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Everything posted by Noony

  1. How customizable are the templates? Can you completely change the layout?
  2. You have permission to copy HostHavocs theme?
  3. +1 for Github as it would allow easy managing, contributing and organizing of the configs. But honestly, as long as it's managed by TCAdmin staff I'm not fussed
  4. No sorry, this theme belongs to Streamline Servers.
  5. If you are wishing to contact me about purchasing the Streamline Servers theme I made. I would like to reiterate that it is NOT for sale from me, it is the property of Streamline Servers.




  6. I don't know to be honest. Could you paste the output of steamcmd when you try to download the files?
  7. 1 & 2) Try putting the value in speech quotes, for example: SessionName="02Hosting Ark Test Server" 4) We use 376030 and it works fine. Kind Regards, Jack
  8. Guess you could use something like SSHFS and mount the remote backup filesystem locally then do a symlink to that.
  9. Have you tried making a symlink from the users game server root directory to wherever that game server backup is stored? This will allow you to show the backups in the script variable dropdown.
  10. Noony

    Boostrap Theme

    You cant, unless you want to do lots of jscript find and replacing.
  11. Noony

    Shadow Theme

    Yes, as @goatboynz said the icons are not included. The logo and icons in the header can be edited via the header html box via settings -> themes -> shadowtheme -> advanced tab. The background ref is at the top of the css file, just change it to where ever your new background is located. I might update this theme if I can find time and enough people want it.
  12. I've got this working fine and from looking at your website you have it setup correctly. Are you sure your logging in correctly? It will login you in directly if the user and pass are correct if not then it will take you to the default login page.
  13. Noony

    Pop-up Box Script

    Recently made this as I thought it would be handy to display network status pages, knowledge base articles, twitter feeds etc. Alternatively you could remove the iframe and just display some static content. Feel free to improve it. Alert-Box-Script.zip
  14. Thanks for the kind words. Was a pleasure working with you guys too
  15. Sorry this was a paid theme so I can't release it.
  16. Click my profile name above, then on send email
  17. Streamline Servers new theme. I'm extremely happy with it, looks much better with their logo's.
  18. Noony

    Boostrap Theme

    Not quite what your asking. The header should look like the picture, bar the logo and icons on the right. Are you sure you pasted the header HTML into your theme?
  19. Noony

    Boostrap Theme

    Are you referring to the breadcrumb menu? if so, I disabled it in my themes as I never use it.
  20. Posting the code and error would help us to identify the problem.
  21. Noony

    Boostrap Theme

    Hi, Thanks for reporting them, fixed both and the side category header background weirdness.
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