option that filter out most of the "non relevant" information that usually comes at the end would be nice as well.
  12. I think a simple Voting system would be a great addon. Something like "Which game are you most excited about" with a radio/checkbox button choices that all TCAdmin users could vote on.
  13. I get a few request of clients wanting to have an FTP account they can allow "semi-admins" to have access to just one or two folders(generally a maps folder). A less frequent request is an account that can only upload to certain folder(s) but not delete/rename. Searched the forums and didn't see this requested yet.
  14. Thanks, when I do that, the time limit is set to 1 minute, and in HLSW you can see it stop and start itself every minute. This happens if launched from TCAdmin, but not when simply Double Clicking on the server executable. When launching the bfvietnam_w32ded.exe file via tcadmin is when it sets it to 1 minute. The hostname, slots and maps properly work though. It seems to be an issue when running bfvietnam_w32ded.exe or the Black Ops Bag Server Manager as a service.(which boots bfvietnam_w32ded.exe) Does anyone else have this issue? Edit: Issue was with it reading the config file from a different location. Not sure how to force it to use a certain location (Like a user directory)
  15. When I try to boot with the Server Manager, it pops up a screen then quickly closes it, with no error logs. BVServerManager.log says server started, but it doesn't. When trying to run the server without Server Manager, and just bfvietnam_w32ded everything works if executed in the GUI. If TCAdmin starts it, the time and ticket options are set to 1, which I can't find where it's pulling those values from. Using this version it works: http://download.cnet.com/Battlefield-Vietnam-Server-Manager/3000-2121_4-10302197.html However I need a way to auto start the server now, -start in the command line doesn't seem to do it. Remote users can start the server, but then it sets it to 1 minute rounds, which is stored no where.
  16. Anyone else getting "not responding" emails randomly for MW3 servers in bulk? Same for CoD4 as well, much like when the Gamespy servers were not working for ArmA2.
  17. Anyone have clients requesting this? http://www.itsmods.com/forum/Thread-1-4-364-RANKED-server-files.html What are your thoughts on this?
  18. I have the same issue Peace, my net_port binds to all IPs, but the other ports properly bind to net_ip
  19. Anyone getting rare but random "not responding" emails for MW3 or CoD4 in TCAdmin? It started the day MW3 launched, and I thought it was just GameSpy being overloaded, but it's still going.
  20. For me it seems settings below 16 clients do not work via command line? Or is it possible to have less than 16 for max clients?
  21. For some servers, it seems it sticks at Spawning Map: version 1.2.358 Connecting to online services.... Connected to online services. Executing server config "server.cfg" Succeeded reading from default.dspl Loaded 5 map entries Loading DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"... Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDEF_default.dsr" ----------------------------------- Spawning map: mp_lambeth, gametype tdef Edit: Was a port issue
  22. Are the video files needed for the server? It downloaded them for me through Tools.
  23. I've been trying for the past 4 hours to download the server files with Steam, guess something is wrong. Even tried changing the download location but no improvement.
  24. What fixed it for me, was setting compatibility to halflife2 instead of blank. No idea why, but it works now.
  25. I have a similar issue Gordo, running the exact same command line via bat files or command prompt, everything works. When using TCAdmin, I can only have one online per hardware. I can use the exact same install and bat files to launch as many non TCAdmin servers as I'd like. When using TCAdmin, all servers after the first one, restart constantly until tcadmin stops them. There is no error that I can see. When allowing the service to run as System, and Interact with Desktop, it does work however.
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