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Everything posted by DougK94

  1. If a customer is paying $xx.xx per month for their server, the expect it to be up 100% of the time, not just when they start it so they can use it.
  2. It is working, and you had better change the default admin password
  3. Sounds like you need to read http://help.tcadmin.com
  4. Yo must be logged in to see it.
  5. http://clients.tcadmin.com/downloads.php?action=displaycat&catid=5
  6. Your hosting company is the only one who can help you with your problem.
  7. LOL, that is probably the problem LOL
  8. Also use the WHMCS ticket system to keep everything organized and together. Multiple ticket systems are too confusing.
  10. Are all the paths set correctly in the b3.xml?
  11. Try in your .bat C:\path_to_b3_dir\b3_run.py
  12. Execute the .py in a .bat file and use TCA to run this .bat file
  13. How did you install your AA servers back in April?
  14. I wish I could get that smart....and it has been 35 years for me
  15. Are you a licensed Ventrilo provider? See the post by ECF right before yours.
  16. I only know of 2 people using TCAdmin for ARCA, but there may be a few more. One is on here daily and the other is a couple of times a week.
  17. A search for "ventrilo" comes up with 5 pages of results, I saw at least 3 threads that had config files attached to them. As for the server files, you will need to get them from Flagship.
  18. This one works fine if you change it from bf1942 to bfv http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=2669 If you are having problems, then your directory structure of your game is not matching the cfg.
  19. Did you look at this thread? http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=5318&highlight=murmur
  20. My guess is that your directory structure does not match the cfg.
  21. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=2948&page=2
  22. You can call it whatever you want. However it must match with the name in in your TCAdmin cfg.
  23. Need to knock the cobwebs off of that classic. The original sim racing game Graphics are a bit dated now, but still is a blast to run.
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