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Everything posted by kroko

  1. i am sure it do not fit. do anyone have a fix on that?
  2. yeah but that would whitelist all files in maps, models, materials and sound? i only want standart files to be whitelisted.
  3. hallo i have a huge problem. i want to whitelist alot of files but it seems that they all cant be whitelisted (becourse there are too many) it is all the standard files that are in models, maps, materials and sound folder. i have attached a file with them all. so i have a question. are there a way to do so i by default have whitelisted all standard files? Fastdl whitelist.txt
  4. kroko

    STV css

    Hallo i have a customer that want sourcetv (css), the thing is that i do not know how to set it up. i have never played around with source tv. what i have done so far is i have allowed 10 extra slots in query monitoring. but from there i am totally lost. do anyone have a guide or can tell me how to set up source tv? i want all my customers to have 10 stv slots free EDIT: i found a guide here https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SourceTV that explains abit more what source tv is. so my problem is solved now
  5. hallo poeple Fast DL: i want fast dl on my server but i got a problem. the files to sync can only be set to one folder and my default its maps. is there a way to make it sync more folders without having it to sync the whole cstrike folder? Mumble: i took a lok at mumble and i cant seems to get it to work proberly. is it possible to lock the slot, so clients cant change that? Thanks in advance Kroko
  6. This is a nice feature! The owner of the gsp can always chose to have it enabled or disabled, and if it will over fill the machine they could make it so it would not allow you to swap if the machine use x cpu and ram.. and again if you have a gsp that use deferent prices in datacenters, you could always disable it. i think it would be a nice feature
  7. Amazing! will take a look at this in a few hours Thanks for making the mod grouping! Edit: can anyone tell me how to create a group? Edit2: stupid me! i found it. is there a way to order the mods too? i have a category called sourcemod for css, with sourcemod and all the sourcemod plugins, but i want sourcemod to be at the top and all the plugins at the button. same with eventscripts. so is that possible? and can the same plugin be in 2 categorys at same time?
  8. very nice! when do the sub categorys i requested come? and order mods? i requested it here http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9749 and i got told it would be in this update. any news on this? because i really need this
  9. kroko

    Mobile Theme

    damn its nice! please include it!
  10. im in with that idea! i like widgets too. but its a shame its not possible to make any
  11. the name of it is "map packs" and that limmit me to only add map packs to it. would it be possible to rename it to "Map Manager" and add sub categorys and make it possible to order the maps? just like i requested with the mod manager.. in that way poeple will no longer be limmeted to upload huge map packs and can also chose to have single maps.. i know you can do that now but it sounds very noobish to go into the map packs to install a single map.. hope you will make this. thanks for reading.. Kroko <3 Ps: please make a post if you also is intrested in this. that way the admins/developers can see if poeple want it or not
  12. nice but it would also be nice to have it in a widget.. not importent tho, just a nice little feature
  13. i am looking for a widget that will show users how many servers that are running, how many slots there is and how many slots that are full. it would be awesome if these information would be easy to pull out so it could also be displayed on the fronpage of our website. i also want a admin widget that shows how many clients that there are. are those possible to be made?
  14. this might help, the 2nd post is the commands http://forums.nexuiz.com/index.php?/topic/1635-dedicated-server-readme/
  15. Awesome! i cant wait for the next update xD you are so awesome
  16. Glad to see that i am not the only one who thinks this would be a great thing
  17. am i really the only one who thinks a order mods funktion would be a good idea?
  18. okay, did not know it would download it. thanks
  19. hallo i cant find any funtion in the mod manager that will allow you to order your mods. it is in the "Configuration Files" would it be possible to add it? also sub categorys in the mod manager would be nice. lets say i have 3 categorys Eventscript plugins, sourcemod plugins and sourcemod extentions. it would help keep order in the mod manager and make it look more smooth Thanks for reading this
  20. would it be possible to make a feature so all admins with a tcadmin admin account can add mods to the mod manger without any access to the main server.. atm they can do that exept they can not upload the zip file.. can you make a system so you can upload the zip files with out access to the main server? if you dont understand me, then please say and i will try to explain it in another way thanks for reading this!
  21. this is a very importent feature!!!!
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