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Anyone found a solution for palworld just using CPU Group 0
I tried several things but I cant get the servers to start with anything other than CPU Group 0

This is mainly servers with more than 1 CPU in but yeah its spiking my CPU 0 and causing a massive in balance.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/12/2024 at 8:43 PM, Dennis said:

@Ascend Server Solutions version of TCAdmin supports the Palworld query. You need to make sure "Palworld" is selected as the query protocol and that the query port is equal to the game port.
You also need to add "-queryport $[ThisService.QueryPort]" to the commandline if it's not already there.

You may not have yet noticed this, but after the latest game update, v0.1.5.0, there appears to be a malfunction with the server queries. In the patch notes, under the "Network Related" section, it mentions:

  1. The introduction of a feature to view online players on a dedicated server.
  2. For community servers, this information will be shown only if the feature is activated.

Previously, servers were accurately reporting the number of active slots and the maximum slots available. However, following the update, they are consistently indicating 0/0, despite the servers being operational and accessible.

FYI: I am using a Beta TCAdmin Version Luis Sent Me:

Control Panel-2024-02-28 at 5.38.42 PM.png

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Just now, VPro said:

Gives a way to enable web console ? i have testet all settings all was disnable after safe

There is no web console for Palworld as in the actual game doesn't have a console output

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Battlemetrics can query palworld servers and not tcadmin ?

Maybe we need a custom module to create and modify query ?

I don't know what t think about that, what can we do for query working in tcadmin ?

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 4/6/2024 at 4:38 AM, mspsmuge said:

As of the update yesterday is anyone else having issues with users connecting to there Palworld servers?

The game now requires that a query port be set which is different than the game port.

Edited by crunkinshoe
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After some debugging .. it appears that -queryport in the commandline paramater causes the server to stop responding plus some commandline paramaters is outdated based on this config.


On the other hand, using the following commandline would solve most of the issues and server will start and shows in both community list and join via ip but players stats in the panel will no longer works due to -queryport is not set in the commandline paramater and cannot be set for the mean time unless the devs decides to add it in the future releases:


-publiclobby -port=$[Service.GamePort] -publicip=$[Service.IpAddress] -publicport=$[Service.GamePort] -players=$[Service.Slots] -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS -logformat=text


Myth Busted

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