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Everything posted by icekohl

  1. Would be nice touch to have command line / maplist change on schedule. Some of my clients like to run certain maps/variables at different times. Being able to dynamically change the map/cmd line on schedule would be of great value to many of my clients. Maybe possibly set as an addon like gameswitcher for added revenue.
  2. I think I would like to see this also, google translate zerowing edition, has me confused though.
  3. Is this what you are referencing? http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8993
  4. Thought u were on V2 dude.
  5. is +set net_ip %serverip% in your commandline? I'm running v2 so my config would be of little use to you guys.
  6. Glad to hear it worked and your welcome.
  7. I'd have them run a manual update first, see what results. http://help.tcadmin.com/Updating#Manual_Update_Procedure_for_Windows
  8. This is one of those bugs that isn't a problem as the system works correctly but shows incorrectly. Had a tech complain about having to do double the work when updating our minecraft services. When updating default command lines in the general settings area it does not automatically update the predefined command lines on the settings page after saving, or updating existing services. Reference screenshot. Installing a new service or updating existing does use the new default command line and shows the correct 'new' command line to the user in the command line manager and to the admin in service settings of any instance of a service. So this isn't really a bug in how the system works but, it is however a possible source of confusion for techs. Not sure if this is the intended functionality or was simply overlooked. Either way thought I'd bring it to your attention.
  9. It's already there, in the widgets panel in the top right. You can set one for each server and which parameters you want to monitor. You can also set different refresh times for each parameter.
  10. icekohl

    FTP bug

    Whenever you manually update, have you gone back and run the web update afterwards? This is needed in order to update the DB. I also have had to use the manual update on almost every update, running the web update works after a manual system update as expected, only takes about a minute. Since you've run the DB command not sure what result you may get but I'd suggest running the web update and see what you get, backing up the DB prior of course.
  11. I could be wrong as I haven't used the feature yet but I'm under the impression that the 'uninstall' will only edit out any changes made to configs/commandline when the mod is installed, in some cases rendering the mod unusable or disabled. In some cases where the mod is called regardless of config/cmd and this would not work. Either way I do not believe the uninstall feature actually deletes the files. This may be a bug or my assumption might be correct. I'm sure Luis will be along shortly to enlighten us.
  12. There are no dumb questions. Only dumb ppl that don't ask questions.
  13. it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a build for both folders until the next update, get ahead of the curve if they revert back to orangebox. If they don't revert on next update, which is next week from my view, then we can count on it staying in the css folder.
  14. Not really much help... If your editing the command line or a config/mail template they are already there in the drop down above the text box with a nice little insert link. Very good thinking to put that in.
  15. This was asked for in another thread so I thought I'd post it here for anyone looking. Please update if any are missing/incorrect. Current list of tags for variables in TCA 2 for commandlines, cfgs, etc. $[service.ServiceId] $[service.IpAddress] $[service.GamePort] $[service.IpHostname] $[service.RConPort] $[service.QueryPort] $[service.Slots] $[HostName] $[RConPassword] $[isPrivate] $[isPublicBoolean] $[PrivatePassword] $[service.RootDirectory] $[service.CustomPort1] $[service.CustomPort2] $[service.CustomPort3] $[service.CustomPort4] $[service.CustomPort5] $[service.GameKey] $[service.UserDirectory] ![ConfigFile] ![FpsMax] ![insecure] ![startupMap]
  16. Be patient, get your business known and grown. EA does not take it's RSP program lightly and you will need to prove to them that it is in their interest to bring your company into the program. I'm also looking to get into the RSP but, I know my business is not anywhere near ready to apply. Personally I'm going to wait until I have a few thousand clients and then start my pursuit. I'd suggest calling instead of emailing and start planning a trip to Redwood City. This should be moved to off topic.
  17. Update via panel did nothing so I tried manual. Manual update crashes. Ran monitor in console mode and tried via panel again. Got following error. System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'App_global.asax.dll' is denied. at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recur sive) at TCAdmin.Monitor.Standard.WebServices.ServerUtilities.UpdateTCAdminFiles(St ring url)
  18. Have you checked auto refresh? Try uninstall and reinstall of WinPcap. http://help.tcadmin.com/System_Requirements
  19. Dimitri has a tutorial to show you how to set this up. 1. It's not free 2. I have no idea if it's v2 compatible
  20. Please elaborate on 'reversible'.
  21. icekohl

    UTF-8 support

    my post was going to start. In Soviet Russia... blah blah blah.. but i have refrained.
  22. my bad, misunderstood what you were asking.
  23. It's not on port 80 because it's still in beta.
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