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RedOrchestra From Valve


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STEAM is most likely swamped.




It looks like this is simply a UT based game. Just remember to put the -multihome x.x.x.x in the commandline to specify and ip.








I will only say this once. Admins, make sure you test out system resources before setting prices and beginning to host. Worst thing you can do is rush to get the first server up, and have issues with it. Do some research on the requirements first. I have seen 16 slot UT based games eat up 25% of a dual CPU system, depending on the mod it's running.





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A have a config done. but I need someone to check on this server IP for me, to see if it is in the list.






Should be named Powered by TCAdmin.com






Confirm it's visible and I will post the config I have.

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I could love you more






E:\Games\ADMIN\GameServers\TC48136868601728417758826\ucc.exe server RO-Konigsplatz.rom?deathmessagemode=3?game=ROEngine.ROTeamGa me?MinPlayers=0? -log=ServerLog.log -multihome=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx




Thats my command line and she still refuses to run :sad:

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Yeah... that got me the first time around too :roll:




Evil UT based games!






If anyone finds a way to assign the game a port number, please pass it along :smile:






Also 24 Play. I see a space in your commandline. Not sure if you simply copied it wrong, but look at




ROEngine.ROTeamGa me?MinPlayers




ROTeamGa me should be ROTeamGame





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Bah! I screwed the config up!




In the config set relative executable field to /system/ucc.exe




Our current commandline is as follows if this helps ya:


X:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TCxxxxxxxxxxxxx\system\ucc.ex e server RO-Konigsplatz.rom?deathmessagemode=3?game=ROEngine.ROTeamGa me?MinPlayers=0? -log=ServerLog.log -multihome=xx.xx.xx.xx




Ill fix the config and re-upload it.

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Bah! I screwed the config up!




In the config set relative executable field to /system/ucc.exe




Our current commandline is as follows if this helps ya:


X:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TCxxxxxxxxxxxxx\system\ucc.ex e server RO-Konigsplatz.rom?deathmessagemode=3?game=ROEngine.ROTeamGa me?MinPlayers=0? -log=ServerLog.log -multihome=xx.xx.xx.xx




Ill fix the config and re-upload it.

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lol i am working hard on that right now aswell,...




But as i know this, before i can even read into this properly you will have a realease fully working already.




But i do not hurry right now to simply have something set up, rather i take time and then it is working properly and with trust.




Looking forward to hear from this thread :grin:





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