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Everything posted by Skurnicki

  1. Yeah I gave up on using tcadmin for this, I was able to get a 2x2 up and hell that was a pain in the ass just running it with bat files. I'm seeing host havoc has a config up (they use tcadmin) but on a help discord it sounds like they messed up
  2. I love xenforo sooooo much customization
  3. Im willing to pay for an template that is easy to use, my gaming community is begging for a cluster and reading the step by step on nitrados wiki im finding my self mouthing "how the hell.." after each line i read. The concept is really cool but im still learning the tcadmin basics and this one far exceeds anything I know. Hell amonth ago I was proud to figure out how to add events tab to arks command line
  4. Thanks for the help guys changed it and the server booted right up
  5. So when I change the "Query Port Expression" that was $[service.GamePort] + 2 (This was default on the config made by ECF), do I change it to $[service.GamePort] + 0?
  6. So 17 has dropped is it the same with the ips? because I still couldn't get this to work when it was on experimental
  7. I "played" it yesterday... they just need to unlock it so private clusters can make shift the population so the offical servers can work
  8. I figured tweaking would be the better option but when I tried to do it before steam wouldnt update any fresh servers where would I put the 294420 -beta latest_experimental? app id or extra steam commands?
  9. thanks, I guess my next question is what script engine do I use and what event should I put it as I tried to mimic the default save word script included and had access denied here is my script http://prntscr.com/lspy9u
  10. Not sure how to add custom scripts to servers, Ill just wait till it becomes stable
  11. Numpty your config works great, got set up first try! Sadly I forgot how boring this game is....
  12. Does anyone know how to update a server to the experimental build with tcadmin? I've looked online and only find answers using steam tools or the steam CMD nothing specifically for tcadmin Ive tried downloading and force updating a server with adding steam CMD to the folder tried adding +app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental to the extra steam commands options on the game settings also I tried adding -beta latest_experimental to the app id as well, all no luck Ive never done this before so I really have no idea what I am doing. My friends and I wanna play the new update with out destroying our current server If i could get pointed in the right direction I and my friends would appreciate. it
  13. Skurnicki


    Thanks for sharing, I tried to launch the server and it says 0/0 I dont own the game its for my community is this normal?
  14. Squad finally allowed people to host servers on their own now? intresting
  15. the -automanagedmods command line tag is in the games code. Once you added the mods to your server all it takes is a simple steam update. Thats what I do for my servers.
  16. As Dennis stated Xenforo is amazing. There are alot of plugins you can use. And the data import too works with all the major free and paid forum software. Plus looks like you got a few people that can help you with any questions you may have.
  17. Okay but none of my original questions were answered. Since the query and connection port listed to check on steam servers doesnt work nor a players connected bar its difficult to tell if it booted even. The server I tested with using this config posted is only showing 7.11% Cpu and only 251ish mb of memory usage seems kinda off since its a giant space sim game. Is this normal?
  18. Just tried out the config, its not showing a player count so how would you know if the server is running or how long would it take for it to boot up?
  19. I found a "fix" but when that happens I delete in the text save, resave the config editor and save the new text the editor created. And it seems to be working with the 3 fleet servers ive made.
  20. I really like the config! Thanks for sharing! Bug notice though i try to add an admin and it does this. looks like its taking the lines from the server.config and not from admin.txt
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