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Ideas for TCAdmin Config Repository


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Your idea is great except this community is not about paid configs. Making money and taking donations for your work is not what this community is about.


However, I would be completely ok with either github or xenforo. I have used both.

Actually, providing free and paid configs doesn't seem like a bad option (unless some people are stealing other people's work and reselling it). Let's say there's a paid config of ARK, and someone decides to create a free one that contains practically the same features. The guy who offers the paid version will need to make his config unique in order to get sales. Of course there's some cons to this, but it could potentially be a nice way of getting some truly advanced configs.


But, it's going to have more cons than pros - especially because taking someone else's work and claiming it as your own is too easy. And it's probably going to create a lot of arguments.


You could use the resource manager in XenForo to provide paid themes, however - that's not something that I would mind paying for.

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I've been a Community Manager for multiple communities throughout this last 6 years. Been using vBulletin, IP.Board, xenForo, SMF, MyBB and anything you can think about (Except Burning Board, don't like the theming part).


xenForo doesn't only generate a thread per resource created on the RSM, but that also allows the Config creator to both receive feedback and perhaps in the future sell their resources. Like some other guys have said in many other forums, it doesn't have to be only paid, you can offer free resources alongside the paid resources just fine. A very good example of this is xenForo's Resources Manager on their Customers Forum as it displays both Paid and Free Resources together.


Not only Resources wise it would be.. well.. wise, but you could also integrate it to your billing in order to have sync up with the forum account and mark those accounts as Customers. We all know the hard work that goes behind TCAdmin and we'd like to have a legit place to share our configs without having to deal with people that have decided to Null their way through TCAdmin's Monitors and all of that.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I have done bigger database imports to XF than this site. And XF would handle everything you have talked about in this topic without issues. I would give a hand with it if you needed one. Just message me. And I don't have an active lic. to TCAdmin right now. But it is worth my time for great software and the people who have wrote it.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a great idea - There was a website that popped up in the forums a while back, I lost my bookmark to it - and they had a lot of great config files. Wish I could remember the name of it. That being said - having something tied here, would be great!


https://www.spigotmc.org/ uses XenForo - which has been echoed here a ton. The resource system there is a great one.

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  • 9 months later...

If anyone is interested I can set up a domain and the hosting of xenforo. I will pay. If it is approved that we go with it. I can also set the main admins here as admins on the site. So they have similar control. Just spitballing. The idea

Edited by numpty
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+1 to github as it would make collaboration possible and it would be much easier to track the progress of different configs, Plus the advantage that people can continue other peoples work if someone stops working on certain configs.


Github has the added advantage of keeping track of versions.

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I am going to take a further look into this after the first of the year.


The options mentioned seem to be much better than posting to the forums, and should be easier for users to find the right config.



Thank you for everyone's input.

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  • 1 month later...

So I took a look at Github and XenForo last night.


If I am reading things correctly, Github is $5 per user?... That isn't going to happen if that is true.


I did a trial of XenForo and it just seems like another forum software to me. Is there a specific plugin required for what we are looking to do?


Any help is appreciated.

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If I am reading things correctly, Github is $5 per user?.

If I understand correctly: No.

You can create a public repository on Github with all the different configs, and other users can contribute to it by creating a pull request. This costs nothing :)



I did a trial of XenForo and it just seems like another forum software to me.

XenForo is by far the best forum software in my opinion. The Xenforo Resource Manager lets you upload files (configs and themes fx). Spigot is also using it: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/

The creator of a theme/config can charge for access to a given resource he or she uploads.

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Public is great. But anyone can download the config and I mean everyone whereas. Private is not listed in the search as it's private and also. They don't need to create pull request. They can. But they just need to be added as collaborator. And can update all the files. And every collaborator can see what addition has been made. What changes. And also. When they merge with the master it will tell you if something is wrong also. It's a great kit for web development. As my devs can all help with web design. And know what's going on.

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But anyone can download the config and I mean everyone

And what's wrong about that? :D



I don't know if Github will be the way to go, though. You can't really make anything from the code of an exported .xml file, so it might just be worse than what's being offered right now.

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There is that I agree. And no there is nothing wrong with that. Wasn't saying there was. But it's just easier for development. But. It's. Obviously ECF Choice what to use. But there is multiple plugin for xenforo to use. And the one u posted Dennis is the one I use. Just couldn't remember name. XD. So would be good choice.

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We want to keep the configs for our users if possible. I understand that people will most likely get them from users here.


I would like to have access limited only to currently active clients. So a plugin for whmcs client data would be ideal.


There are no wrong ideas, just looking for the best possible solution for sharing configs and themes in one place and allow everyone to make changes or updates to them, or share their own if they like.

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If I understand correctly: No.

You can create a public repository on Github with all the different configs, and other users can contribute to it by creating a pull request. This costs nothing :)




XenForo is by far the best forum software in my opinion. The Xenforo Resource Manager lets you upload files (configs and themes fx). Spigot is also using it: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/

The creator of a theme/config can charge for access to a given resource he or she uploads.


Here is where I got the pricing for GitHub:


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Then either xenforo with a check to see if they're active proper users on this forum. Like a question like what's your tcadmin username. Or something. Should be ok. Then you approve the app. That's my suggestion. As people can create new thread with their theme/config. Charge if you want to allow it make then all free. And then also. Like this allow adjustment ideas and they can reupload fixed. But ensure they only use the built in resources system you add. No external links. Unless a virustotal link given.


Or use GitHub paid or free I'd recommend paid. And add each client. Access to collaborate. And then they can upload /download any config and make changes to fix any ones that are not fully working or add new features. But I would definitely recommend xenforo. As if you get one stupid person delete everything. Then that's everything gone. Whereas can't happen with xenforo.

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