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im getting that when i just use a short cut in windows


can you please upload ur bat file?


iw5mp_server.exe +set net_ip XXXXXXXX +set dedicated 2 +set sv_config server.cfg +set net_queryPort 27015 +set net_masterServerPort 27014 +set net_port 27016 +set net_authPort 8766 +set sv_maxclients 18 +set sv_floodProtect 1 +set sv_maprotation maprotation +start_map_rotate 


note that my maprotation file is named maprotation and not default

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We have Lift off :)


version 1.2.358

Connecting to online services....

Connected to online services.

net_ip is write protected.

net_port is write protected.

Executing server config "server.cfg"

Succeeded reading from default.dspl

Loaded 5 map entries

Loading DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"...

Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"


Spawning map: mp_lambeth, gametype tdef

Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27015, auth port 8766, query port 27014, gamedir modernwarfare3, version

Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.

No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.

Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 27015

Steam Game Server is VAC Secure

Spawn map (mp_lambeth, tdef) complete.


Steam Master Servers found (2). Server will be Internet Server listed.

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dimitrifrom31, did u get bandwidth error with all ports listed in CMD?


as i said, sometimes. Restarting the server a couple of times solves it.


Wondering whats the way to get it working fully through TCAdmin and not using the .bat as executable.


Spitfire, whats your config?




Weird thing is that if running the server manually with a batch server.cfg is loaded from "players2" folder.

If running the server from TCAdmin its stuck on loading server.cfg

If running server from TCA using .bat as executable server.cfg is loaded from "main" folder.

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Says our server is listed on the global list but i can't find it anywhere and the console is running. My list shows something like 43 Servers and 313 Players only though.


If anyone makes a working TCA Template for Dedicated unranked servers. please post them here.

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Here's beta TCA config. Its not completely finished but its working. Tested with 2 servers on 1 IP.


Notice: place all dspl and dsr files in main folder. Use steam.dll.


Servers that are currently running with this config:

^2GameNest.ru Test Server

^2GameNest.ru Test Server #2


When you say use steam.dll, what exactly are you saying? Do I need to copy that to the root folder?


*answered my own question, once I dropped it in the root it worked fine.

Edited by gemcneill
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For some servers, it seems it sticks at Spawning Map:


version 1.2.358

Connecting to online services....

Connected to online services.

Executing server config "server.cfg"

Succeeded reading from default.dspl

Loaded 5 map entries

Loading DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"...

Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"


Spawning map: mp_lambeth, gametype tdef


Edit: Was a port issue

Edited by KevinJ
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query port seems to be always 27017, can someone provide help for that?


my cmd:


+set dedicated 2 +set sv_config server.cfg +set net_ip **.***.***.** +set net_port 27025 +set net_queryPort 27035 +set sv_maxplayers 18 +start_map_rotate


version 1.2.358

Connecting to online services......

Connected to online services.

Executing server config "server.cfg"

Succeeded reading from default.dspl

Loaded 5 map entries

Loading DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"...

Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDEF_default.dsr"


Spawning map: mp_exchange, gametype tdef

Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27035, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version

Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.

No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.

Steam Game Server connected. Local IP **************, Public IP ****************, Game Port 27035

Steam Game Server is VAC Secure

Spawn map (mp_exchange, tdef) complete.


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