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Everything posted by Bubka3

  1. Then find the original process in Task Manager and kill it. Oh, and here is something easier to find processes with: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx (thanks to Luis )
  2. Most likely 1 srcds server is not binded to an IP, and binding on all IPs instead.
  3. RAID is a providers backup solution. If an HD fails, you got the backup to place it back. Any other backups a customer may need (deleted file, etc) should make on his own. You can already make a backup box and have TCAdmin upload backups via FTP. The thing is the client can't download.
  4. Yes, but what I meant was let them download the zipped file right after clicking Backup. Delete when download done.
  5. This means port 27015 is already in use.
  6. I should mention a GSP should be running servers in RAID mode which is all you have to worry about, tbh. Backups are the customers duty. I wouldn't allow this backup to be stored on our FTP. They should be able to download it, not store it. You can also perform server wide FTP backups via the Task Scheduler.
  7. Is it possible to lock admin's account to a proper IP address?
  8. If I wanted to use it for ddos spam or anything else, I would take advantage of meta mod and the various srcds exploits.
  9. When will FastDL compression be added?
  10. We're going to have to add Steam CMD.
  11. I got a key now, and this SteamCMD garbage is annoying. And it's not built into TCAdmin.
  12. Great how I can't get a damn key Valve! Using Steam since 2006, no, no key for me. /rant
  13. Can't join that server. Still down.
  14. is not responding to query
  15. Alright then, in 1 hour I will have US download up for anyone interested.
  16. @Cobby, I am only getting 50-65KB/s off a 1Gbps server in Chicago. I would download the game/server but I am waiting for my game box in the mail.
  17. Sorry, I should of been more clear, no, the group we run under does not have permissions except to open an exe as a service. It is not RDP accessible, and it can't do anything but run 1 exe as a service. Oh, and the exploit fix was a partial, I am pretty sure you can still upload and download random files. Here is Allied Modder's take on this. http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SRCDS_Hardening https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=841590 https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=142249 http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=9 If you really want to lock down and are not lazy, https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=779851 These get rids of the more common nasty exploits. The exploit is only used as a targeted attack, and it takes a lot of patience. Most people will never even see it. As stated above Valve did try to fix it. And the people looking for putting the escape code on you are just lazy people, who want TCAdmin to just double click and make them a game host.
  18. Well, I kinda assumed that people already do this. I guess not.
  19. This is what I am saying: Since all the accounts are locked to their own folder, the .dll will only be able to access their own folder (This assumes you are using Dimitri security method or TCA v2, user per service method, which I both highly recommend). So yes, I can go block .dll, which will inconvenience everyone, but the security it provides is FALSE. With srcds, the exploit which allows .dll will bypass TCA restricts, as it gets written by srcds.exe, not TCA's FTP or File Manager. What your saying is, what if the client uploads the bad .dll? Well then you just hacked yourself as you won't be able to access anything outside of the game server root. What if the someone uses the exploit? Then they get to hack the client's server, and they would probably only end up with access to server files and the rcon password as no one keeps there billing and control panel details in a text file on their server. To prevent this problem, the clients can disabling uploading, and enjoy a safe server.
  20. Even if you do not allow .DLL in TCAdmin, a exploit in srcds can allow a attacker to upload any file they wish into the server. So really blocking .dll is just an inconvenience, since a security it provides can be bypassed by this exploit. With that said, if you lock the account it runs with to a folder, I believe they are unable to access anything outside of that.
  21. We allow dll. Has our servers been hacked? No. It's called each server has separate account. If someone is still not utilizing this method in 2012, they are begging to end up on this guys list at hack forums. As Luis said, its in the welcome email. And the dll is blocked by default. You unlock DLL, then you need to take some security measures. EDIT: Thinking about it, TCAdmin dll restriction would be bypassed as srcds.exe can write the dll. With TCA2 he would just get access to the persons server, not the whole machine.
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