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Everything posted by thewreckingcrew6

  1. The server currently in question is a minecraft server. I'm trying to figure out if it would be possible to send commands to the console of the server from a script. Does anybody have any ideas on this?
  2. From what I've seen I thought Unturned was quite different than ark. Modifying might be difficult, but I could maybe put together an unturned config.
  3. I do think XenForo would be a good platform to use for something along these lines.
  4. Howdy tcadmin@mgservers.eu The setting has been set in the server settings?
  5. Your idea is great except this community is not about paid configs. Making money and taking donations for your work is not what this community is about. However, I would be completely ok with either github or xenforo. I have used both.
  6. Are we talking like, put certain people in charge of certain configs?
  7. That being said, GitHub makes it easy for multiple people to contribute to the same config.
  8. If you manage to find a way to accomplish this, please dear god share.
  9. Currently Vicente, there is no way for anybody to make them for ps4 or xbox until ark releases the software to do so.
  10. The nice thing about github, is it allows multiple people to work and submit changes on the same configs. If there was a way we could just create download links to a github latest version that would be awesome. ECF can choose who can contribute and see the github...etc.
  11. Howdy Ahughes, I believe I fixed this in the current version.
  12. Sorry for the delay folks! [b]Update 5 - v1.05[/b] - Changed the drop down selection for maps to a textbox to allow for easier installation of custom maps. - Added script on windows to remove mods on uninstall to prevent powershell errors.
  13. Update 7: (6/11/17) - Added Support for the new "Treasure Trade" gamemode. It is now available under your gamemode option in server.cfg.
  14. Set two servers with the same clusterid up.
  15. the query protocol we use is half-life 2 new
  16. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=74259&postcount=22
  17. Ok. So you have to remove TheIsland from your commandline when you do it, I have never done custom maps nor have I set them up. Install the mod, add -MapModId= into your commandline and remove TheIsland. If that doesn't work, I may not be the best person to talk to atm, due to it being Easter :/
  18. Did you install the mod? Steps to add steam workshop mods: Get the steam workshop id from url (Ex. steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=760067652&searchtext=) Select the Auto Mod Command Line Add Mod ID to Active Mods section of main config file using configuration manager(Ex. Active Mods: 000000000,111111111,222222222) Add mod Id to game.ini using configuration editor
  19. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS705US705&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=installing+valhalla+ark+server
  20. This is a common error in Ark, google will be your friend in fixing this.
  21. I have yet to run into this problem myself. Though let me do a test here real fast. Edit: - Just ran a test, and my config files were not deleted on update. I sadly do not know what to tell you, but Ark servers tend to be very random.
  22. Update 4 - v1.04: - Changed file system permissions to allow non-admins to use the text editor by default on gameusersettings.ini. If you would like to revert this simply go give basic users No Permissions to GameUserSettings.ini. (Will force them to use the config editor)
  23. I could not tell you where to begin with changing languages mate. Sorry. Best of luck to you though!
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