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Adding Mods to download on TCadmin


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@echo off

REM Only change MODID and MODNAME, the rest is automatic.




SET STEAMPATH=%TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd


SET LOGIN=xxxxxxx





SET MODID=1590841260

SET MODNAME=Trader.zip


SET MODFOLDER="C:\TCAFiles\Games\Dayzsat\TCA.Mods"


SET RAR="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR"


echo ---------------------------------------------------

echo Installation of DayZ Mods started

echo ---------------------------------------------------




echo ---

echo %MODNAME%

echo ---


%STEAMPATH%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %MODFOLDER% +"workshop_download_item 221100 %MODID%" +quit


%RAR%\winrar.exe a -afzip -ep1 -r %MODFOLDER%\%MODNAME% %MODFOLDER%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%\*.*


COPY %MODFOLDER%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%\Keys\*.bikey %ThisService_RootDirectory%\keys /Y


echo ---------------------------------------------------

echo Mod Installation completed

echo ---------------------------------------------------

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I use a custom script for my DayZ Server's.


@echo off

:: VARS ::
SET STEAMCMD="%TCAdminFolder%"\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd
SET LOGIN=%ThisService_SteamUser%
SET PASSWORD=%ThisService_SteamPass%

SET MODID=%ThisService_ModID%
SET MODNAME="@%ThisService_ModName%"

SET ROOTFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%
SET MODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%
SET KEYFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\keys

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Mod Name: %MODNAME%
echo Mod ID: %MODID%
echo ---------------------------------------------------

%STEAMCMD%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %ROOTFOLDER% +workshop_download_item 221100 %MODID% +quit



robocopy %MODFOLDER%\keys %KEYFOLDER% /COPYALL /E /IS /IT > nul

echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Be sure to check the %MODNAME% folder for any extra steps.
echo You may need to edit xml files, or configs.
echo --------------------------------------------------


I have custom variables created for the MODID, MODNAME, and Steam info, so you would need to create those, although it could probably be modified to fit anonymous downloads as some games allow it, DayZ sometimes errors while downloading it when it doesn't have an actual login so I use one.


As for Conan:


@echo off

:: VARS ::
SET STEAMCMD="%TCAdminFolder%"\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd
SET LOGIN=%ThisService_SteamUser%
SET PASSWORD=%ThisService_SteamPass%

SET MODID=%ThisService_ModID%
SET MODNAME="@%ThisService_ModName%"

SET ROOTFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%
SET MODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\440900\%MODID%
SET CONANMODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\ConanSandbox\Mods

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Mod Name: %MODNAME%
echo Mod ID: %MODID%
echo ---------------------------------------------------

%STEAMCMD%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %ROOTFOLDER% +workshop_download_item 440900 %MODID% +quit


echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Don't forget to add %MODNAME% to your modlist.txt
echo --------------------------------------------------


I use robocopy as I just enjoy it more, you can certainly use copy, or xcopy, whatever you'd like, but that should basically download the .pak file and copy it to the mods directory.


Goto the service, create a custom script, I use THESE settings, and give it a whirl.


You may need to change some directory structure around but it should be fairly close.


PS, The icon I use is this.

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I use a custom script for my DayZ Server's.


@echo off

:: VARS ::
SET STEAMCMD="%TCAdminFolder%"\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd
SET LOGIN=%ThisService_SteamUser%
SET PASSWORD=%ThisService_SteamPass%

SET MODID=%ThisService_ModID%
SET MODNAME="@%ThisService_ModName%"

SET ROOTFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%
SET MODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%
SET KEYFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\keys

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Mod Name: %MODNAME%
echo Mod ID: %MODID%
echo ---------------------------------------------------

%STEAMCMD%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %ROOTFOLDER% +workshop_download_item 221100 %MODID% +quit



robocopy %MODFOLDER%\keys %KEYFOLDER% /COPYALL /E /IS /IT > nul

echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Be sure to check the %MODNAME% folder for any extra steps.
echo You may need to edit xml files, or configs.
echo --------------------------------------------------


I have custom variables created for the MODID, MODNAME, and Steam info, so you would need to create those, although it could probably be modified to fit anonymous downloads as some games allow it, DayZ sometimes errors while downloading it when it doesn't have an actual login so I use one.


As for Conan:


@echo off

:: VARS ::
SET STEAMCMD="%TCAdminFolder%"\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd
SET LOGIN=%ThisService_SteamUser%
SET PASSWORD=%ThisService_SteamPass%

SET MODID=%ThisService_ModID%
SET MODNAME="@%ThisService_ModName%"

SET ROOTFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%
SET MODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\440900\%MODID%
SET CONANMODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\ConanSandbox\Mods

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Mod Name: %MODNAME%
echo Mod ID: %MODID%
echo ---------------------------------------------------

%STEAMCMD%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %ROOTFOLDER% +workshop_download_item 440900 %MODID% +quit


echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Don't forget to add %MODNAME% to your modlist.txt
echo --------------------------------------------------


I use robocopy as I just enjoy it more, you can certainly use copy, or xcopy, whatever you'd like, but that should basically download the .pak file and copy it to the mods directory.


Goto the service, create a custom script, I use THESE settings, and give it a whirl.


You may need to change some directory structure around but it should be fairly close.


PS, The icon I use is this.


Thanks for this, as for the conan one, how does a client actually input the MOD ID?

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you would need to choose Prompt for variable values in the setup of the custom script my version is amaller but works as well



@Echo off

"%TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd\steamcmd.exe" +login YOUR STEAMID YOURSTEAMPASSWORD +force_install_dir C:\ +"workshop_download_item 221100 %ThisService_modnumber%" validate +quit



SET "ServerPath=%ThisService_RootDirectory%"



::Mod Name

MKLINK /D %ThisService_modname% C:\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\%ThisService_modnumber%



add variables modname and modnumer to the game config and then make sure you select prompt for variable values and it works have it running on 155 Dayz Arma & servers.. little simpler butt just as effective



also clients WILL NOT SEE your steam login info i have confirmed this with all my clients servers

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I use a custom script for my DayZ Server's.


@echo off

:: VARS ::
SET STEAMCMD="%TCAdminFolder%"\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd
SET LOGIN=%ThisService_SteamUser%
SET PASSWORD=%ThisService_SteamPass%

SET MODID=%ThisService_ModID%
SET MODNAME="@%ThisService_ModName%"

SET ROOTFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%
SET MODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%
SET KEYFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\keys

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Mod Name: %MODNAME%
echo Mod ID: %MODID%
echo ---------------------------------------------------

%STEAMCMD%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %ROOTFOLDER% +workshop_download_item 221100 %MODID% +quit



robocopy %MODFOLDER%\keys %KEYFOLDER% /COPYALL /E /IS /IT > nul

echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Be sure to check the %MODNAME% folder for any extra steps.
echo You may need to edit xml files, or configs.
echo --------------------------------------------------


I have custom variables created for the MODID, MODNAME, and Steam info, so you would need to create those, although it could probably be modified to fit anonymous downloads as some games allow it, DayZ sometimes errors while downloading it when it doesn't have an actual login so I use one.


As for Conan:


@echo off

:: VARS ::
SET STEAMCMD="%TCAdminFolder%"\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd
SET LOGIN=%ThisService_SteamUser%
SET PASSWORD=%ThisService_SteamPass%

SET MODID=%ThisService_ModID%
SET MODNAME="@%ThisService_ModName%"

SET ROOTFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%
SET MODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\440900\%MODID%
SET CONANMODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\ConanSandbox\Mods

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Mod Name: %MODNAME%
echo Mod ID: %MODID%
echo ---------------------------------------------------

%STEAMCMD%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %ROOTFOLDER% +workshop_download_item 440900 %MODID% +quit


echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Don't forget to add %MODNAME% to your modlist.txt
echo --------------------------------------------------


I use robocopy as I just enjoy it more, you can certainly use copy, or xcopy, whatever you'd like, but that should basically download the .pak file and copy it to the mods directory.


Goto the service, create a custom script, I use THESE settings, and give it a whirl.


You may need to change some directory structure around but it should be fairly close.


PS, The icon I use is this.

What about clients who have steam authentification i have a better script that requests the auth client needs to generate code via Email or app and then requests the ID after that but unfortunately unable to share due to NDA


if i wasn't i would gladly share it without a heartbeat ... im still able to share configs n stuff but any completely customized scripts i am unable to due to the NDA i am pissed but its business at end of day

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What about clients who have steam authentification i have a better script that requests the auth client needs to generate code via Email or app and then requests the ID after that but unfortunately unable to share due to NDA


if i wasn't i would gladly share it without a heartbeat ... im still able to share configs n stuff but any completely customized scripts i am unable to due to the NDA i am pissed but its business at end of day


I have a steam account that I use without authentication, for DayZ, so there's no need to worry about anything of the sort, it could easily be redone to fit most needs though.

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I have a steam account that I use without authentication, for DayZ, so there's no need to worry about anything of the sort, it could easily be redone to fit most needs though.


ok its just looking at the script its like its asking the client to enter their steam info thats y i asked... i mean if you use yours and it just requires ID and name then its similar to mine jsut coded idfferently and lightweight too but as long as it works great share :)

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Thanks for this, as for the conan one, how does a client actually input the MOD ID?


You would just have to make the variables and make sure you set it as a script parameter, then when you make the script, you would select "Prompt for variable values" so before executing the script it will prompt them to enter any variables used in the script.


It's also a good idea to use the options to configure what that prompt will look like, like a textbox, checkbox, etc.


Variable Options

Script Options


Those are what I use.

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ok its just looking at the script its like its asking the client to enter their steam info thats y i asked... i mean if you use yours and it just requires ID and name then its similar to mine jsut coded idfferently and lightweight too but as long as it works great share :)


Yeah it does appear that way since it's using environment variables but they're just set by default because I didn't want them hard coded into the script for security reasons lol

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I mean if I wasn't under NDA id share mine its 30 lines and allows users to enter their steam info and authenticator code then take to another page to enter the mod id and name it took while to code but works flawlessly am in talks to get out of it so i can help more with the community other than just configs and basic scripts but unsure how or when I will happen ... that's the nature of the beast of business xD

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Yeah it does appear that way since it's using environment variables but they're just set by default because I didn't want them hard coded into the script for security reasons lol


thats understandable im same thas why i made a basic one that i am able to share but its not that amazing and not that secure but at least it hide secure info like username and password but still

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I mean if I wasn't under NDA id share mine its 30 lines and allows users to enter their steam info and authenticator code then take to another page to enter the mod id and name it took while to code but works flawlessly am in talks to get out of it so i can help more with the community other than just configs and basic scripts but unsure how or when I will happen ... that's the nature of the beast of business xD


Oh I know that feeling all too well lol, you help out everywhere as much as you can and I'm sure I speak for many by saying it is appreciated greatly.

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Oh I know that feeling all too well lol, you help out everywhere as much as you can and I'm sure I speak for many by saying it is appreciated greatly.


it's like having a noose round mt neck hahaha it was a partnership in hosting as I do games voice and web they do dedis and VPS and we joined and we both have restrictions but still xD.. he said I am able to provide the scripts if I charge for them ... I mean some I have no problem as they take months to code and bug-free but I haven't really got the heart to charge for scripts that many could probably do themselves

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you would need to choose Prompt for variable values in the setup of the custom script my version is amaller but works as well



@Echo off

"%TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd\steamcmd.exe" +login YOUR STEAMID YOURSTEAMPASSWORD +force_install_dir C:\ +"workshop_download_item 221100 %ThisService_modnumber%" validate +quit



SET "ServerPath=%ThisService_RootDirectory%"



::Mod Name

MKLINK /D %ThisService_modname% C:\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\%ThisService_modnumber%



add variables modname and modnumer to the game config and then make sure you select prompt for variable values and it works have it running on 155 Dayz Arma & servers.. little simpler butt just as effective



also clients WILL NOT SEE your steam login info i have confirmed this with all my clients servers


I keep getting this You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action

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Ok I got it download but now I am struggling to copy it, this is what my script says


@Echo off

SET ROOTFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%

SET MODFOLDER=%ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\440900\%modnumber%\


"C:\Steam\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe" +login anonymous +force_install_dir %ROOTFOLDER% +"workshop_download_item 440900 %ThisService_modnumber%" -validate +quit


xcopy /y /i %MODFOLDER% %ROOTFOLDER%\test\


This is a test for now, the download works and it places it in those folders, I want to try and copy the .pak file into the above\test the folder doesn't exist that why I am using the switch /i so it creates the folder


When I run it the command prompt opens, it downloads it perfectly to ROOTFOLDER but then it does the below


Connection anonymously to steam public

Logged in OK

Waiting for User Info...OK

Downloading item 1456186728...


Success. Downloaded item 1456186728 to "c:\tcafiles\users\admin\375\steamapps\workshop\content\440900\1456186728" (262818796 bytes) Invalid path

0 File(s) copied

The script has executed successfully.you may close this window

Edited by Rislem
WRong Image
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I had similar issues with the similar days version wen tested with Arma. So modified it. A bit. And it throws an error saying failed exit code 0. But it actually copied fine. So I eched saying ignore errors mid downloaded fine. Add to command line. I'll try n share shortly as had same issue with conan version

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