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Everything posted by Gotteshand

  1. Hi. Thank you very much has done me a new config created
  2. Hi. I can send you my 7 Dayz Config if you need one more. This works without problems.
  3. Hello everybody. Has anyone here Please the config file for Stationeers? Many Thanks
  4. Hi. I can send you my XML which works. VG
  5. Here the next time the forum search use;) http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11950&highlight=Rust
  6. Hi. Does anyone have the XML file lying around for Out of Reach? Many Thanks
  7. Hi. Yes with me runs the file synonymous. Server starts but is not findable and one sees it synonymous s.der the number of slots this always goes to 0. Have already downloaded the file for the second time here and unchanged. It does not work
  8. Because otherwise the server does not start as already written above
  9. I have created its own Start.bat so that runs the server. "D:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\19\DNL\Binaries\Win64\DNLServer.exe" "DNL_ALL?Multihome=xxx?Port=27015?QueryPort=27016?SessionName=TestServer?MaxPlayers=50?ServerAdminPassword=xx" -nosteamclient -game -server -log Why copy DLL?
  10. Hi. This here http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=76980&postcount=16 Variables are missing. All configuration files such as Game.ini command line
  11. Hi @All. My Server was not find Online I use this XML File. Best Regards
  12. Hi @All I search the xml Files for Out of Reach. Have everbody this File? Best Regards
  13. Hallo Zusammen. Ich habe das Problem das auf dem Remote System weniger Spiele zur Installation zur Verf?gung stehen als auf dem Master System. Es fehlen knapp 10 Spiele zwischen Master und Remote. Jemand einen Tip ? VG und Danke
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