Most are uploading 6GB+ of data over a broadband connection. ie.. 30+ hours LOL.
Only a few are driving to the DC and popping in the dvd. But steam now has it for DL 49.95 so there will be 10,000 by tonight I am betting.
No, you do not need to use the fs_game in the command line.
I attached my server CFG's and it contains a command line.txt file if ya need it.
These are just the game cfg's not a tca cfg. You will need to change the call to the correct server.cfg file
FYI... Looks like the master servers are down already!! LOL Hopefully they are fixing the connection timed out issues.
Depends how many you got running. I had around 17-20 instances and it was always a crap shoot on if it would come to front. I still keep bugging him to fix it every time I am on the phone with him.
Actually the Anaconda will lock users out from time to time and when it is rebooted and tries to attach to a running BHD.exe it wont come to desktop. look in the task manger and you will see the Server manager BLEEDING memory like no tomorrow. upwards of 200mb.
Workaround if you dont want to kill the clients server to reattach Anaconda is to kill anaconda, open bhdsm.ini and change lockdown file path from true to false. Then restart anaconda and relock it down via the advanced options GUI. Paul/Conda never fixed this in his program sorry to say.
Only aff servers dont require a vid card. And you need a aff server to use tca with dfx and jo. Call Nova see if they will give you a affiliate contract.
If I feal like I'm in a giving mood I may release my custom stats uploader . Works woth BHD,JO, and DFX AFF and retail versions and uploads to babstats scripts and ambostats .
The affiliate BHD's servers ran the same as Retails. This CFG works fella's.
The only difference with AFF BHD was the client side of the app was stripped out and it fired up Windowed. JO and DFX are a different story. TCAdmin rocks, you just have to get it to work for you.
Yes. Install the Anaconda server manager as a service and let clients use it to manage BHD.
Here is my cfg but you'll have to edit the bhd.exe names and server manger.exe names as I was a affilliate host for Novalogic and the names are slightly different.
Use the same one for Teamsabre.
Just put the server manager instal folder inside the parent BHD directory and zip that up for a game install
Have fun... Delta Force_ Black Hawk Down.txt
That is a tutorial I wrote over @ condascode.
Command line parameter for windowed is /serveronly You can also use -w but if you run multiples use the /serveronly switch.
You wont be able to get it to login though. I use a special dedicated server version (affiliate code) and mine do not require login.
As the guys said above. You would have to read the EULA on each game Title. I know for instance that Novalogic allows up to 4 instances of a host only mode server under one Key. so 5 servers you would need 2 keys. Also like ECF said
WTF Xillax? Posting competing software here? Yeah I'd buy something from Idiots that spam there competitors forums! My guess is it is CRAP and thats why you have to spam all the good sites with your crap program. LOL
You can e copy the commands directly from the .bat file and paste them into the custom command line. thats how I do some of the more complex ones we have.
that site you DL from? Did you logon and DL it straight to that box? It saves your keycode in a cookie file. You must Login ad DL it straight to that box!!