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Everything posted by Sipowicz

  1. Game was restarting after 10 minutes or so. EDIT: All set. My issue WAS the slot count. Apparently the setting wasn't responding to my change. After setting the count to 64 for the 3rd time, and restarting the server it worked.
  2. Server starts and runs but crashes after 10 minutes or so. Getting these errors in logs times stamps seem to correspond... [2021-10-16 23:06:31] Loaded store 'install' from 'C:\TCAFiles\Users\RevenantGames\53\config\config.vdf' successfully [2021-10-16 23:06:32] Failed to read store 'userlocal' from 'C:\TCAFiles\Users\RevenantGames\53\config\localconfig.vdf.tmp' [2021-10-16 23:06:32] Flushed store 'install' to 'C:\TCAFiles\Users\RevenantGames\53\config\config.vdf' Sun Oct 17 03:06:31 2021 UTC : BOpenService failed (GLE 1060) Sun Oct 17 03:06:31 2021 UTC : ServiceStart: failed to start (GLE 0) this is after installing a brand new game service and modifying no settings. Any idea what might be going on? I have verified that the tcagame user has permissions to write and read in that directory. Tried fiddling with the run as user as well made no difference. Everyone can log in and play but it boots everyone resets the map after roughly 15-20 mins EDIT: All set. My issue WAS the slot count. Apparently the setting wasn't responding to my change. After setting the count to 64 for the 3rd time, and restarting the server it worked.
  3. I have also Made a similar request. I agree this would be very helpful feature!
  4. I have run into a few scenarios where having multiple similar configs was useful for a certain game setup. I wonder if other users have a way of duplicating a config editor to another config file? Of if there is some other trick that makes this un-necessary. Finally if there is no way of doing this aside from re-creating each editor manually, I suggest that be a potential feature in the future. Thanks for the good work , and Thanks for reading, Sip
  5. Anyone else unable to rename files in the 'File Manager'? I noticed the panel shows .NET version 4.0.30319.42000, but when I try to install 4.5 my machine says it already has it. Running windows server 2016
  6. WOW! This looks fantastic! Thanks for the link @ECF, and the tip @alexr03. I know what ill be working on this afternoon!!!
  7. Yeah I get that. I'm simply suggesting expanding your services to that market. I understand if that somehow doesn't work with your business model. Either way, like I said, I love the panel. Even despite the price not being the only thing that's been unchanged for the last 10 years. https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12903 We're gonna stick with it as long as we can afford to. Once again, Thanks for reading. Sip
  8. From a gaming community perspective I wonder if it would be cost effective to offer a more stripped down version of TCAdmin also? I was thinking something without the billing end. I would think that would create in influx of customers to offset any profits lost buy offering a less expensive option for customers like us. The cost is little high for our needs. I personally love TCAdmin. The flexibility it allows me to streamline running a bunch of game environments for a community, allowing easy access for any member I want to set up. Its easier to set up than any of the other panels I've researched. However the front runner was free to use (that's a big difference in cost). We want to eventually ad more nodes. While two licences aren't too bad. At $15 a pop this will add up fast. We may be forced to find alternatives. Since we don't use this service for monetary gain, cash flow is low (donations only). Either way, the current offering is a GREAT product IMO. I'm just wondering if something like this could be beneficial for TCAdmin and me. I would definitely prefer to stick with TCA, I've spent a lot of time already. Thanks for reading, Sip
  9. Thank you so much for the response... I have lost track of how many hours I've spent trying to figure this out. All I want to do is have to two or even three variables = this: I have tried at least a thousand different methods to parse that ONE line.. but NONE of them work in TCAdmin to accurately create parameter. Otherwise I have been able to get all the RegEx editors/testers to do exactly what I want. If anyone has any suggestions on how to achieve this.. or if maybe TCAdmin Developers could include some resources to that would help me understand how the software handles this code. At the end of the day I just want to be able to set ONE line of code with two variables. For some reason with TCA this seems to be impossible. Also tried to do this with variables in the .INI, but the editors wont read back multiple variables from one line. Thanks in advance for any help. Edit2: Here is one example of something that seems to work but NOT in TCAdmin, This is PART of the overall code I am trying to use. https://regex101.com/r/ZTjjme/2 NOTE: Added a space before one of the commas to allow the parser to separate the groups properly. Don't know another way.
  10. Forgive me for the thread necro... But how are we launching torch through TCAdmin? EDIT: I can launch Torch.Server.exe, but that's it. It wont start the server or do anything else Obviously. From what I can tell Torch was not written to do so. Are there some tricks to getting torch to run in the service environment?
  11. I'm looking for any available info on the repeat sections. I am trying to figure out how to use it. I have figured out RegEx to some extent, but I am having hard time using it with TCAdmin. It seems variables can be set up within the repeat sections. I am trying to set up more than one variable for a single sections, don't know if that's even possible. If so, I can't figure out the syntax. Thanks Sip
  12. Want to be able to match patterns in the Parent variable. Basically looking for the ability to have the Parent variable be an exact match, or to contain the given value. EG: ActiveMods=731604991, 895711211, 924619115, 1341173952, 719928795, 1400019052 Parent variable would be ActiveMods, and if the value Contained - "895711211", then the parent variable would be satisfied. Some game mods have associated options that can go right in the games main config file. Would be convenient if i could set those options to only show up in the editor when those mods are installed/selected. Hope I'm making sense.... Edit: would also be useful if we could set multiple values that can satisfy the parent variable field Cheers, Adam P.
  13. Wondering if anyone would mind taking a look at a log for me. Trying to use the Conan Config included with TCAdmin. I cant get a server to work. Server appears to install, and run. But nothing can be found in a server list, and the servers log is riddled with errors. Log attached LOGCONAN.txt
  14. I was using this Config, http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12613 Might I suggest going with that as the official config? Its MUCH more complete.
  15. Im lost. I can not for the life of me change the slot count for my server...... When I created the server for the first time i made a 30 slot. Took me a while to figure out how to get a world loaded (made one on my local PC then uploaded to server). The second time I created a 20 slot. Installed a new world using the same method. I want to change the slot count to 30.... TCAdmin WILL NOT let me do it. I have change all Maxplayer references with in the games config files that i can find. I have changed the slot count in the service settings, i have changed the slot count via the actions center, i have also overridden the Command line to -maxplayers 30. I even tried deleting the service... installing a new service with the desired slot count, then repeating all steps above when that didn't work. No matter what i do the server starts up with only 20 slots. Any ideas?
  16. Although I'm embarrassed to report this... It was as simple as running the "Repair" service action on each server.
  17. "Some or all identity references could not be translated." I had to reinstall TCadmin, and use a back-up of my game/configs. Now im getting the above error when I try to save anything with the file manger. custom scripts, and all other features work fine. Windows server 2012 R2. Monitor readout: System.Security.Principal.IdentityNotMappedException: Some or all identity references could not be translated. at System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier.Translate(IdentityReferenceCo llection sourceSids, Type targetType, Boolean forceSuccess) at System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier.Translate(Type targetType) at System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.GetOwner(Type targetType) at TCAdmin.SDK.Misc.Windows.GetOwner(String fileorDirectory) at TCAdmin.Monitor.Standard.WebServices.FileSystem.CreateTextFile(String file Name, Byte[] contents, Int32 codePage, Boolean writeBOM, String fileEventSource, String source, String sourceId, Boolean append) Any ideas?
  18. Well, I answered my own question. Maybe it should be obvious, but the "For" field determines for HOW LONG within the selected interval the task will repeat. I thought it was to set the duration of the task. Thank you, Adam P
  19. Im trying to schedule a task that will run every 30 minutes. Is that possible? I set the task to Recur every "1" day, and repeat every 30 minutes. I don't understand what the "For" field is for (as most tasks I can imagine scheduling would be variable in the amount of time they consume). So i set this to an arbitrary number. The task will complete at its scheduled time but it will not repeat. Or at least i see no evidence of it doing so. It merely reschedules for the following day, as seen in the task scheduler. Am I doing it wrong, or misunderstanding the functionality of the scheduler?
  20. Update 5/24/18: I was able to solve this issue by forcing the "TCAdmin Monitor" to run as a "Root" user. The "Service Manager" needs to stay logged in as a "Local User".
  21. I wrote a Powershell script to Auto Update my Ark servers with warning messages. Its written to work with TCAdmin. When scheduled as a re-occurring task it will automatically check for any game version changes, check for MOD updates (added this Function more recently), and if it finds any restarts the server with a 15 minute In game countdown. It checks for MOD updates without downloading any files. It gets installed to the service root directory along with some other support files (Rcon). TCAdmin executes a batch script which runs the Powershell script. This worked with no issues up until I added an "Invoke-WebRequest" cmdlet to the powershell script (for checking mod updates). I modified my original PS script to ALSO check a mods web-page for the latest update time using "Invoke-WebRequest". This all works if I run the PS script manually right from the servers terminal, or if I run a .Bat file to execute the PS script. BUT if I Execute the batch through the panel I always get this error: Invoke-WebRequest : The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available, or Internet Explorer's first-launch configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try again. Just to reiterate. It all works fine IF I dont run this script from TCAdmin. I have verified that explorer is installed, and set up on the node (I have been using it with no issues). Basic parsing would make scraping the data I need MUCH tougher, if even possible. Im sure I am just missing something on the TCAdmin side. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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