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Everything posted by icekohl

  1. If anything this should be restricted to mods,maps and, configs. I see no need whatsoever to give clients backups of core game files. Not to mention the bandwidth costs.
  2. http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2012/02/survey/
  3. If you using cracked files please leave.
  4. If you look at a client in WHMCS and look on the products/services tab it shows order number. Look at summary tab and scroll down, the ID # there next to their services should match the billing ID in TCA. I think this is what you are seeing, it had me confused at first until I found the different ID number in the summary tab. If the ID # on the summary tab and TCA don't match then you have another issue but, seeing as the module is working as expected I think your looking at the wrong number.
  5. This was a master migration and server consolidation move. Migrated master to new machine. Moved all current clients on separate machine to master via TCA functionality Everything else works except MC via TCA To answer your questions New IP but, server.properties shows correct new IP TCAGame has correct permissions and is running other services fine. MC server will run manually if I put entire command line into .bat as "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" %* -Xmx1530M -Xms1530M -jar craftbukkit-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui running by dbl click of bat. Will not run manually if put in "run" as suggested in http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services#Running_the_Service_Manually Will run manually using run as above with .bat containing "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" %* Will not run via TCA CP Only other thing that is different is Master is 2k3 and old remote was 2k8, there isn't anything different that needs to be done with that is there? *Edit* I should prob start another thread now that this one is completely off original topic lol
  6. Ya I might have the almighty Luis take a look just in case. Wondering if I was to actually reinstall TCA and then overwrite the DB and theme if that might fix things. Like I said I can get them up using the .bat manually. It seems as though TCA is not passing the symbols in script or, I could be completely off base. Sleep deprived and will have another look after some rest.
  7. If you haven't done this yet you might hold off. I just did this and all my MC servers are broken. They run manually but will not start in TCA. If I hunt down the problem I'll let you know.
  8. In reseller, look at game and voice tab. In the Game Servers tab make sure you have the games u want the reseller to be able to sell selected or all servers. In Servers make sure [no servers] is not selected.
  9. Like a boss u say? I bow to you.
  10. General Settings->Games and other->Minecraft->Web Console Make sure Web Console Input Source is set to Console commands.
  11. I have nvr been able to use the 'official' minecraft. It has a few issues that can be fixed with a little work. I haven't posted my config because I use a diff 1 for each level of service. I have a diff config for each ram level.
  12. could you not just put -dir $[service.UserDirectory]\orangebox\garrysmod\ ?
  13. Lets say the master is down for whatever reason. If this is turned on and SQL Replication is in place, would a remote control panel be functional?
  14. @frbnet %Service_RootDirectory% should be ${Service_RootDirectory} if your using v2
  15. You can run servers on the master but it's not suggested in my opinion. My current setup Website for site and WHMCS Master - runs CP nothing else 3 remotes running games only 2 remotes running voice only SQL replication on all IMO this is optimal, keeps everything in it's own place and runs great.
  16. Are you using a steam version of the .exe? If so upload a retail copy.
  17. To find the error you can do a couple of things. 1 stop the service manager service and start it in console mode. 2 copy the command line, Connect to box via RDP, create a shortcut to the .exe and add the command line to the shortcut then run.
  18. Saw the new linux config thought I'd throw up my updated Win config. Will need some touching unless you want to advertise for me Updates include New server.cfg Multi IP Gametracker COD_MW3 - Windows.xml
  19. Put together a more complete config. If I can get the motd working I will update. nucleardawn - Windows.xml
  20. Have you tried manual update? http://help.tcadmin.com/Updating#Manual_Update
  21. Yes it updates remotes as well. You can always check to make sure by going Server Management -> Servers -> Show Versions
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