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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. The only issue with adding the new, correct links, is that threads seem to have gotten new IDs when the forums were migrated. I can't find the specific threads, unfortunately.
  2. Another thing to remember: When you run a Steam update, your serverconfig.xml will get overwritten with a default one (unless they changed it recently). To not lose your configuration, copy the serverconfig.xml and call the new file something else (fx serverconfigcustom.xml). Start your server with the commandline parameter "-configfile serverconfigcustom.xml". Just remember, if any option in the config is removed from the game or another one is added, you have to make changes to the custom server configuration so that these are either removed or added.
  3. It's an issue with the server configuration. See this: 2020-03-19T16:56:17 0.202 INF Parsing server configfile: /home/tcagame/admin/7/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../serverconfig.xml 2020-03-19T16:56:17 0.243 ERR Error parsing configfile: 2020-03-19T16:56:17 0.243 EXC Invalid character in the given encoding. Line 69, position 243. Make sure to update the server and try with a default config.
  4. Hi @elkielk I made your post a little more readable by putting the log in code tags. Is that the entire log?
  5. I was slowly starting to switch away from Firefox but now I don't have to! Thanks! ?
  6. You're using an old version of the server configuration. Update your server and copy the contents of serverconfig.xml to your configuration file (and make changes where necessary), save and start.
  7. What's New in Version 1.1.1 Linux version added @lynxwolf1 Linux has been added. Let me know if there's anything you need help with.
  8. You should install it to /usr/lib/python2.7 or change the path in the script: https://help.tcadmin.com/Workshop_Browser#Ark
  9. What's New in Version 1.1.0 Custom Scripts has been updated to no longer require the Standard Python 2.7 Library. If you experience any problems, please post them in the thread.
  10. See this: https://help.tcadmin.com/Workshop_Browser#Ark You _must_ install Python 2.7.
  11. Are you able to add it to your Steam favorites? If you can't see the server in any way, how do you know it's running an older version?
  12. Also note that the version number shown next to the hostname in TCAdmin only updates a few minutes after the server is started.
  13. It was just something I made for fun. It was never used, and I no longer have the CSS for it, unfortunately.
  14. Perfect, thanks! Seems to work just fine.
  15. Change this for the uninstall script: modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileId)) To this: modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileId)).replace(" ", "_")
  16. I found a rather simple fix for this (it's not tested with TCAdmin though). Open the Configure mod script. Replace the following line: modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileId)) With this: modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileId)).replace(" ", "_") It's not tested, so please see if it works ?
  17. Try wrapping it in quotes (only the -mod parameter) as it would be the easiest solution. It would require a change to the script that installs the mods otherwise.
  18. Have you tried wrapping the commandline parameter in quotes?
  19. Great to hear! I'm in the process of rewriting the custom IronPython scripts so they won't require the Standard Python Library to be loaded. Should be available sometime next week.
  20. Would be nice if we were able to send rcon commands as the Stop command. I can see why this might be an issue since TCAdmin needs to know the rcon password, so it can't be set manually in a text editor. It has to be set through the command line or a configuration editor so TCAdmin knows the value. Currently, it can be done using a custom script: import clr; import System; clr.AddReference("TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK") from TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK import rconClient from TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK import RCONGameType rconclient=rconClient() rconclient.GameType = RCONGameType.UnityTelnet rconclient.Server = ThisService_IpAddress rconclient.Port = ThisService_RConPort rconclient.Send(None, None, ThisService_RConPassword, "shutdown") rconclient.ReadResponse() if rconclient.ResposeText == None : Script.WriteToConsole("No response") else: Script.WriteToConsole(rconclient.ResposeText) Credit goes to @LFA for the script. The above script works for 7 Days to Die with the UnityTelnet protocol. It will send "shutdown" to the server if executed on the "Before Stopped" event.
  21. New version uploaded. What's New in Version 1.1.0 Added a script to properly shut down the server. Previously, the server didn't save during shutdown. This is now done using rcon, so make sure that you always set the rcon password through the configuration editor or the command line. Changed "Wait for Exit" to 30 seconds.
  22. Hi @Gotteshand I've removed the file. You need to upload it through the 'Resources' section on the forum. We have to validate the config before it will be made available for everyone else ?
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