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Posts posted by Adam

  1. On 7/28/2024 at 12:20 AM, MrMayhem said:

    Anyone else getting this error?

    ``at Patched_Sandbox.MySandboxGameInitialize_0(Object )
       at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen)
       at Torch.VRageGame.DoStart() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 326
       at Torch.VRageGame.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 126
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, B
    oolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean p
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
    System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'Havok.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0
       at Havok.HkBaseSystem.HkBaseSystem_GetVersionInfo(Native& buffer)
       at Havok.HkBaseSystem.GetVersionInfo()
       at Havok.HkBaseSystem.Init(Int32 solverMemorySize, Action`1 LogCallback, Boolean deepProfiling, ISharedCriticalSection hkShap
       at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.LoadData()
       at Patched_Sandbox.MySandboxGameInitialize_0(Object )
       at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen)
       at Torch.VRageGame.DoStart() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 326
       at Torch.VRageGame.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 126
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, B
    oolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean p
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
    20:55:57.8575 [INFO]   Initializer: Generating minidump at Logs\MiniDumpT23-2024-07-27 20-55-57.dmp``


    Make sure all your Visual C++ Redistributable Packages are installed 


  2. What's New in Version 1.0.9

    • Fixed command line - removed quotes to -persistentDataPath
    • Fix command line - added quotes to -rconBindAddress
    • Updated ServerGameSettings.json to the latest settings for 1.0

    Please reinstall your server after installing this update

  3. We have released the official Palworld config (for both Linux and Windows) that is based on this one but the TCAdmin Palworld config will be maintained. And query works 😝


  4. [OFFICIAL] Palworld

    Note: These configs will be maintained by TCAdmin and will serve as the official Palworld configs for TCAdmin.

    Note: Palworld requires TCAdmin or later for the query to work

    These configs are based on @DEMMERS config but will be actively maintained.



    • Simply install it via the plugin repository in TCAdmin (Settings > Plugin Repository > Game Configs > [OFFICIAL] Palworld)
    • Choose the config for your preferred OS

    Manual Install

    • Download the config
    • Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import
    • Save the config as a new config or choose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current Enshrouded config. Remember to select [OFFICIAL] Palworld in the 'Update Game' field if you do
    • Leave all other settings


    • Palworld v1 API support (default API username is admin & the password is the admin password that is pre-set or that you can change)
    • Config Editor
    • Up-to-date command line parameters
    • RCON support
    • Enhanced Engine.ini for improved performance (120 server fps)
    • RE-UE4SS support in mod manager
    • Curse Mods installer
    • Server query ( or later required)




  5. Just now, VPro said:

    Gives a way to enable web console ? i have testet all settings all was disnable after safe

    There is no web console for Palworld as in the actual game doesn't have a console output

  6. 27 minutes ago, Lefelius said:

    Is it possible to get color in the webconsole corresponding to the normal server console?


    Im running a SCP: Secret laboratory community and when hosting servers you would usually use "Localadmin" as the default way of hosting servers. When running LocalAdmin.exe you should have colors check attachment for example of this - this is a test server i just ran.image.thumb.png.438377dc41b8800e1da4bc59103fd75b.png


    while if i look in the webconsole it's just all white. This might just be a personal thing for me, but i like to have a easy overview and it helps showing when errors happen. Plus who doesn't like a bit of coloring? 🙂

    If you change your web console in the game config to console wrapper that will show the colour of the text. 


  7. 7 hours ago, ottofunhouse said:


    I am having issues connecting to the server. The server shows up in the games server list but I get timed out. 

    [online] Added Peer #0.
    STEAMPS3 - AsyncTCPSocket created
    STEAMPS3 - AsyncTCPSocket created
    STEAMPS3 - AsncTCPSocket destroyed
    [online] Session failed for peer #0 with error 4.
    STEAMPS3 - AsncTCPSocket destroyed
    [online] Removed Peer #0.

    Sounds like ports/firewall

  8. 48 minutes ago, crunkinshoe said:

    If I run the program as LocalSystem it starts up fine but User per Service the exe gets suspended immediately. Any ideas on why that might be? TCAGame doesn't seem to work either.

    Which windows are you running?

  9. 10 minutes ago, crunkinshoe said:

    Is anyone running successfully on Win Server 2012r2? The process crashes immediately with "procedure entry point GetSystemCPUSetInformation could not be located in the dynamic link library." I've got the latest 2015-2022 C++ Redis installed. I'm wondering if it's a 2012r2 issue or maybe I need to revert to the Redis that's packaged with the server? 

    for 1. 2012 R2 is no longer supported by Microsoft or TCAdmin, support ended in October last year. I would suggest upgrading your OS

    It runs fine on server 2019 & server 2022

  10. 2 minutes ago, Rislem said:

    Hey Adam

    So ever since people said high CPU I been monitoring it,

    TCadmin sometimes says yeah 20% cpu but then if I RDP in and watch it, its barely hitting 1% on my AMD server
    So not sure if this is accurate have you tried looking directly with RDP?

    Yeah, this is directly on the task manager. If there are no players it uses nothing like you say 1% but the minute there is 3-4 people on it, the CPU usage is very heavy.

  11. [OFFICIAL] Enshrouded



    Simply install it via the plugin repository in TCAdmin (Settings > Plugin Repository > Game Configs > Enshrouded)
    Choose the config for your preferred OS

    Manual Install

    Download the config
    Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import
    Save the config as a new config or choose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current Enshrouded config. Remember to select Enshrouded in the 'Update Game' field if you do
    Leave all other settings


    • Query Working
    • Startup fix script for a run-as-service
    • Config is basic, not many features

    Known Issues

    • None


  12. 15 hours ago, LamboS2N said:

    Adam I installed this but was having issues with health regen and Pal damage.

    I have fixed this. There were some typos in the variables

    see below fixed variables

    ; Changes to this file will be reflected on the server.
    ; If any server settings are missing, please contact your assigned server technician.

    You can insert the above into the config settings > Configuration files > Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\PalWorldSettings.ini > template tab

    Best to reinstall your palworld server so variables can take effect

  13. Hi @DEMMERS

    I agree with the above I have revised your config a bit.

    • Redundant command lines were removed and replaced with a single command line. i cant find the settings you added from the official docs
    -ServerName="$[HostName]" -port=$[Service.GamePort] -players=$[Service.Slots] -log -nosteam -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS EpicApp=PalServer
    • IP & ports section cleaned up - it seems if you have multiple IPs the game cannot bind to the IP even if it is set in the ini or command line (you can try ForceBindIP if you want i personally dont like adding another 3rd party to the mix)
      • query doesn't work so ive just put the same port as the game port
      • disabled query logging so it doesn't keep rebooting the server.
      • removed the custom port expression not sure what this was for?
    • Adjusted the run as for TCAGame to a unique OS user for each service (i prefer this but you can keep it as TCAGame)
      • Steam settings also execute as the services user due to the above setting
      • Turned off verify/validate & update after created (again my personal preference)
    • Fixed feature permission section to show all the correct permissions a normal user would need.
    • Enabled web console even though it shows f*ck all (will probably disable)
    • Palworldsettings.ini had the incorrect hostname variable, i have fixed it to use $[HostName] instead of $[Service.IpHostname]


    That's about it, more than happy to DM you the config if you wish, i still need to test the config editor out i see some users reporting the incorrect values, which will need fixing (the default values)

  14. New

    • Custom Mods support Ark:SA Curseforge mods.


    • Fixed "Invalid task id" when a workshop collection was updated without adding or removing files.
    • Fixed name of downloaded file under some configurations.
    • "Ignore execution errors" unchecked was not working for C# scripts.
    • When users are deleted while still logged in they will will get redirected to the login page instead if getting an error.
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