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Everything posted by numpty

  1. The script works on Arma perfectly. Don't know about other games. But should do haven't tested
  2. I'll have a look I think I have one
  3. Seems like there are speed limits active or the webserver has a slow download speed
  4. Yes. Used. CSS n html to create the table then pulled information from the db itself. Shows server manes and total platers on each server. Not the gameserver. But each actual dedicated server I have 79 servers. So shows all 79 server with active players across them all individually
  5. I have made a live stats page showing users on each Server it pulls player count on each Server and shows it in a table
  6. I am able to help. Pm me and can try and assist you. Choose send email option as don't check my direct message too often but always chl my email
  7. Plz do I've been trying for days with no fix. Hope you find out a way. I have also tried adding a width height into command line. No joy
  8. how did you get the forest working i am not able to get it working at all it runs but i get

    desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0

    Switching to resolution 1024x720 failed, trying lower one

    All resolution switches have failed

    Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1024x720 fs=0 hz=0)


    any help is apreciated

  9. serverSteamAccount accountcode thats howq you do it have you got your server working ads mine is starting but is failing to change resolution i get desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0 Switching to resolution 1024x720 failed, trying lower one All resolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1024x720 fs=0 hz=0)
  10. I tried with a bat file it kept looping and starting the server up whenever I try with the exe I get desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0 Switching to resolution 1024x720 failed, trying lower one All resolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1024x720 fs=0 hz=0) or with the bat, i get https://i.imgur.com/DFBKTIc.png how can I fix these issues?? if I try the runas command via cmd prompt it works perfectly with no errors so something within tcadmin must be causing it can you help me fix my issue thanks
  11. ehat start.bat do you have an example one?? ior have it just rune theforestdedicatedserver.exe??
  12. Still getting the error. Have tried as tcagame and system no joy
  13. try again I didn't understand any of that
  14. thas also with oxide installed ???
  15. in webconsole i get <RI> Input initialized. desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0 Switching to resolution 1024x720 failed, trying lower one All resolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1024x720 fs=0 hz=0)
  16. also cannot seem to find the server it boots ok but cannot find it in the server list
  17. is there anyway to fix the monsters ???
  18. have you got it working without oxide???
  19. i am still working on my config currently it keeps crashing saying access violation have tried running as game system user but no joy if i get it working i will share my config
  20. i dnt read the dates xD thats my bads i think i should start lol
  21. what you mean razio necro posts I was providing the Arma 3 server app id don't be damn negative when I am helping the community. man this forums has turned to crap lately anyone tries to help they get slagged off
  22. i am trying to gwt linux working on arma as i currently run it on windows with no issues 120 arma servers on indows no problem ut linux is another issue i had the exact dsame problem run a root works tcagame nothing if i ssh into ir an manually run it finds the mods use cp nothing no mods ??? ill keep ttrying an if find a fix ill hit you up
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