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Everything posted by Gotteshand

  1. Hi. I have rebuilt my system and wanted to use this Config, thank you at this point times for this Config It facilitates the creation of ARK servers enormously. But now I have problems the server does not start. Comes immediately an error message that the service could not be started when I write a start bat file starts the server. 12/13/2020 11:50:38 TCAdmin.ServiceManLib System.Exception: Could not start the process. bei TCAdmin.ServiceManLib.WindowsProcessController.a()d Unfortunately I do not get more info from the logs During a SteamUpdate the following message appears ERROR! Failed to install app '376030' (Missing file permissions) With my old ARK Config it works
  2. Gotteshand

    Remote Admin

    No Unfortunately the mod cannot be installed Can it have to do with Windows access rights ? In the TEMP folder you can find the downloaded mod as zip file "Module.zip".
  3. Gotteshand

    Remote Admin

    i Have now use https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/help/3191564/update-for-windows-management-framework-5-1-for-windows-8-1-and-window And i Test it
  4. Gotteshand

    Remote Admin

    Hi, I have a problem with the remote plugin I can't get it installed and when I try to install the download this link http://aka.ms/wmf5download Windows says the update is not suitable for this Windows.
  5. Yes I have one but there are problems because of the %appdata% the location is always there and I have to check if I can access the configs when I renew the right one
  6. Not yet, when I have time this week I will build one because I need one too When I'm finished I'll make it available for download https://www.interstellarrift.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dedicated_Server
  7. It's true. I did a fresh install and thought he would update right after that. But he hasn't now. Thanks a lot Is it normal that the start takes so long ? This used to be faster before the ARK updates. It takes him forever to create a map
  8. Hi, is it normal that with a new server the startup takes forever until it creates the *.map file ? With CrystalIsles it does not create slots at all and stops at 0/70 instead of 0/100 After 20 min
  9. Yes i have not change <add key="TCAdmin.Public.MVC" value="True" /> <add key="TCAdmin.Public.MVC.WebServicesPath" value="../ControlPanel.MVC" />
  10. Am I doing something wrong? I have now imported the theme NexT (Dark and Light), so the DARK version but nothing changes in the view It is light not dark e.g.
  11. Yes there was a bug in the last version which is now fixed Answer from Ticket Support: Hi, this is fixed if you update to again.
  12. Can it have access rights from Windows ? I also can't copy the folder TCAdmin2 which is bitching then No Messages Oh
  13. I use Chrome or Edge on both the same bug. I just updated to the latest version Edit: A Wait ? I Have the Last Version
  14. When I want to import a design nothing happens when I click on the Import button. There is no window where I can upload the *.zip file Thanks a lot
  15. Hi I get an error message when updating to Error - Duplicate entry '3-ffba656d-8c3e-44f1-9e6f-a9e2d4531a0f-0' for key 'PRIMARY Also the Mod Updater at Conan seems to be broken and does not show me any mods anymore, I have already opened Ticket because I can't get the update problem fixed
  16. Hi After an update of TCAdmin it will not show any Mods in the Modbrowser anymore. The installed ones are displayed. Somebody has an idea ?
  17. Server is online, error with the mods and wrong port used ?
  18. Please send me via PM the IP and port
  19. What kind of message comes when joining? Can the server be found in the ingame browser ? Added at Steam under favorites ?
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