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Everything posted by icekohl

  1. icekohl

    Opera Support?

    I think I remember reading that TCA and Opera will not work.
  2. Yes. http://help.tcadmin.com/File_System_Permissions
  3. Service type is in the allowed list under the server settings for target server?
  4. Update steamcmd itself http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11104
  5. dont allow resllers to create? I think that's an option..
  6. http://www.arma2.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=file&Itemid=20&id=765%3Aarma-2-linux-standalone-server-1-11&lang=en
  7. What's different in your config Adam? I might be interested in it.
  8. Not trying to be a jerk but, you need to read the documentation if you do not know what the .xml files are.
  9. Just a heads up, if you use this config, you need to edit the web console settings, if you allow users to have it. In this config css\cstrike\console.log Should be cstrike\console.log Otherwise I have seen no problems with it.
  10. Updates are still not showing in my panel. Might put a ticket in soon LFA, have you look, any ideas to try 1st?
  11. After the latest update I've added all .dlls from steam client. Everything has been smooth since.
  12. Your's is in a different order than the one I'm running and shouldn't make a difference but, none the less looks correct. +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_masterServerPort $[service.GamePort] +set net_queryPort $[service.CustomPort1] +set net_port $[service.CustomPort2] +set sv_config server.cfg +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +start_map_rotate
  13. Game/Query/Rcon port should all be the same in the service settings. default 27015 Custom port1 27014 Custom port2 27016 Port increment 100 First I'd try another IP and check any other services (source engine/mw) that may also be using the default or 27115 port, there shouldn't be any but i've seen weirder things. Also check and change if needed the steam settings for MW3 to use steamcmd as the default config probably still has it using hldsupdatetool, put the check for verify/validate and rerun update or steam game download app ID 42750 for dedicated server That's where I'd start.
  14. it works, maybe post a screenie of your cfg.
  15. Keep em coming. I did notice that the tooltip/notification bubble did not come up showing update available upon login as admin though. If the software 'calls home' to check for updates then maybe I just saw the post and logged in before it had made a scheduled check. If it does it on admin login then maybe something broke and it could be quite possible that it only didn't show up for me. Manual check for update did show correct new version available.
  16. Have you tried updating again using the manual method?
  17. When is he not here? Luis is a workhorse.
  18. Unless I'm mistaken this should already be taken care of if you do a database backup, if you're just saving your settings and info.
  19. http://help.tcadmin.com/Custom_Login_Form
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