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unfortunately the answer isnt conclusive, more a debate, i was looking for a conclusive answer. you stated though that you had more than two working. ? is this correct on one IP


i tried it also with BAT files with steam.dll and yet no luck either, i can only just get one server up

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unfortunately the answer isnt conclusive, more a debate, i was looking for a conclusive answer. you stated though that you had more than two working. ? is this correct on one IP


i tried it also with BAT files with steam.dll and yet no luck either, i can only just get one server up


You can easily run multiple servers on a single IP .. you need only to correctly set the port addresses in your commandline.


Make sure you are setting ALL the ports in the example server.cfg.

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there has to be incriments thouh right ? from one server to the others.


i have looked and even gone off the server.cfg and still had issues. i cant seem to connect more than one server on one ip with MW3.


this could be due to how am doing the porting incriments.....

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there has to be incriments thouh right ? from one server to the others.


i have looked and even gone off the server.cfg and still had issues. i cant seem to connect more than one server on one ip with MW3.


this could be due to how am doing the porting incriments.....

Of course you need to increment - I would suggest by 100.

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i now have two servers working at the same time thanks to lane. if there was a rep system on these forums your rep would go up lane :)


Does anyone know why the servers wont show in steam but only shows ingame instead



iw5mp_server.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 29037 +set net_queryPort 29150 +set net_authPort 8766 +set net_masterServerPort 29316 +set sv_maxplayers 10 +start_map_rotate +set sv_config server.cfg



--- output


version 1.2.359

Connecting to online services....

Connected to online services.

Executing server config "server.cfg"

Succeeded reading from default.dspl

Loaded 5 map entries

Loading DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"...

Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"


Spawning map: mp_lambeth, gametype tdef

Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 28150, auth port 8766, query port 28416, gamedir modernwarfare3, version

Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.

No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.

Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP 22.222.2222.222, Game Port 28150

Steam Game Server is VAC Secure

Spawn map (mp_lambeth, tdef) complete.


Steam Master Servers found (2). Server will be Internet Server listed.

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i now have two servers working at the same time thanks to lane. if there was a rep system on these forums your rep would go up lane :)


Does anyone know why the servers wont show in steam but only shows ingame instead



iw5mp_server.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 29037 +set net_queryPort 29150 +set net_authPort 8766 +set net_masterServerPort 29316 +set sv_maxplayers 10 +start_map_rotate +set sv_config server.cfg



--- output


version 1.2.359

Connecting to online services....

Connected to online services.

Executing server config "server.cfg"

Succeeded reading from default.dspl

Loaded 5 map entries

Loading DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"...

Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"


Spawning map: mp_lambeth, gametype tdef

Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 28150, auth port 8766, query port 28416, gamedir modernwarfare3, version

Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.

No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.

Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP 22.222.2222.222, Game Port 28150

Steam Game Server is VAC Secure

Spawn map (mp_lambeth, tdef) complete.


Steam Master Servers found (2). Server will be Internet Server listed.

My servers are showing up fine, it takes a few mins (upto 10) for the steam master server to see your servers so give it time.


I have 3 servers on 1 ip right now all showing up fine and running perfect.

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It'll run on multiple IPs but not all the ports bind correctly so you end up with the net_port binding on all IPs and even though the server will start and appear fine if people try to join a server not on the primary IP they could end up on a different server.


Check netstat -a from command prompt and look for anything on with the net_port port. Until the net_ip binding is properly fixed it's safest to only run servers on the primary IP.

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Hey guys,


I have downloaded the MW3 Server files from Steam (View->Tools), but it's not going online on my PC.


Do I have to buy the game only for the purpose of running a dedicated server?


Also, what's the best config: the one for zelatech or LFA?



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