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Everything posted by LFA

  1. If the minecraft process crashes it is not going to save the world. Your client can configure a scheduled task to runs every few hours that executes the save-all command or install a plugin that does auto saving. If you click on stop or restart it should save the world. You can confirm this by viewing the web console while you execute the stop or restart command. You should see stop the command executing in the console and the messages saying the world was saved.
  2. Make sure the server where the game server is currently located can connect to the ftp server of the other server.
  3. Read under "Some/all files not visible in FTP or file manager": http://help.tcadmin.com/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Some.2Fall_files_not_visible_in_FTP_or_file_manager
  4. I have attached updated configs for garry's mod. If you run linux you still have to update your Windows config because they share settings. GMod - Linux.xml GMod - Windows.xml
  5. You are sending the game id for windows. If you want to create the game server on the linux server you need to send the linux game id. In your product settings can create a custom field of type dropdown. Name it "Operating System" with value: 9|Windows,10|Linux In the product's module settings set the value of game id to "CustomField:Operating System"
  6. Create a support ticket with the link and login for your control panel so I can take a look.
  7. The same code is executed when creating a service with the billing api and when a reseller creates a service. If the service limit works with one it should work with the other. Make sure Enable debug mode in the master's TCAdminMonitor.exe.config. Restart the master monitor. Create a service with the reseller account. In Logs\Monitor\console.log you should see messages while it is looking for a server so you can troubleshot.
  8. LFA


    Create a support ticket with the link to the game server and login so I can take a look.
  9. LFA


    Set the values using the command line manager. If you change them directly in the service settings tcadmin will not detect the change.
  10. You can create a support ticket to get support not just sales. Basically what you need to do is move your game files to the new server. Install tcadmin and configure it to connect to the existing database. Go to Settings > Game Tools. Run the verify/repair tool with "update run as user" checked. This will fix the file system permissions so the game servers can be started.
  11. Edit the value of TCAdmin.ConfigUtility.Database.ConnectionString in the master's /home/tcadmin/Monitor/ConfigUtility.config If it is encrypted replace it with this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?> <values> <add key="TCAdmin.ConfigUtility.Database.DBMS" value="MySql" type="System.String,mscorlib" /> <add key="TCAdmin.ConfigUtility.Database.Provider" value="TCAdmin.DatabaseProviders.MySql.MySqlManager,TCAdmin.DatabaseProviders.MySql" type="System.String,mscorlib" /> <add key="TCAdmin.ConfigUtility.Database.ConnectionString" value="Data Source=;User Id=YOUR_DB_USER;Password=YOUR_DB_PASSWORD;Database=YOUR_DATABASE;" type="System.String,mscorlib" /> <add key="TCAdmin.ConfigUtility.Database.ConnectionString.Encrypted" value="False" type="System.Boolean,mscorlib" /> </values>
  12. Move your game server files and database to the new server. Then install and configure tcadmin. Files are in /home/tcadmin and /home/tcagame. If you have a mysql database you need to make a backup with mysqldump.
  13. The slots are not available in the before start event. http://help.tcadmin.com/Service_Manager_Scripting_Variables What you can do is save the slots to a file and read it in the before start script.
  14. I will try to reproduce this error and fix it for the next update. For now what you can do is run the download script manually. The scripts are in /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games. For example: cd /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games ./download_css-linux.sh
  15. Create a support ticket so I can take a look.
  16. LFA

    Sub Admins

    This isn't possible right now.
  17. Delete the files and folders in /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/wolfet-linux and try again.
  18. Create a support ticket with link and login for the control panel and access to the server so I can take a look.
  19. Have you tried running it manually with the commands shown in Services > Select the game server > Service Settings > Preview?
  20. Do you have the other option "control console output" checked? Try unchecking that and click on update existing services.
  21. LFA

    Steam Game Downloader

    Set the user to anonymous and set any password.
  22. Uncheck "control console input" in the game's text console settings. Save and click on update existing services.
  23. Try commenting/uncommenting "export MONO_MANAGED_WATCHER=true" in your mono-config. You can also try compiling the latest mono and configure tcadmin to use that instead of 2.10.8. Create a support ticket and I can send you the commands.
  24. That will only work if the WEB_USER in tcadmin-config is set to root. Normal users can't open ports lower than 1024. In the server settings uncheck "bind to all IPs" to configure tcadmin to only use the primary IP. If you use the iptables redirect you will have to see if there is a way to do it only for a specific IP.
  25. TCAdmin doesn't support any script events for teamspeak servers. You should leave a range of IPs open in your firewall. For example 9987 to 10987 to allow 1000 virtual servers.
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