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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. That is covered in the system requirements for TCAdmin https://help.tcadmin.com/System_Requirements#Windows
  2. Try starting the server manually outside of TCAdmin: https://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_and_Voice_Services That should give you a hint as to why the server is crashing.
  3. The latest game configs are available here: https://community.tcadmin.com/files/category/1-game-configs/ Many of them are already included in TCAdmin by default - including ARK. I know that it works as we're using it.
  4. Check the Log Viewer > Service Logs. If a service is restarted, stopped, started, crashed or anything, it should appear in those logs - along with what caused it.
  5. Try increasing the amount of minutes between each save and see if the server still crashes.
  6. Dennis


    @CloudNine The module is included with TCAdmin by default.
  7. The script was only meant as a temporary workaround and I even think SteamCMD fixed the issue shortly after. That's because TCAdmin only uses a single core AFAIK. This is to prevent 100% CPU usage when installing large mods - that would effect the performance of running game servers negatively, and a single user could potentially ruin the experience for all of your clients on the same server. Also note that there could be a difference in which SteamCMD executable is being used. If you have 'Execute as the service's user' checked in the Steam Settings for the game, SteamCMD will execute from C:\TCAFiles\Users\SteamCmd. If it's not checked, it would execute from C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd. We've had massive issues with SteamCMD installations getting corrupt when it wasn't executed by the user (meaning C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd was used). We constantly had to reinstall SteamCMD. Could you confirm whether or not SteamCMD is configured to be executed by the service's user in the game settings?
  8. You don't have to set it to an A record. You can just set the hostname to the public IP as well
  9. It seems that you're starting the server on IP - that would be why. "Query running in ..." should report the server's IP and port.
  10. Sorry. That has been fixed - latest version has been reuploaded.
  11. What's New in Version 1.8.0 [Changed] Default QueryPort changed. Read more here: https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/Creating-a-server#importantinformationregardingtheserverqueryportstartingfrom2ndfebruary2023 [Changed] Default RconPort changed [Added] Commandline now includes query port Existing services will need to have their query port and rcon port updated manually. Remember to click "Update Existing Services" after updating the config.
  12. That's most likely a result of the server not responding to queries. Check the activity log for the service.
  13. That issue is fixed in the upcoming release of TCAdmin. It's not caused by the Minecraft config.
  14. You can send the values like this in PHP: $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xmx"] = "512"; $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xms"] = "512";
  15. What's New in Version 1.1.3 [Fixed] Private rule not configured properly [Fixed] RCon protocol was not set for Linux
  16. You can find them in ShooterGame\Saved\Logs. Note that the server does not write the log file before the server is shut down.
  17. Have you made sure that the port is open in the software firewall?
  18. What issues are you having with the query port? Have you enabled query in the server.properties file?
  19. Try clearing the TCAdmin2 cache folder (in C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Cache or /home/tcadmin2/Cache) and restart the TCAdmin Monitor. Alternatively, you can go to your theme settings, click the Advanced tab and uncheck "Enable CDN".
  20. That's most likely not an issue with the config but rather your TCAdmin installation. It could be that the new remote server doesn't have an SSL certificate while your web panel is accessed via HTTPS. Open the developer console for your browser (usually by pressing F12) and see if there's any errors in the console tab.
  21. Mine shows 0.212.7 as well but according to SteamDB, public-testing and public branches are on the same version:https://steamdb.info/app/896660/depots/
  22. Have you tried using the Update Tool in command prompt instead of PowerShell?
  23. Well, that looks completely fine. I have no idea what's causing the issues then. Works fine on my end.
  24. Of the game config in TCAdmin, sorry The Steam AppID needs to be configured like this: 896660 -beta ![branch]
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