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Everything posted by LFA
Improvements Improved speed of fast download sync with large exclude filters on Linux. Bug Fixes Fixed bug with include/exclude files in fast download. Fixed error when importing a theme. Fixed zombie process on Linux when starting a script as the user that runs the service. Fixed bug when saving a steam downloader recurring task. Fixed error when downloading a file that contained '+' character from FTP. Fixed error when saving a large TS3 snapshot.
The few times I have seen this error the fix is to remove the IP from the command line.
Sometimes there is a steam library error when you start a game server for the first time. This prevents it from showing up in the list The steam library error can be fixed like this: - Create a new game server. If you check the web console you will see the steam library error. If you click on current activity and stats the query fails. - Restart the game server. Check the web console and the library error will be gone. If you click on current activity and stats the query works. - Copy that game server's to C:\TCAFiles\Games\css. It should overwrite existing files. - Now if you create a new game server it will use the updated files that don't have the library error.
Right now you can't configure the monitors to communicate using the private network but you can configure it to transfer files with the private network. - Create a user. - Go to the user details. Configure a ftp virtual directory pointing to the games folder on the server where your game files are located. Name the virtual folder "Games". - Create a file server using the server's private IP and the user/password that you created. Enable game downloads. - Select one of the other servers that is located in the same private network. Configure it to download from the file server.
The snapshots are only used on the same Teamspeak server.
You are having problems with the game not with tcadmin. Ask in the game's forums.
They are saved to the database. Each snapshot is around 50KB depending on the number of channels and users.
It checks for updates after every license check. It doesn't happen with every log in.
New Features Added support for Teamspeak 3 snapshots. Enable and set the maximum snaphots in the TS3 server settings. Snapshots can be created and restored from the Teamspeak service's Actions tab. This feature is enabled by default with a maximum 5 snapshots. After the limit is reached the oldest snapshot will be replaced. Added an option in security settings to force logging in with https instead of http. On Linux this will work only if you uncommented the secure web port in tcadmin-config. Server's IPv6 addresses can be added manually. Added support for v1 feature to set folder permissions with a text file (folderconfig.tca). Updates can be grouped. Bug Fixes If the selected commandline is deleted it will switch back to the default commandline. Fixed subuser permissions for custom script when the game used scripts from a template. The script's stderr wasn't redirected to the browser (errors from executed commands were not being shown) Fixed sharing violation error on Linux when creating the service start script. The web console/log viewer was loading the whole file instead of the last 3KB. Before mod install script was not executed in the game server's root folder. Login page doesn't create a database connection with every page load anymore. Improved speed of the billing api when used by resellers. Fixed some errors with the minecraft query.
Make sure /home/tcadmin/Logs/ServiceManager/console.log has this in the first few lines: The packet capture library has been detected
Select the commandline manager. Select the default commandline. It will ask for the ram values.
In /home/tcadmin/Database/MySQL.sql find this: ('TCAdmin.DBVersion','69') Replace with: ('TCAdmin.DBVersion','70') Then try again.
Start the monitor in console mode. When the monitor has started paste this command in the console and press enter: sql UPDATE tc_info SET value='68' WHERE name='TCAdmin.DBVersion'; Then try updating to 2.0.70 again.
TCAdmin looks for a server after the success response has already been sent to WHMCS. That is not causing the time out. Does suspend/unsuspend work?
Is the game that you are creating selected in the server's settings? Game & Voice Settings tab > Allowed Games
You need to add the scripts on the games that you will host. There is no script event for when a user is created.
Make sure the windows server is selected in your api configuration.
The output I see if from mono in debug mode. Don't enable debug mode in your mono_config. It's going to be slower and use more cpu. You can execute these commands on your server to optimize mono. /opt/mono-2.10.8/bin/mono --aot -O=all /opt/mono-2.10.8/lib/mono/2.0/mscorlib.dll for i in /opt/mono-2.10.8/lib/mono/gac/*/*/*.dll; do /opt/mono-2.10.8/bin/mono --aot -O=all $i; done /home/tcadmin/Monitor/serviceman-service restart /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart
You can run tcadmin on the same server with cpanel. It will not cause ay conflicts. What you need to do is: Backup your database, restore it on the new server. Install tcadmin on the new server. Configure it to connect to your existing database. Go to Server Management > Remote DB Connections. Enable and configure the connection used by remote servers. It must connect to the master's database. Don't use localhost as the server. Add the new remote server. Configure the old master as the remote. Download the remote's ConfigUtility.config. Save it to /home/tcadmin/Monitor and restart the monitor. Update the database manually so all services have the new server's ID. The table you should update is tc_services the column is server_id. Change the value from 1 to the new remote's ID.
Try uncommenting the SECURE_WEB_PORT in tcadmin-config and restart the monitor. That will make it use a different web server.
if you use firefox install the addon named sqlite manager. You don't need to edit the database manually. Just copy the text file's contents. Paste it in the exclude field.
Here you go. class Program { static string logname="announce.log"; static void Main(string[] args) { var prgName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var path = new System.IO.FileInfo(prgName).DirectoryName; System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(path); WriteLog("TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel"); WriteLog(string.Empty); if (File.Exists(logname)) File.Delete(logname); var port = 0; if (args.Length == 1 && int.TryParse(args[0], out port)) { var sampver = GetSampVersion(); WriteLog("SA-MP : v{0}", sampver); var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(string.Format("http://server.sa-mp.com/{0}/announce/{1}", sampver, port)); request.ServicePoint.BindIPEndPointDelegate = new BindIPEndPoint(BindIPEndPointCallback); request.Referer = "http://Bonus"; request.UserAgent = "SAMP/0.30"; request.Accept = "*/*"; request.ProtocolVersion = new Version("1.0"); request.KeepAlive = false; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); WriteLog("Response : {0}", response.StatusDescription); } else { WriteLog("Usage: announce.exe <port>"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } public static IPEndPoint BindIPEndPointCallback(ServicePoint servicePoint, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int retryCount) { var config = "server.cfg"; if (retryCount > 0) { WriteLog("Error : Bind to the IP in {0} failed", config); return null; } if (File.Exists(config)) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(config, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))) { var contents = reader.ReadToEnd(); var regex = new Regex(@"^[\s]*bind[\s]+(?<bind>\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline); var match = regex.Match(contents); if (match.Success) { WriteLog("Bind : {0}", match.Groups["bind"].Value); return new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(match.Groups["bind"].Value), new System.Random().Next(5000, 7000)); } else WriteLog("Could not find bind in {0}", config); } } return null; } public static void WriteLog(string output, params object[] arg) { Console.WriteLine(output, arg); File.AppendAllText(logname, string.Format(output, arg) + "\r\n"); } public static string GetSampVersion() { var executable = "samp-server.exe"; if (!File.Exists(executable)) { WriteLog("Error : {0} does not exist", executable); return "0.3.4"; } FileVersionInfo sampver = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(executable); var ver = sampver.FileVersion; if (ver.EndsWith(".0")) ver = ver.Substring(0, ver.LastIndexOf(".0")); return ver; } }
Did they mention why it was deleted? It was actually someone in one of your threads there that suggested creating a custom announce script. http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=268045
Go to the remote server settings. In the firewall/router tab disable keep alive.
or you can enable query cache in mysql.