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Everything posted by conceptr980

  1. Tested your method with 2.0.168 instead and so far seems to be good. Thx
  2. I just tested this update and the theme main page loops inside every page (Image Attached). Plus, the panel works for 2 mins then when reload it shows an error (Image Attached) then after few reloads it works again with the image loop again. Windows 2019 Thx
  3. With multiple databases which could be assigned to single game (account) as per the latest module version. It would be a good idea to add whmcs variable in order to add some cost for additional databases per single game. Thx
  4. Steam Favorites No ... TcAdmin Panel Server Status Yes ...
  5. Thanks for your reply. No crossplay used, just normal server. Disabling players detection query would be the only solution available i presume
  6. I noticed that ARK had the same issue as your other Config RUST since once the server is full, the query keeps calculating more than the MAX number of users in server which is in queue and it reaches Max limit in tcadmin max players detection. Solving this with same script of Rust or so would be great (Maybe) Thx
  7. Tested and confirmed that all good now. Thx
  8. Ill give it a shot today and revert back if there is any issue.
  9. After the Update. Cannot navigate to any page as its looping the header to the page content (Image Attached). Thx
  10. Yes, some of those happens to me as well like button selection is bugged (stuck to one selection) when you try to import existing game config (image attached) and some other issues such as when you want to open some game config. I rolled back to till more fixes is been applied to
  11. Thank you for your reply .. Actually it seems to works fine now specially after updating to Even though i still get kind of error: info fsevents@2.3.1: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module. info "fsevents@2.3.1" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation. info fsevents@1.2.13: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module. info "fsevents@1.2.13" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation. [3/4] Linking dependencies... [4/4] Building fresh packages... warning Ignored scripts due to flag. Done in 15.79s. Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Users\TCAServiceManager.GAMING-NODE01.\.yarnrc' Building resource webpack failed. Error data: yarn failed! But it seems it works fine after all. Thanks Again
  12. Could you review the config one more time as i tested it with no luck to get it running .. it shows empty web console with no logs to see what is the issue. Thx
  13. Lets see if @LFA has anything to say about the date of the next stable release of TCADMIN? if not ill follow you with the beta
  14. @Dennis how stable is as im planning to update to that version for production use ?? and any idea when is the next stable release ?
  15. Thx as far as i know that using local system is not recommended even if it do works .. I will test it today and provide feedback. Last time i remember i checked this game, it consumes insane CPU operations plus spikes.
  16. Your sure to use Run As: Local System ??
  17. @LFAIs the next stable release any time soon?? Thx
  18. @Gotteshand Could you share the changelog of 1.1 .. Thx
  19. I believe i faced something similar. What i did is to downgrade to the older version 1.0.4 of this module and it went through without issues. Im not saying this is a fix but a temp one until Alexr3 releases a newer version of this which might solve this issue.
  20. Valheim is now supported by umod. Could you add it in the next update, Preferred to be ASAP Thx
  21. if its not related to windows then its not much of my concern
  22. I tested the new command -savedir and added it to this config and its pretty much straight forward, here it is: -nographics -batchmode -name "$[HostName]" -port $[Service.GamePort] -savedir $[Service.RootDirectory]Saved -world "![World]" -password "secret" -public ![Public] I used a folder called saved so it wont mess the game root with the saved worlds ... etc I hope that help
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