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Posts posted by numpty

  1. It doesn't if you have the sql creation script coded in as custom script properly it should auto import.. if it was my config they should be in there just look at the create dB script last kindle you mist rename sql to the file name in there and also put in correct directory... you can change directory if you want or file name up to you but it should work as has for me for last few years


    Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk





  2. 15 minutes ago, platchford02 said:

    hi there

    I do not know why im getting this it was working when I was using phpmyadmin

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IF NOT EXISTS `arma3`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY 'changeme'' at line 1

    this is how my first few lines look like if this helps change root to a specific user if you want


    SET time_zone = "+00:00";
    -- Compatible with newer MySQL versions. (After MySQL-5.5)
    -- This SQL uses utf8mb4 and has CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function.
    /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
    -- Database: `altislife`
    -- Default Schema
    -- Drop procedures to ensure no conflicts
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `resetLifeVehicles`;
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `deleteDeadVehicles`;
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `deleteOldHouses`;
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `deleteOldGangs`;
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `deleteOldContainers`;
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `deleteOldWanted`;
    -- Procedures
    -- Edit root to match a user in MySQL
    -- For external databases: Edit localhost to match rootserver IP
    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `resetLifeVehicles`()
      UPDATE `vehicles` SET `active`= 0;
    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `deleteDeadVehicles`()
      DELETE FROM `vehicles` WHERE `alive` = 0;
    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `deleteOldHouses`()
      DELETE FROM `houses` WHERE `owned` = 0;
    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `deleteOldGangs`()
      DELETE FROM `gangs` WHERE `active` = 0;
    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `deleteOldContainers`()
      DELETE FROM `containers` WHERE `owned` = 0;


  3. Thanks we will get into contact with TCADMIN.   We think it might be a bug as we tried the Workshop on the Arma3  What was working B4.   And it no longer works.  We might try reinstalling steam CMD b4 contacting but we will post our ends result here
    Thanks again
    No problem good luck hope you get it fixed

    Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

  4. Hey thanks for the fast reply.  We have made sure the passwords and Usernames are correct and have tried typing them out. we have also tried the steam cmd and login on dedi but we are still running into the same problem.
    This is the error we are getting and this is the Debug of the process
    Error - Steam download failed after 5 retries.
    7/27/2020 3:50:42 AM Set processing to true in service settings.
    7/27/2020 3:50:42 AM Downloading file 1559212036 from Steam...
    7/27/2020 3:50:43 AM Executing before Workshop install/update scripts...
    7/27/2020 3:50:43 AM Preparing SteamCmd...
    7/27/2020 3:51:34 AM Set processing to false in service settings.
    7/27/2020 3:51:34 AM An error occurred. Time to clean up. (WorkshopInstall)
    7/27/2020 3:51:34 AM Steam download failed after 5 retries.
    7/27/2020 3:51:34 AM System.Exception: Steam download failed after 5 retries. at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.q() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.Start() at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.StepBase.Start(Object arguments)
    I would contact tcadmin and see what they suggest then looks like a bug. Let them know what you have tried and give them as much information to help and then they should be able to help more and if possible debug the issue to get it resolved

    Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

  5. 4 minutes ago, DaCrazyKiwi said:

    Hey guys so we are testing out the DayZ SA Server and we found when we try to download mods thru the workshop tab it says it has timed out after 5 attempts we have a steam account connected. we are very stumped by this any ideas would help 




    Hi I had a similar issue and found out as I had copied the steam password it had inadvtantly added a space at the end  triple check for that by manually typing in the password and username  and then also make sure you have done the necessary steps for steamcmd from the tcadmin wiki like adding the steam api key and also the default steam account in settings....

    what I usually do is connect to the dedi and run the steamcmd.exe and 

    Login username 



    Once logged in type exit to quit

    Then should save the information  Hopefully  doesn't always and then should work.. hope this helps

  6. I think your sulution works now I think its realy cool. But do you know how you get the game using mysql insted of the defualt one ? Do you know how I can get that working ? Is it any command line thing to get this working?
    I don't know if its possible I will look into it but I think the game is vocoder for redisdb...so you would need to re code the game but will look for you

    Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

  7. Hello @numptyI hope you are well.
    I've tried installing the bot today and ran into an issue after installing the TCAdmin Module itself.
    I get the following in my web console which seems to suggest no major errors


    [2020-06-10 21:47:46 +10:00] [DSharpPlus] [info] DSharpPlus, version 4.0.0-nightly-00681

    [2020-06-10 21:47:46 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/gateway/bot] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/users/:user_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/oauth2/applications/:application_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/voice/regions] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [info] Module change detected

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [info] Refreshing plugin repository!

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.SDK.dll

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.dll

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.dll

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdminWrapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdminWrapper\TCAdminWrapper.dll

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.SDK.dll

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Received OP 10 (HELLO) - Trying to either resume or identify.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Starting Heartbeat.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Sending Heartbeat.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [info] Refreshed!

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] [AssemblyModules] Loaded: TcAdminModule

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] [AssemblyModules] Loaded: EventsCore

    Starting Events Core.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: AccountCommands class for Custom Commands.

    All events subscribed. Waiting for events to fire.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.dll

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: LinkCommands class for Custom Commands.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: QueryCommands class for Custom Commands.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: TcAdminCommands class for Custom Commands.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: TcAdministrationCommands class for Custom Commands.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: NodeCommands class for Custom Commands.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: TaskManagerCommands class for Custom Commands.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] [Cron Scheduler] Scheduled NetworkStatusCron to fire every 120000ms

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] [Cron Scheduler] Scheduled UpdateConfigurationsCron to fire every 7200000ms

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [NetworkStatusCron] [info] NetworkStatus is disabled. Skipping cron.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [REST] [Debug][2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::0::/channels/:channel_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

     Received WebSocket Heartbeat Ack. Ping: 197ms

    Config does not exist. Auto generating.

    [2020-06-10 21:47:57 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [post::467142759980072960::/channels/:channel_id/messages] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

    [2020-06-10 21:48:29 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Sending Heartbeat.

    [2020-06-10 21:48:29 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Received WebSocket Heartbeat Ack. Ping: 208ms

    However whenever I try and do ";login" in Discord, I get the following error:

    Exception caught! - Sentry ID: f4ebaa1251564784ba21c75db2b39030

    Don't suppose you have any ideas mate? Have tried a reinstall to no avail. Running on Windows Server.

    Best thing is ask the dev or open issue on the hithib as thags hiw i got my issue resolved ...

    Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

  8. are you using the one shared by tcadmin the steam workshop dowenloaer scripts with the butons n stuff which is now built into  tcadmmin for certain games.. if so i had similar issue.. i just tell my customers to check which mods it needs and download the requred first and no issues then

  9. On 5/10/2020 at 10:14 AM, DaCrazyKiwi said:

    Hey so i dont know if i can just blind or what  but i am using your config to set  up an Arma3 Exile Server i import your config and then create the Arma3 Server with the Exile Mods And Server Side Mods but i cant seem to find where to enter the database information so every time we try to create the game server we just get an error saying  Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)   

    its in the ini file if i remember in the custom config files should be something like DB INFO or something...

  10. 6 minutes ago, alexr03 said:

    I guess you are running an old(ish) version of windows, like Windows 7 or lower (or Windows Server equivalent). Could you try this on a more up-to-date machine? - (This error also may happen with Mono, if you are attempting to run this on Linux)

    You can also try this (but I haven't tested):

    1) Download https://cloud.openshift.alexr03.dev/s/3JTbDP9ajeqKjW6

    2) Put the .dll in the Shared folder.

    3) Start the bot again.

    correct  i am using server 2008 R2.. yes i know its old bt so far had no issues with the interactive services unlike on my 2016 box where i cant do anything in it ? so i prefer 2008 .. i have tried the DLL you send in the shared folder and still same error.. it does work kind of on my 2016 box but unfortunatly its too far r from my databsde will probly case issues.. also i am getting rid of soon and upgrading to new one... ... and have cpl issues with that one after i enter the connection string in the module.. i woudl prefer to use the 2008 one as it has the DB on that box

  11. i try and start the bot and i get 


    Unhandled Exception: System.PlatformNotSupportedException: The WebSocket protocol is not supported on this platform.
       at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketHelpers.ThrowPlatformNotSupportedException_WSPC()
       at System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket..ctor()
       at DSharpPlus.Net.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.<ConnectAsync>d__19.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at DSharpPlus.Net.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.<ConnectAsync>d__19.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.<InternalConnectAsync>d__60.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.<ConnectAsync>d__57.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at Nexus.DiscordMain.<RunAsync>d__3.MoveNext() in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\DiscordMain.cs:line 78
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at Nexus.Program.<MainAsync>d__4.MoveNext() in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\Program.cs:line 88
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at Nexus.Program.Main(String[] args) in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\Program.cs:line 22

    any idea what is causing this?? i have re tried making sure i entered correct info like Client ID n token and all is correct just not getting any luck

  12. 30 minutes ago, tmyrdal said:

    Dont work, the Conan server do not shutdown in a normal way.

    Can see in the logg that noting is happend wbfore the server goes offline and I see that some things on the server will not be saved.

    Lets say if you write something on a "sign" then that txt is not saved when we stop the server on normal tcadmin way. But if I write /shutdown inside the game the server will shutdown on the normal way.

    But I cant manage to have tcadmin to do the same.

    I can provide a logg of normal good way when the server shutdown and the log from the normal tcadmin way, I can give you that so you can see.

    I can also give you access to my tcadmin if you can help out np ?

    In that script i gave with ctrl +c i think.. replace that with /shutdown see if that helps n fixes it as it will basically do exactly what u do ingame

    On 4/1/2020 at 6:01 PM, tmyrdal said:

    numpty, how do you enter that script Im new to this script stuff, where can I enter inn that script ?

    When you're editing the config on ledmft. If using mvc theme  you will see custom scriprs.. press that and create new... done 

  13. 26 minutes ago, tmyrdal said:

    numpty, how do you enter that script Im new to this script stuff, where can I enter inn that script ?

    When you're editing the config on ledmft. If using mvc theme  you will see custom scriprs.. press that and create new... done 

  14. 5 minutes ago, tmyrdal said:

    How did you resolve this m8 ?

    Will have been cool if you share the sulusion I will have benn verry happy as I also have the same problem.


    that's all i have in the Query and RCon stuff and i queries perfectly fine


    and a custom script to run before shutdown 



    that has not failed for me with over 200 conan servers


  15. Hey Numpty,
    I am working on fixing BEC I have a few diffrent versions of BEC its bec.lib is the issue I have also got a program by macca called MBcon which will work with Arma 3.
    if you want MBCon I will up load it for you but I will keep on working on bec to fix it.
    I havent had an issue with bec.. ibwill share my working version all you need to do is drop them in profile directory

    Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

  16. 14 minutes ago, smay3411 said:

    Thanks Numpty,

    you are a legend is there any thing you need I am learning to make configs I have dayz mod with working bec and db inserts still working on them to inprove the configs



    Hi mate no worries... well one of them had the setup for bec but it was bugging the server so stopped it thats y if you look in custom scripts you will see start bec set to no action :)...   but all you really need as the pages mention is a sql database locallly on each service that will have a server running and the ckient and server files are all posted im the posts also except altis life.. well it has link to mission files. as extdb3 cud grt updated and dont want to have users grabbing the old version xd. But the others are all there


    Hope that helped 

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