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TheForest - yay they fixed it!


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New full release version - works with tcadmin2 (finally).


Use -batchmode and -nographics in commandline.


to run multiple gameservers place -savepath=saved\config\ in commandline as well. Ensure game is set per 1 user (multiple games on 1 user will not work: ie: game creation on admin 2x does not work). Not sure yet if game saves in correct place for user. I also set RUN AS to local.


Got to say the dev's need to simplfy things. Been one of the most complicated setups out there.

Edited by jungleNZ
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Yeah, just checking this morning and the path (even thou it saves correctly) does not seem to read that cfg.

I have found you need to get one service running as TCADMIN first, then change the default game server file - RUN AS to local service. Users after that will then have own cfg.


Again it is a really backward system these devs have setup. Hopefully something they fix soon.

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Would you mind posting your command line? I also have tried the run as being TCAGame and local system. When I have it as local service the server does not work. When I have it as TCAGame it works but the save is always in the C:\Users\TCAGame\AppData\LocalLow\SKS folder. I would like to locate the saves folder where the client can access it.

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Hmmm, I can get individual sessions to run however I cannot locate where the cfg file gets stored when runas is set to local service. Therefore cannot find cfg file to adjust. I do know it does not goto appdata (not sure if stored game is going elsewhere or appdata).


If anyone wants input with me feel free to come to discord.me/gamingnz_gnzservers


This is one tricky setup.

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talking with KGM we found multi games were not connecting. (however it turned out to be updating).


I can get multi instances running, I can connect to each one in game - but for the life of me do not know where data is saved. (Using commandline settings method not server.cfg)

There does not seem to be conflict of saved data per instance.

Edited by jungleNZ
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So my config works with 1 server super and also the files are stored correctly in the folder of the server.


Important it must be installed oxides to do so simply select updates OXIDE installation rest goes automatically


Server must run as a local.








I know I have to change a little bit but that's the way it works


Best regards

TheForrest - Windows.xml

Edited by Gotteshand
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Is it still running with latest version (someone mentioned oxide not working)

And thanks for the post Goots.




Yes, the server is still running and without problems.


You absolutely need Oxides then he also stores sensibly in the directory of the server without further changes to the commandline


Best regards

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I had to run it once before creating the game servers or I got that error also Numpty. I also noticed the config did not have -nographics -batchmode in the default command lines but it was in the custom.

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I had to run it once before creating the game servers or I got that error also Numpty. I also noticed the config did not have -nographics -batchmode in the default command lines but it was in the custom.


How did you run it first. Did you create a bat file with the command line from the config?? Also do you have oxide installed. Thanks. Will yeast it out shortly

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I just downloaded The Forest to my game files and just clicked on executable to give it a run first before I installed a server. Otherwise it hung at about 250MB.


I have tried it with and without Oxide and it works so far.


My biggest issue now is that the server is taking about 9-15% of the CPU even when idle.

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Numpty, make sure initType Continue is in the command line.


-savepath=saved\config\ -batchmode -nosteamclient -batchmode -nographics -servername "test forest by numpty" -serverplayers 10 -inittype Continue -slot 1 -difficulty Normal -serverautosaveinterval 10 -serverip and the rest so it has continue

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