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Everything posted by Ben-EdgeGameServers.com

  1. Hello!! I am looking for Natural Selection 2 Config please Windows.. Much Appreciated!
  2. I'd Rather avoid all new Windows OS. Windows 2008 Is Stable and great! PS: I have several Windows 2008 datacenter R2 enterprise Licenses can be used up to 500 times. I bought them for Bulk price. If you are interested contact me .
  3. Hi , I'm wondering how do you guys let your clients update there MC Server?
  4. Hi, You can get it from here deep in http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9214 Or check your Panel if it's updated it should be there. ~Benjamin
  5. You can use the Web Server feature Where you upload the mod in to web directory and set it up in TCAdmin.
  6. I can help you for free. Just email me benjamin@unitservers.com Let me know what you need help with. I'll be more then happy to help you
  7. Yes I use it and Clients love it!
  8. Hmm , How do you guys keep the game updated for clients?
  9. Hi , I'm getting LOT'S of request from customer's to add .dll files and I just cannot take it anymore.. These days everyone has there own mods.. And I really want to allow the clients to upload .dll files. Now I want to know what is the risk for letting them do it? Regards, Benjamin.
  10. I have just been told the same thing . Just got the game . Thanks!
  11. Hi , I really need Call Of Duty Game Files please if anyone could share it can be very nice Thanks, Benjamin! (Sorry just noticed that I posted at wrong place)
  12. Hi, I'm having trouble with the Auto Sync Fast DL I am very confused about how I need to make the"Files to Sync: Section ... May anyone explain a little bit more about how I need to do it? Thanks In advanced, Benjamin.
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