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Nexus Discord Bot


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Nexus Discord Bot

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This requires you to run at least TCAdmin Version

Hello all!

Very exciting & unusual release here! This is just a Discord bot that has the ability to connect to TCAdmin and allow your clients to completely remote control their server straight from discord!!


This is a modular discord bot, right now only one module is available to be used. That is the TCAdmin Module, it allows hosts and their clients to link their TCAdmin & Discord account together to allow them to remotely manage their server from Discord, from powering on/off the service, a built-in file manager with the ability to edit files in discord. Or for hosts to run PowerShell or CMD commands on their servers remotely! Want to install chocolatey on all your remotes? The PowerShell command should do the trick!

(See screenshots)

Open Source (GPL v3)



Video Installation

Thanks @M0RG4Nfor doing the installation video ❤️ You can view this video here


All commands are prefixed with ";" unless otherwised changed in the configuration file.

Client Specific Commands

Command Description Example
;service View the Service Menu ;service
;link Link a service to discord ;link
;login Login & Link TCAdmin and Discord together ;login
;logout Logout and unlink TCAdmin and Discord ;logout
;players Show the players embed. (If supported by the game query) ;players
;account who See who you are logged in as. ;account who
;help Shows a small help embed. ;help

Host Specific Commands

Command Description Example
;admin whois @Member See who @Member is logged in as ;admin whois @Alexr03#1525
;admin EmulateAs @Member Emulate as a user to test their permissions ;admin EmulateAs @Alexr03#1525
;admin StopEmulation Stop emulating ;admin StopEmulation
;admin ForceLink <ServiceId> Force link a service to discord ;admin ForceLink 1426
;admin UnlinkServices Unlinks all services from the current discord guild. ;admin UnlinkServices
;admin LogoutUser <Username> Logs out & unlinks a user  ;admin LogoutUser Admin
;admin LogoutUser @Member -- ;admin LogoutUser @Alexr03#1525
;node cmd <ServerName> <Command> Run a Command Prompt and execute a command. ;node cmd Master Echo 'hi!'

;node powershell <ServerName>




Runs a full powershell script on a server

;node powershell Master


echo "Hello!"


;node runallpowershell




Runs a powershell script on every single enabled server.

;node runallpowershell


echo "Hello!"


;node RestartMonitor <ServerName>

Restarts the TCAdmin Monitor on a specified server

;node RestartMonitor Master

;node RestartAllMonitors

Restarts the monitor on every single enabled server  ;node RestartAllMonitors

;TaskManager <TaskID>

Shows a live status update of a specific Task ;TaskManager 7532

;TaskManager <ConnectionInfo>

Shows the latest task for a service ;TaskManager

;TaskManager List <ConnectionInfo>

Shows the latest 10 tasks for a service ;TaskManager List


@alexr03https://github.com/Alexr03/ - Creator/Developer of Nexus Bot 

@M0RG4Nhttps://github.com/M0RG4N01- Helped during the development of Nexus bot & Created an awesome instructional video

  LYHMEHosting - https://lyhmehosting.com/ - Early Adopters of the bot 



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44 minutes ago, jungleNZ said:


I get this error when trying to install on tcadmin, appears just after the start button: Unknown column 'skip_exe_error' in 'field list'

What version of TCAdmin are you running?

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5 minutes ago, Proximity said:

@alexr03I am guessing he is using Linux.


I didn't look at the file name when I was importing it. So I got the same error. I am using V2


What version of TCAdmin V2 are you guys using? (Such as TCAdmin v2.0.144.0, etc) 

It may be that you could be running an older version which doesn't support <skip_exe_error>0</skip_exe_error> 

If that is the case you can just remove that from the config and then try and import it ? (I believe it's on line 91)

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22 minutes ago, Proximity said:

I am using the latest. This script is supported on Linux right? @alexr03It says windows.

Ah I see, yeah this would run as an .exe so it wouldn't work for Linux TCAdmin right now ?

Edit: There may be support tho soon if the bot can be compiled with mono

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On 4/7/2020 at 4:58 PM, alexr03 said:

The script is windows only atm. The project is open-source so if one wants to give it a try with compiling with mono be my guest.




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Had this all installed and working, now I goto use it, login, y, goto DM, follow instructions, click Nex Auth and this pops up:




Any ideas or do I need to re-input discord keys?


I have gone through and inserted keys again, found tcadmin module not installed, so try to install (checking connecting string) and this pops up.



Edited by jungleNZ
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1 hour ago, jungleNZ said:

Had this all installed and working, now I goto use it, login, y, goto DM, follow instructions, click Nex Auth and this pops up:




Any ideas or do I need to re-input discord keys?


I have gone through and inserted keys again, found tcadmin module not installed, so try to install (checking connecting string) and this pops up.



May you download version 1.0.3 and give it a go? Either overwrite or delete and reimport the 1.0.3 config

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I think this is due to TCAdmin has stored the old Nexus files when it should of deleted them.

Can you goto: "C:/TCAFiles/Games/Nexus bot" and delete everything inside of it, then reinstall the bot.

Alternatively go here and download Nexus.exe https://github.com/Alexr03/Nexus-TCAdmin-Module/releases and then goto the service files, and replace the .exe with the one in the zip.

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i try and start the bot and i get 


Unhandled Exception: System.PlatformNotSupportedException: The WebSocket protocol is not supported on this platform.
   at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketHelpers.ThrowPlatformNotSupportedException_WSPC()
   at System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket..ctor()
   at DSharpPlus.Net.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.<ConnectAsync>d__19.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at DSharpPlus.Net.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.<ConnectAsync>d__19.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.<InternalConnectAsync>d__60.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.<ConnectAsync>d__57.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Nexus.DiscordMain.<RunAsync>d__3.MoveNext() in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\DiscordMain.cs:line 78
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Nexus.Program.<MainAsync>d__4.MoveNext() in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\Program.cs:line 88
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Nexus.Program.Main(String[] args) in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\Program.cs:line 22

any idea what is causing this?? i have re tried making sure i entered correct info like Client ID n token and all is correct just not getting any luck

Edited by numpty
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10 minutes ago, numpty said:

i try and start the bot and i get 


Unhandled Exception: System.PlatformNotSupportedException: The WebSocket protocol is not supported on this platform.
   at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketHelpers.ThrowPlatformNotSupportedException_WSPC()
   at System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket..ctor()
   at DSharpPlus.Net.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.<ConnectAsync>d__19.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at DSharpPlus.Net.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.<ConnectAsync>d__19.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.<InternalConnectAsync>d__60.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.<ConnectAsync>d__57.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Nexus.DiscordMain.<RunAsync>d__3.MoveNext() in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\DiscordMain.cs:line 78
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Nexus.Program.<MainAsync>d__4.MoveNext() in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\Program.cs:line 88
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Nexus.Program.Main(String[] args) in E:\Development Related\Projects\Nexus\Nexus.Program\Program.cs:line 22

any idea what is causing this?? i have re tried making sure i entered correct info like Client ID n token and all is correct just not getting any luck

I guess you are running an old(ish) version of windows, like Windows 7 or lower (or Windows Server equivalent). Could you try this on a more up-to-date machine? - (This error also may happen with Mono, if you are attempting to run this on Linux)

You can also try this (but I haven't tested):

1) Download https://cloud.openshift.alexr03.dev/s/3JTbDP9ajeqKjW6

2) Put the .dll in the Shared folder.

3) Start the bot again.

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6 minutes ago, alexr03 said:

I guess you are running an old(ish) version of windows, like Windows 7 or lower (or Windows Server equivalent). Could you try this on a more up-to-date machine? - (This error also may happen with Mono, if you are attempting to run this on Linux)

You can also try this (but I haven't tested):

1) Download https://cloud.openshift.alexr03.dev/s/3JTbDP9ajeqKjW6

2) Put the .dll in the Shared folder.

3) Start the bot again.

correct  i am using server 2008 R2.. yes i know its old bt so far had no issues with the interactive services unlike on my 2016 box where i cant do anything in it ? so i prefer 2008 .. i have tried the DLL you send in the shared folder and still same error.. it does work kind of on my 2016 box but unfortunatly its too far r from my databsde will probly case issues.. also i am getting rid of soon and upgrading to new one... ... and have cpl issues with that one after i enter the connection string in the module.. i woudl prefer to use the 2008 one as it has the DB on that box

Edited by numpty
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  • 1 month later...

Hello @numptyI hope you are well.


I've tried installing the bot today and ran into an issue after installing the TCAdmin Module itself.


I get the following in my web console which seems to suggest no major errors



[2020-06-10 21:47:46 +10:00] [DSharpPlus] [Info] DSharpPlus, version 4.0.0-nightly-00681

[2020-06-10 21:47:46 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/gateway/bot] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/users/:user_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/oauth2/applications/:application_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/voice/regions] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [Info] Module change detected

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [Info] Refreshing plugin repository!

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.SDK.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdminWrapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdminWrapper\TCAdminWrapper.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.SDK.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Received OP 10 (HELLO) - Trying to either resume or identify.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Starting Heartbeat.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Sending Heartbeat.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [Info] Refreshed!

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] [AssemblyModules] Loaded: TcAdminModule

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] [AssemblyModules] Loaded: EventsCore

Starting Events Core.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] Registered: AccountCommands class for Custom Commands.

All events subscribed. Waiting for events to fire.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] Registered: LinkCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] Registered: QueryCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] Registered: TcAdminCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] Registered: TcAdministrationCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] Registered: NodeCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] Registered: TaskManagerCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] [Cron Scheduler] Scheduled NetworkStatusCron to fire every 120000ms

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [Info] [Cron Scheduler] Scheduled UpdateConfigurationsCron to fire every 7200000ms

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [NetworkStatusCron] [Info] NetworkStatus is disabled. Skipping cron.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [REST] [Debug][2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::0::/channels/:channel_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

 Received WebSocket Heartbeat Ack. Ping: 197ms

Config does not exist. Auto generating.

[2020-06-10 21:47:57 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [POST::467142759980072960::/channels/:channel_id/messages] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:48:29 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Sending Heartbeat.

[2020-06-10 21:48:29 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Received WebSocket Heartbeat Ack. Ping: 208ms

However whenever I try and do ";login" in Discord, I get the following error:


Exception caught! - Sentry ID: f4ebaa1251564784ba21c75db2b39030


Don't suppose you have any ideas mate? Have tried a reinstall to no avail. Running on Windows Server.




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Hello @numptyI hope you are well.
I've tried installing the bot today and ran into an issue after installing the TCAdmin Module itself.
I get the following in my web console which seems to suggest no major errors


[2020-06-10 21:47:46 +10:00] [DSharpPlus] [info] DSharpPlus, version 4.0.0-nightly-00681

[2020-06-10 21:47:46 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/gateway/bot] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/users/:user_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/oauth2/applications/:application_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:47:47 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::::/voice/regions] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [info] Module change detected

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [info] Refreshing plugin repository!

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.SDK.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdminWrapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdminWrapper\TCAdminWrapper.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.SDK.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Received OP 10 (HELLO) - Trying to either resume or identify.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Starting Heartbeat.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Sending Heartbeat.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Plugin Repository] [info] Refreshed!

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] [AssemblyModules] Loaded: TcAdminModule

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] [AssemblyModules] Loaded: EventsCore

Starting Events Core.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: AccountCommands class for Custom Commands.

All events subscribed. Waiting for events to fire.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Dependency Loader] [Debug] Loading TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 from: .\ModuleDependencies\TCAdmin.143\TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.dll

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: LinkCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: QueryCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: TcAdminCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: TcAdministrationCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: NodeCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] Registered: TaskManagerCommands class for Custom Commands.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] [Cron Scheduler] Scheduled NetworkStatusCron to fire every 120000ms

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Modules Manager] [info] [Cron Scheduler] Scheduled UpdateConfigurationsCron to fire every 7200000ms

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [NetworkStatusCron] [info] NetworkStatus is disabled. Skipping cron.

[2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [REST] [Debug][2020-06-10 21:47:48 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [GET::0::/channels/:channel_id] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

 Received WebSocket Heartbeat Ack. Ping: 197ms

Config does not exist. Auto generating.

[2020-06-10 21:47:57 +10:00] [REST] [Debug] Initial Request for bucket Rate limit bucket [post::467142759980072960::/channels/:channel_id/messages] [0/0] 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00. Allowing.

[2020-06-10 21:48:29 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Sending Heartbeat.

[2020-06-10 21:48:29 +10:00] [Websocket] [Debug] Received WebSocket Heartbeat Ack. Ping: 208ms

However whenever I try and do ";login" in Discord, I get the following error:

Exception caught! - Sentry ID: f4ebaa1251564784ba21c75db2b39030

Don't suppose you have any ideas mate? Have tried a reinstall to no avail. Running on Windows Server.

Best thing is ask the dev or open issue on the hithib as thags hiw i got my issue resolved ...

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, alexr03 said:


Hi, Its because you are using caching_sha2_password for the database user. Create a new user using the Legacy password option and give them access to TCAdmin database. Then it should work.

Thank you mate much appreciated. Will give it a go a bit later.

10 hours ago, numpty said:

Best thing is ask the dev or open issue on the hithib as thags hiw i got my issue resolved ...

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Sorry mate got my names mixed up!



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12 hours ago, alexr03 said:


Hi, Its because you are using caching_sha2_password for the database user. Create a new user using the Legacy password option and give them access to TCAdmin database. Then it should work.

Hello mate, have changed the user to the Standard authentication in the database and they have access to the TCAdmin however I'm still running into the same issue when trying the ;login command


Exception caught! - Sentry ID: a9cac169f1ed4f49966fd310ccd68197


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I've checked the exception and it is showing this: 
Authentication method 'caching_sha2_password' not supported by any of the available plugins.

Try execute this command on the MySQL server (Change USERNAME-HERE & PASSWORD-HERE):



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