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Everything posted by LFA

  1. That's the first time I see that. I haven't test it but another client mentioned today that adding this to the mono-config reduces cpu usage: export MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU=300
  2. The default announce.exe doesn't support secondary IPs on Windows. This forces you to run your samp servers on the primary IP if you want them to be on the internet servers list. To use the custom announce.exe simply replace the default announce.exe with the one in the zip. To have TCAdmin replace the exe automatically after the game server is created: Place announce.exe in the TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools folder. Create a custom batch script for the after created event with this script: copy /y %TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\announce.exe %ThisService_RootDirectory% .NET 3.5 is required. You already have it installed if you are running v2. announce.zip
  3. I don't have a script for Linux yet. You can download the game on Windows with hldsupdatetool.exe or compress and download the files to your PC and run the script there.
  4. can be caused by: - The master can't connect to https://master.tcadmin.net - There is an error with the license. Go to System > About to see if there is an error. - The remote can't connect to the master's secure port. Test with this command: wget https://masterip:secureport
  5. The compression speed depends on the .net compression library that we use. I will be adding support for commandline compression tools so you can use any tool you want. You will be able to create uz2 files or anything else with that feature.
  6. There have been some new bugs caught after yesterday's update. I will upload a new update in a few days. If you want the bug fixes now I added them to the 2.0.70 update. You can update again to get these fixes: The script's stderr wasn't redirected to the browser (errors from executed commands were not being shown) Fixed sharing violation error on Linux when creating the service start script. The web console/log viewer was loading the whole file instead of the last 3KB. Please post that info in the tips & tricks forums. Instead of all this: C:\TCAFiles\Users\%ThisUser_UserName%\%ThisService_ServiceId% use this: %ThisService_RootDirectory%
  7. Try updating manually to the version that you are currently running. For example on Linux: /home/tcadmin/Monitor/updatetool 2.0.70On Windows: "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminUpdateTool.exe" 2.0.70
  8. Bug Fixes Capturing a script value was only working if "Save script parameter value" was checked. Fixed game server mover on Linux broken in the previous update. FastDownload.db is always excluded from fast download sync. Removed some code that caused service start errors on Linux. If you keep getting this error stop the monitor and service manager services. Execute "killall mono" and start the services again.
  9. Export the game and the file will include the mods.
  10. It's just the game page that takes a long time to save when you have a large list. Everything else is fine.
  11. Is there a commandline tool that compresses a file to uz2?
  12. http://help.tcadmin.com/Fast_Downloads#How_to_create_a_list_of_exclude_files_the_easy_way
  13. TCAdmin does not create that file. The game server creates it. A tcadmin update is not going to break that.
  14. Make sure you have -condebug in the commandline. That creates the qconsole.log If the game server doesn't work stop it in tcadmin and run it manually to see what's wrong. http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services#Running_the_Service_Manually
  15. Make sure the services are installed so they start automatically after a reboot. cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./monitor-service install ./serviceman-service installThe web update fails sometimes. I haven't figured out what is causing this yet. Usually if you restart the monitor before an update it works. /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart
  16. Just go to General Settings > Games > New. Follow the instructions shown. If you know how to run the game manually without a control panel you should be able to use that guide to configure it in tcadmin.
  17. There aren't any variables available to generate the file name in the recurring task. If you want a specific file name you can configure a custom script in the game's settings. The script can compress the files and save it with the name that you require. Set the script's event to Custom Icon or Custom Action and enable "allow scheduling". That way your users can schedule the script if needed.
  18. New Features Added fast download compression. Enable and select the compression format in the game's settings. On the next manual sync existing files will be compressed and uploaded. Uncompressed files will be deleted from the fast download server. User can be prompted to enter variable values before executing a script. Read "Capture values before executing the script" for more information. Added option to execute the custom script as the user that runs the game server. A reboot is required for this feature to start working correctly. Added "Info" link in the task status to show the task owner, service and scheduled time. Billing API allows upgrade of the game id as long as the new game's exe exists in the game server's folder. Bug Fixes Fixed a bug that allowed a user to know another user's username by guessing the user id. Fixed a bug that caused the service to get stuck on stopped. Fixed "Table doesn't have a primary key" error when automatic fast download sync was enabled.
  19. Don't include the server tags in your code: <% %>
  20. For some reason the sqlite driver is throwing a thread abort error. This is causing tcadmin to abort the task. Have you tried restarting the monitor? /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart
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