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Heads up on a kid who steals Grandma's CC


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I had one charge back where a mother rented a server for her son over the course of 5 months. The services were then discontinued by the mother. 2 Months later her son who had turned 18 purchased services on a CC in his name that his mother gave him. (not the same CC from the previous purcahses.) He was not supposed to. The kids name was on it and he was 18.


Well she called paypal not the CC company and against there policy ( no notification to us) No wait period , nothing! They yanked 996.00 out of my account and gave it to her. all 6 months worht of services. I called paypal raisng hell but got nowhere. I called the Kids father and did get them to agree that that was not there intent. They were very understanding and gave me all the money back and made there kid work it off ;). Then I called paypal and argued the 10.00 CB fee as my account reflected that the same person resent me all the funds. They returned me the 10.00 calling it a courtesy. I hate paypal with a passion but what ya gonna do?

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I can relate.. One of our customers skipped out on $2100 worth of server payments with us just recently so I know how you feel..



Just to give everyone a heads up.. If you sell dedicated servers don't bother renting to drgservers.com.. The only thing you will get in return is a million support tickets and at the end of the month they skip out and go to another provider to do it all over again..

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These fools are trying to tell their clients that we shut them and other clients of ours for no reason. These people are sad, and should not be in the game business, or any other business for that matter.


As many of you know it takes a lot to piss me off, and this is one of those instances. Lie about us to your clients because you can't run your business properly? Then use our icons on your website.


DRG is about to get a wake up call from our lawyer.

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I hate to see you pissed off Kevin but I know how it is. We also have a claim against them for copying the content from our TOS word for word and posting it as their own.. They even had the nerve to say they wrote it.. Funny thing is it's been on our site since early 2004 and drgservers has only been in business just over a year..


Oh well.. kids will be kids..

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Well I sent an email to their hoster in regards to the copyright issue. I assume they will take care of it.


Just burns me up when people outright lie to their clients and implicate us in something that is completely their fault. We try hard to uphold a very honest and proper company here, and kids spewing lies about us makes me mad...

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What I disliked about paypal is that you could not reject CC payments from them and only take direct money or echeck payments. When I was running a GSP, I had my own CC gateway/merchant account, but people wanted t use paypal for their CC payments. With paypal, they give you no fraud detection for YOU to verify. I always tried to double check our orders, but when paypal was being a douche, you couldnt get the billing info for the CC used or anything else, so you were in their hands. Im half way glad I dont have to deal with them anymore.

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Hey Kevin, I especially like the comments on drgservers.com site concerning the control panel issue..


"Tcadmin have shut down not only ours but other GSP's licences not too sure why"



That's news to me that other GSP's had licenses shut off.. Maybe drgservers should pay their bills instead of blaming it on everyone else...


The other news article about "Releasing a new TX network" is BS too.. These jokers couldn't pay the server bills with us so instead of saying anything they skipped out and rented servers somewhere else all the while feeding their customers this line about "Beta" testing a new network like it's supposed to make them forget their servers were down for a week..


Lee is a con artist pure and simple.. They screw everyone they can then try to make them believe it's a good thing..



/end rant/

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This individual has once again tried to order services from me, but thank god i dont use a standard check out system. I was able to stop his account before he was able to pay for his services.


It appears for this transaction he has made all new accounts from email to msn. Only way i caught him this time was via his actual name, as he never changes that, not sure why.


Anyhow, below is the updated email contact info so you guys have some chance to stop him before time.


Email: theelitemarine5@optonline.net

Msn: theelitemarine5@optonline.net

Aim: theelitemarine5

Xfire: theelitemarine5


I wish i could divulge more information for you guys, but hes a minor and giving out more info could get me into some trouble, sorry.


Best Regards,



DeadEnd Hosting LLC.

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