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Everything posted by Ben-EdgeGameServers.com

  1. Hey guys I'm wondering if anyone has Terraria Config File please Thanks.
  2. Can anyone create an Config file for please
  3. So how do I add that to my server.cfg? sv_region "0 US - East" "2 South America" ??
  4. For some reason when I run the server VIA TCAdmin it will not show up on the main server list , but it will show in Favorites-list .. But when I run it VIA Command prompt on RDP , it will show up on the Main server list and on the Favorites.. Any idea why this is happening?
  5. Wtf!! Oh god Steam is going crazy or what?.. Everyday they make it more & more complicated..
  6. Does anyone feel like making CS:GO Config file for TCA2?
  7. Mine says the same thing but after that it starts Checking..
  8. Well the servers on all I need is a config for TCAdmin and I can start selling them Server IP:
  9. Hi, Whenever I create an Garry'sMod Server after then I go to Console and I get this Error: "The log file 'orangebox\garrysmod\console.log' does not exist." Pic# Of Error http://gyazo.com/1028f8eb879913f9c4c6117705fe7a7d Also when I create the console.log it deletes it when the server starts.. Thanks. Also what does "Status:Running (pid 0)" What is the (pid 0) meaning?
  10. Yep! I alerted allot of people Just like I warned Bubka3. Watch out people I have been hacked while I was a GameCP User. Trust me Secure your things ASAP You don't want to be the next Victim.
  11. Hey kinda of a funny question but I haven't found the directory of the place I upload themes. Thanks, Ben
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