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Classic -> MVC Migration


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So, i've been playing around with the new TCAdmin MVC layouts, and I must say i've been having fun with it, playing around with the Kendo UI and things.


I've managed to intergrate the our Classic UI CSS into the new MVC after a bit of tweaking. (See here on our classic theme https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12932)


Right now it seems, alright added some things to the Sidebar, added a map with all locations of our servers and highlights the server location and also with our other locations.


Look below for some images:







Let me know what you think. :D

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That's pretty good. You could also add a screenshot of the game's current map. Use @Model.CurrentMap. I'll see if I can release a development web.config so you can open the website with visual studio and have autocomplete support in the mvc templates.

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That's pretty good. You could also add a screenshot of the game's current map. Use @Model.CurrentMap. I'll see if I can release a development web.config so you can open the website with visual studio and have autocomplete support in the mvc templates.


Thanks! Yeah, I have already got the development web.config from you, thanks for that! I'm sure other people will appreciate it! (Just the damn _DefaultSidebar not being recognised)


Will most likely be adding a table showing the players online, maybe with some buttons for quick rcon commands to kick/ban them etc (if thats possible, but i'm going to try it anyway haha) :)

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