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Everything posted by thewreckingcrew6

  1. Go into the config settings > variables > motd And edit that variables default value.
  2. So go to Configuration Files > GameUserSettings.ini And then you will see this section: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6049aumapc4nvxf/Screenshot%202017-04-15%2002.25.52.png?dl=0 Simply edit that along with whatever else you would like to edit and hit save, then restart your server and you should be cookin!
  3. Update 6: (4/15/17) - Added Support for the new "Capture the Booty" gamemode. It is now available under you gamemode option in server.cfg.
  4. Howdy Xandok! That would be Ark's fancy MOTD setting! You should be able to go into your main config and edit that to your liking! If you have any trouble, do let me know.
  5. If you downloaded this config, I 100% suggest you delete almost anything you had before (I apologize) but I have completely changed what server software this config is using. It was using Pocketmine-MP before, which is slow to update and unreliable and requires huge installation steps... I now have the config using Nukkit, which all runs through java and is updated quickly when updates are released for the game. I hope y'all enjoy
  6. There's a github branch that is keeping it updated. One of the devs spoke here... https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP/issues/810 Says there is a massive rewrite in progress, so I guess just stay alert for updates.
  7. Most likely pocketmine hasn't updated there software. Also thank you for the feedback, will update it soon.
  8. Bless your soul, was planning on getting to this today. Will test it out here in a second with the mod that was causing the issues.
  9. Done. [b]Update 3 - v1.03:[/b] - Added -clusterid commandline option for people making server clusters - Added -ClusterDirOverride option for people making server clusters - Added AltSaveDirectoryName variable in the Main Config File to allow changing the save directory location for the server. (Useful for running multiple instances)
  10. Oh! I forgot about game switching. It may be a good idea to throw together a spigot config then maybe.
  11. This is also a better idea than getting an entirely new config for tcadmin.
  12. Also I figured out what causes this error. It actually is some of the mods make the file paths too long when deleting the server. I will have to script a delete script to possibly delete the mods before the server gets deleted.
  13. [b]Update 1 - v1.01:[/b] - Updated commandlines to include more variables to help make sure the server starts up correctly. - Added a line to game.ini by default to keep the server from overwriting it on startup
  14. Well I will update both linux and windows to contain that line in game.ini just in case. I see no reason why I couldn't drop these command lines into the mix too. At the end of the default one I will probably add -server -log though.
  15. So to confirm on the game.ini getting overwritten. It only happens on Windows. Not sure why. But about to put out an update.
  16. Thank you for that Ragonz. I hadn't gotten out of class yet. I will add this into the config template. Though I have never had a problem with my config getting wiped.
  17. To answer the mods portion of this question, no I do not have an explanation for why it does that. It's definitely not the most efficient way of doing things. Probably because what -automanagedmods does is it downloads the mod into that first folder, and then copies that folder into the mods folder of the server. Seems pointless but there's nothing I can do about that. As for the powershell thing...........*face palms*.....this just has Windows horrible self written all over it. I will have to figure out how to replicate the error, and then probably script a workaround. In all my years of doing stuff involving large amounts of files and scripts, I have never once hit this "limit." ^ Quite frankly not sure if I should say "Glad I could help" or "Sorry." So I'll just say both Sorry Ark Dedicated Server is not the smartest and Glad I could help remedy y'alls problem. No this is not normal. Most likely you have some settings somewhere else incorrect, but I will take a look into this after class today.
  18. The configs I have made for y'all
  19. Wrecking's Minecraft:PE Configs I threw together these configs in response to this thread. They almost fully function and I have provided a massive update to them. ALSO, I have put together both a Windows Config and a Linux Config. Some Features... Working Query Settings Working Web console (With command input) Automatic Download (Mostly) Automatic Updates (On Linux only, Windows is manually, but there is a custom link on windows linking you straight to it) Configuration Editor on all the main configs Max Memory Limit shows accurately Configuration Editor Support Plugins Support All works with java Known Issues... On Windows, the console input sometimes doesn't like to work...Not sure what causes it. Server Requirements... You need Java...that should be it Server Installation... I simplified the installation process by using a new software called Nukkit. Software is all java based and installation is 40x Easier. Wrecking...I have an idea/feature request... Make a kind post below and I will happily see what I can do MCPE - Linux v1.0.xml or Linux Download MCPE - Windows v1.0.xml or Windows Download
  20. I apologize for asking the question. Did you make sure ALL the ports are forwarded. The query port needs to be open for the server to communicate with the steam servers.
  21. So for your steam API Key, go to this link, and get a steam api key from steam. Copy that key, then go to your tcadmin control panel. Go to Settings > Default Steam Settings and copy your api key in there. I just tested it again for y'all to confirm that this statement is not true. On linux, when you install an ark server, you just simply have to run a script to install the steamcmd -automanagedmods requires, and my config auto runs that script for you when you install the server or reinstall the server. Ah yes. I forgot to post about requirements. Thank you for the reminder. Requirements: On Windows: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable DirectX On Linux: lib32gcc1 I have placed links above. And on linux, you simply just have to install the package.
  22. Just as a heads up everybody, Lemons config is out of date for one, and this is in no way trashing lemon. The config hasn't been updated in a while. I have just recently put together a new Ark config I can guarantee will work. It is somewhat based off of Lemon's Config, but has a large number of improvements. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12489
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