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Everything posted by frbnet

  1. is a lan ip, have your setup Firewall IP for wan side ???
  2. quickest way is to get tcadmin and EAC to talk is setup eac with mysql support, create a php api and send cmd from tcadmin to the api for enable or disable, or just enable on install of game and delete on delete game
  3. took me 2 sek with google dayz Epoch http://epochmod.com/a2dayzepoch.php Server: Arma2 DayZ: Epoch Server Files
  4. or just use "after start" and "after stop" in custom scripts to start and stop secondary services
  5. sounds like a install going bad, try reinstall tcadmin again
  6. have you try to get it to work true a *.bat file ??
  7. OVH runs fine like vJosh write most likely at iptables or firewall error
  8. anyone got script converted for ubuntu ??
  9. can any one help me on bf3 ( and yes i just got RSP ) Query Protocol: is there only Bad Company, close to bf3, do any one off you RSP use that or what ?? i got the info on what port, cmd line to use and all that. i am waiting to get access to the last patchs, and i am trying to make a cfg for V2 Anyone plz ?
  10. how about enable monitor pause server after x min off of empty server, and make a fast url to restart server again, so you can save energy on server ?? sins it already can monitor slots on server this function shut be easy to add or not ??
  11. How can i set this gameservers with public ip that is behind NAT firewall ?? can i put it in the commandline +public_ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  12. try add -maxplayers_override $[service.Slots] in commandline
  13. i dont get it, i use http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=64031&postcount=56 i can see server on public list, i can control it via hlsw, but when try to connect to it client fress i have cs:go v1.17.2.1 (Windows, Dedicated, Protocol 17) i can join other server but my own, can anyone plz help ??
  14. anyone that got a working version for windows, can get it to work
  15. my CSS test shows the files only get copy to fast download dir without getting *.bz2 would be nice if you could select the files to be packaged in bz2 format or not
  16. i have created a CSS fastdl update before started script i have set it to "Batch File/Shell Script" and event to "Before Started" and script line is "%Service_RootDirectory%tools\SourceRSC.exe /ini:example.ini" (No quotation marks) but can't get it to run any idea what might be wrong, works fine if I manually execute the commands on the server itself
  17. anyone got a working BaboViolent2 cfg, i have try to edit the BaboViolent cfg but cant get it to work for BaboViolent2 Upfront Thanks
  18. did that and no change to allow upload of .dll files
  19. "the official BF3 licence" is there a fee on that, I heard someone talk about it. and if so what is the price ??
  20. any one know what max players are ??
  21. directory structure is permanent so CSS dont needs to be updated every time TF2 and other Orangebox games been updated
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