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Crew's Ark Config Files

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Wrecking's Ark Configs






These are the Ark configs I have created by request. I based them somewhat off of Lemon's Configs, but made a huge number of improvements.


ALSO, I have put together both a Windows Config and a Linux Config.


Some fun features...

  • Auto Mod Support (Using built in tool. Read instructions below on how to add mods.)
  • Configuration Editors for Admin File, Main Config File, and the mod portion of Game.ini
  • Working query
  • Linux server auto-runs the needed script for auto mod stuff when you create the server
  • Backup Script (Thanks Lemon)
  • Main Config File has every setting known to man in the configuration editor
  • More features to come.


Known Issues...

  • Web Console doesn't work/Windows Server produces no logs
  • If you find more issues, please just make a kind reply below :)


Server Requirements...

On Windows:


On Linux:

  • lib32gcc1 (Install using your package manager on linux Ex. apt-get install lib32gcc1)

  • Increase Open Files Limit

    1. Add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf


    2. then run the following command via sudo or a root shell to apply the change

      $ sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

    3. Add the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf

      *               soft    nofile          1000000
      *               hard    nofile          1000000

    4. Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/common-session

      session required pam_limits.so


Wrecking...I want to add steam workshop mods to my server...

Steps to add steam workshop mods:

  1. Get the steam workshop id from url (Ex. steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=

  2. Select the Auto Mod Command Line

  3. Add Mod ID to
    Active Mods
    section of main config file using configuration manager(Ex. Active Mods: 000000000,111111111,222222222)

  4. Add mod Id to game.ini using configuration editor


Wrecking...I want your config to support a non steam workshop mod...

  • Make a kind post below linking me the modpage and suggest it be added. I will happily take a look at it


Wrecking...I have an idea/feature request...

  • Make a kind post below and I will happily see what I can do


Wrecking...When I open the main Config File in Configuration Editor, it says "The following variables could not be read:..."

  • This is COMPLETELY NORMAL. When you leave certain variables default value, the server automatically erases them from the config on startup. The configuration editor just goes ahead and adds them back in with the default values for you.



[b]Update 1 - v1.01:[/b]
- Updated commandlines to include more variables to help make sure the server starts up correctly.
- Added a line to game.ini by default to keep the server from overwriting it on startup

[b]Update 2 - v1.02:[/b]
- Added -NoBattleEye option when making custom command line.

[b]Update 3 - v1.03:[/b]
- Added -clusterid commandline option for people making server clusters
- Added -ClusterDirOverride option for people making server clusters
- Added AltSaveDirectoryName variable in the Main Config File to allow changing the save directory location for the server. (Useful for running multiple instances)

[b]Update 4 - v1.04:[/b]
- Changed file system permissions to allow non-admins to use the text editor by default on gameusersettings.ini. If you would like to revert this simply go give basic users No Permissions to GameUserSettings.ini. (Will force them to use the config editor)

[b]Update 5 - v1.05[/b]
- Changed the drop down selection for maps to a textbox to allow for easier installation of custom maps.
- Added script on windows to remove mods on uninstall to prevent powershell errors.

ark - Linux v1.05.xml

ark - Windows v1.05.xml

Edited by thewreckingcrew6
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Wrecking...When I open the main Config File in Configuration Editor, it says "The following variables could not be read:..."

  • This is COMPLETELY NORMAL. When you leave certain variables default value, the server automatically erases them from the config on startup. The configuration editor just goes ahead and adds them back in with the default values for you.

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So for your steam API Key, go to this link, and get a steam api key from steam. Copy that key, then go to your tcadmin control panel. Go to Settings > Default Steam Settings and copy your api key in there.



I'm pretty sure -automanagedmods doesn't work for Linux.


I just tested it again for y'all to confirm that this statement is not true. On linux, when you install an ark server, you just simply have to run a script to install the steamcmd -automanagedmods requires, and my config auto runs that script for you when you install the server or reinstall the server.


i also get pid0 from this config. any idea what could cause it? do i require something to be installed on my server machine? like minecraft needs java, do ark need something?


Ah yes. I forgot to post about requirements. Thank you for the reminder.



On Windows:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable

  • DirectX


On Linux:

  • lib32gcc1


I have placed links above. And on linux, you simply just have to install the package.

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thanks alot for your replay. i installed the requirements and i now have a pid. however i cant seems to find the server on the server list. i have double checked that the port is forwarded and tcadmin did its job there. so do you have any idea what could cause that situation?

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Why are the mods stored in this path:



And again, here: G:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\5\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\829467257


When deleting the server I always have problems ( powershell 260 character limit )

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Why are the mods stored in this path:



And again, here: G:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\5\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\829467257


When deleting the server I always have problems ( powershell 260 character limit )



I'm also getting this error any idea?

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I just tested it again for y'all to confirm that this statement is not true. On linux, when you install an ark server, you just simply have to run a script to install the steamcmd -automanagedmods requires, and my config auto runs that script for you when you install the server or reinstall the server.

Thanks to you, I've spent the last 4 hours trying to debug why it wouldn't work with our config, and are you effing kidding me... You've set the working directory to ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/, and we didn't use any working directory with our configuration.

I noticed that in ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ you had a Steam executable file, and we didn't. When launching our config with -automanagedmods, it crashed and said that a file was missing (not mentioning which one)... I just realised that our Steam executable had been placed in the root of the game server because we didn't use a working directory, thus TCAdmin didn't cd to ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/... Who the fuck develops a game where a semi-important executable are placed relative to your current folder?!

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Why are the mods stored in this path:



And again, here: G:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\5\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\829467257


When deleting the server I always have problems ( powershell 260 character limit )


To answer the mods portion of this question, no I do not have an explanation for why it does that. It's definitely not the most efficient way of doing things. Probably because what -automanagedmods does is it downloads the mod into that first folder, and then copies that folder into the mods folder of the server. Seems pointless but there's nothing I can do about that.


As for the powershell thing...........*face palms*.....this just has Windows horrible self written all over it. I will have to figure out how to replicate the error, and then probably script a workaround. In all my years of doing stuff involving large amounts of files and scripts, I have never once hit this "limit."


I'm also getting this error any idea?




Thanks to you, I've spent the last 4 hours trying to debug why it wouldn't work with our config, and are you effing kidding me... You've set the working directory to ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/, and we didn't use any working directory with our configuration.

I noticed that in ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ you had a Steam executable file, and we didn't. When launching our config with -automanagedmods, it crashed and said that a file was missing (not mentioning which one)... I just realised that our Steam executable had been placed in the root of the game server because we didn't use a working directory, thus TCAdmin didn't cd to ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/... Who the fuck develops a game where a semi-important executable are placed relative to your current folder?!


Quite frankly not sure if I should say "Glad I could help" or "Sorry." So I'll just say both :D

Sorry Ark Dedicated Server is not the smartest and Glad I could help remedy y'alls problem.


The game.ini gets wiped on server restart the mods no longer show up. Is that normal?


No this is not normal. Most likely you have some settings somewhere else incorrect, but I will take a look into this after class today.

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So to confirm on the game.ini getting overwritten. It only happens on Windows. Not sure why.


But about to put out an update.


What changes will this contain on windows? I did change the command line up a bit that seems to work better feel free to use.





Default + Mod Manager

"![Map]?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?RCONPort=$[service.RConPort]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?listen" -server -log -automanagedmods

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