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Everything posted by Bubka3

  1. There are other programs more suited to do this. mRemoteNG comes to mind (something like that).
  2. you can contact us. we've completed all types of work.
  3. The second result for a google search of "interactive services". http://blogs.msdn.com/b/patricka/archive/2010/04/27/what-is-interactive-services-detection-and-why-is-it-blinking-at-me.aspx
  4. Why you put a space between "maps /"? It should be "maps/" (example).
  5. http://help.tcadmin.com/Fast_Downloads
  6. And here is a nice way to automate that: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=10869
  7. The header should be more like: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=10895
  8. I want generic version of template. You should make generic version and sell it for around a small amount. Many would pick it up.
  9. Just wondering, why a MineCraft background if you do more then just MineCraft?
  10. The longer Luis is quiet, the more juicy the feature will be! Just something I noticed.
  11. If you are not happy with the current development cycle, either make your own product, or find another one. Don't go complaining on the forums and making obnoxious demands. Maybe if Luis didn't spend so much time answering people like you he would be able to get a little more done.
  12. If your going to make demands, at least spell already in the title of your request correctly. It costs time to develop all these features. Would you like to contribute code to Luis instead since you want it so fast?
  13. Keep in mind that will install Mono, and it won't run through cPanel. Make sure your VPS has enough RAM as well. Also, with this setup you will pay for 1 extra license, as you need 2, 1 master, 1 remote.
  14. Yes, it's called CTRL + H. Find: common/not/need/path Replace: <null> aka nothing, leave this blank.
  15. Run steam update to get a fresh copy of any files. Are you running any plugins?
  16. Use a SQLite Browser, plenty of them on google.
  17. Can you run the server without TCAdmin?
  18. I'm not thinking. There is nothing wrong in what you provided. That is fact. Material/model based errors are normal and expected.
  19. I don't see anything wrong. >> Failed to load $include VMT file (materials/DE_DUST/TILEFLOOR02.vmt) Is safe to ignore.
  20. I looked through the rules and it might be because I had no source. IE: "Scripts or other programmed things released on these forums MUST include all source." Retrieved from: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=64144
  21. No, I just refresh the page it said Invalid thread. I have no PMs, infractions, or emails. It's pretty typical of them. I would ask why but I don't have the slightest clue on how to contact anyone. And a warning for our other members: SAMP has the most highest fraud rate I've ever seen. The only chargebacks I every got was for SAMP services. We're going to start doing it again with manual processing in the future soon.
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